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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Oh noes Captain Manning was critical of OF, how will we ever cope? *faints*
Hes such a kiss ass too. Almost all of his posts he makes are halfway on point. The other half is him trying to get upboats or recognizable to “Dear Leader”. Ive noticed alot of the main usernames that don’t ever log off like him all fucking do this. Its pathetic.
Hes such a kiss ass too. Almost all of his posts he makes are halfway on point. The other half is him trying to get upboats or recognizable to “Dear Leader”. Ive noticed alot of the main usernames that don’t ever log off like him all fucking do this. Its pathetic.
I only remember seeing him post in the bear computer thread, and his posts in there were pretty fucking cringe.
So I think I pissed him off originally because he wanted to shit out a thread on PG and then I said no I'll do it and that never came to be. The lolcow in question was quickly arrested after too.
I interacted with him in chat once and he said "I dont get the point of APC all he posts is about jews", when in reality jewsperging is probably 25-30% of my content which is intetional. I explained this to him and he just ignored it.
I notice for a long time hes been very pro israel, very anti Palestinian(repeatedly calling for them to be bombed, which if I said about Israel I'd get MATI ratings up the wazoo). Iirc hes a christian but theres clearly some moralfag shit where he can't handle people talking about jews. The thing is too a lot of my jewsperging isn't negative, I just find jews interesting and I really always have.
After he threadbanned me I also went to his awful thread trying to "set the narrative" for the WSB like the media does, where I said "when you threadban people like this and act so sensitive that's why people don't want to help you" which although blunt is truthful.

I posted in 7-9 different lolcow threads today, but only people mention the 1 thread I posted about jews.
I was on your side until you started complaining about moralfaggotry, I don't get the moralfag insult, imagine believing yourself to be superior because you lack a moral compass and an ethical character.
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So what I coded there works specifically for page 40 of this thread. The next step (i.e. when I'm not at work or being lazy) would be to generalize it so that it grabs all the urls for threads on Onion Farms (which we can get with the sitemap!), gets all of the pages for each thread (some simple HTML scraping I think, or in the worst case we can just use the zombie Chrome with Selenium, get the number here: e.g.
View attachment 2811
and then just manually generate the page list. Once we've got a list of urls we just loop over all of them using that code I wrote earlier to check each page's messages for the user's messages and rate them however we want.

Kiwi Farms works exactly the same way. Y'know, hypothetically (I disavow, etc).
If you just wanted to target a specific user you could use the "find all content by X" link on their profile and loop through all the links there. You would probably want to keep a set of all urls you've already visited though, since if they have posted multiple times on a single page that page will show up multiple times. Still would be way faster than looping through the entire site. And if you are looking to avoid captchas, you should be able to just slow the bot down and maybe add a bit of delay/randomness. 200-400 posts per hour is safe, but you could probably go way faster.