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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
you can tell he was jerking off while making this post and got so excited he accidentally put "it" twice
This faggot has been seething over me and stalking my posts for weeks now, wouldn't stop spamming my profile or replying to me with off topic retardation.
Would come into chat just to be a sperg and spam the same "leaf rake" joke 4 times in a single day once. He claims to not be a republican, then constantly defends them more then anybody else I think I've seen on awhile, even on A&N.
He's an annoying weirdo loser and one of the worst.
I rather enjoyed seeing him get his retarded face get messed up in the lol look at this faggot thread in supporters.
That’s pretty much every A&N poster: claims to be an enlightened centrist and former demonrat voter who thinks they’ve gone too far and must vote Republican. They are above it all but will defend everything Trump does and will accept every conspiracy theory uncritically that validates their opinions and hero worship about him. Spent the last few weeks of the election talking about Hunter Biden’s penis but thinks they are serious political commentators. If you mention the men in the little hats at all, they will screech, squawk and go into conniption fits to the point where it’s fun to bring them up.
Arm Pit Cream? More like Arm Pit Creampie, lmao, get fucked.
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Now I want Cream to be this urban kiwi legend, gone for mysterious reasons that totally aren't because Josh is a dingus
Arm Pit Creampie brought Jewsh terrible memories of the Shoah with his rampant antisemitism.
Our community needs to heal, not more alt-right chuds and problematic neonazis.
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Now I want Cream to be this urban kiwi legend, gone for mysterious reasons that totally aren't because Josh is a dingus
Its very funny that these losers think they have some close knit community by using the chatroom or ass-kissy posting for Mods or Josh to love them for.

another user thats a big kiss ass is Instythot. That dude makes it his business to stay in these DM groups the KF users form to gossip about other users. Ill never understand why they all do this shit. Its like a community of sniveling snakes. How do they all bed with one another so hard?
Some posts that weren't covered from the ban @Leg Pit Cream thread.
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I don't get why everyone thinks all OF users were justly banned for being speds while most of us just dual-post or just switched loyalties for KiwiFarms having speds. Especially considering the exodus in December during Null's doomposting and faggotry of the politisperg hugbox fiasco.
Its very funny that these losers think they have some close knit community by using the chatroom or ass-kissy posting for Mods or Josh to love them for.

another user thats a big kiss ass is Instythot. That dude makes it his business to stay in these DM groups the KF users form to gossip about other users. Ill never understand why they all do this shit. Its like a community of sniveling snakes. How do they all bed with one another so hard?
If that's true, then I'd love to see those PM's get leaked to see a tism fit, to see if people say it's different from the politisperg PMs.
Some posts that weren't covered from the ban @Leg Pit Cream thread.
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I don't get why everyone thinks all OF users were justly banned for being speds while most of us just dual-post or just switched loyalties for KiwiFarms having speds. Especially considering the exodus in December during Null's doomposting and faggotry of the politisperg hugbox fiasco.

If that's true, then I'd love to see those PM's get leaked to see a tism fit, to see if people say it's different from the politisperg PMs.
I started using OF months ago so this accusation I ran here for that reason is pretty laughable.

Uncle Warren is seething Thotto groupie, idc about irrelevant fags he should probably stay in supporters or discord where hes comfortable. The fact he's still salty from last summer is truly hilarious.
Captain manning is a lolcow whose even had his daddy, Nick Reikita chew him up
Forever sunrise is eternally seething kike(even though he totally denies it, hes just a regular anglo!). He came onto my profile to call me the worst human ever because I make jew jokes. Dude can't handle the internet.