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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Some posts that weren't covered from the ban @Leg Pit Cream thread.
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I don't get why everyone thinks all OF users were justly banned for being speds while most of us just dual-post or just switched loyalties for KiwiFarms having speds. Especially considering the exodus in December during Null's doomposting and faggotry of the politisperg hugbox fiasco.

If that's true, then I'd love to see those PM's get leaked to see a tism fit, to see if people say it's different from the politisperg PMs.
Oh they will for sure. But I don't see the point in a PM, when you have a paywall blocked forum specifically to mock people in.
Some posts that weren't covered from the ban @Leg Pit Cream thread.
View attachment 3486View attachment 3487View attachment 3488View attachment 3489
I don't get why everyone thinks all OF users were justly banned for being speds while most of us just dual-post or just switched loyalties for KiwiFarms having speds. Especially considering the exodus in December during Null's doomposting and faggotry of the politisperg hugbox fiasco.

If that's true, then I'd love to see those PM's get leaked to see a tism fit, to see if people say it's different from the politisperg PMs.
KF users all stay in private DM groups. Ones exist for certain cows. Others are the cool kids club with a mod or some type of staff in it. Others use it for gay ops.

kiwifarms rules just mean people do it privately. See the ralph leaks as an example.
Is this the KF ban support group thread? lol

Oh they will for sure. But I don't see the point in a PM, when you have a paywall blocked forum specifically to mock people in.
Just like Josh wants to force the banks to provide him with financial services, I want to force Josh to unpaywall his paywalled stuff.
I'm not giving him $20 bucks and my dignity to join the cool kids secret club, fuck that.

kiwifarms rules just mean people do it privately. See the ralph leaks as an example.
I have been following Ethan Ralph for a while now and I have no idea what the ralph leaks are, can you refresh my memory?
Are you talking about PMs being set up for the infamous sex tape with Faith or something like that?

@fag0t James Potter is going to perma-ban you for having an account here and being bitchy about it at one point or another, probably in 1 or 2 meltdowns time, just so you know
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Just like Josh wants to force the banks to provide him with financial services, I want to force Josh to unpaywall his paywalled stuff.
I'm not giving him $20 bucks and my dignity to join the cool kids secret club, fuck that.

I have been following Ethan Ralph for a while now and I have no idea what the ralph leaks are, can you refresh my memory?
Are you talking about PMs being set up for the infamous sex tape with Faith or something like that?

@fag0t James Potter is going to perma-ban you for having an account here and being bitchy about it at one point or another, probably in 1 or 2 meltdowns time, just so you know
The Ralph leaks was recent and it was the faith leaks of dms between her, ralph and Pantsu party trying to make it some weird 3 way sister wives relationship. With ralph acting like a pure sociopath. How the leaks came out was a fuck up of a bunch of ralph a-logs in KF dm groups for at least a year cordinating the drops and build up and the “glory” it even went into zceleb twitter spats.
Needless to say, it originated with gay op kf dm cliches and the mods Okayed it like faggots. Specifically Josh did.
I love how they've already jumped to assuming i'm making socks to spam my own rip thread. These retards are beyond brain dead and hilariously seething at me.
I love how they've already jumped to assuming i'm making socks to spam my own rip thread. These retards are beyond brain dead and hilariously seething at me.
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Just wait til a Mod just says “verified” and then they will be pure schitzo posters and immediately assume its all true with no proof or anything. The mods love to out “socks” when they think its funny or some stupid powergame shit but reality is that probably the majority of “socks” are just random nobodies or troons or furries who then fuck off and DFE because Josh or some staffer spooked them half to death with about 100 users now spamming them in comments and profile posts and DMs.

Also, its fucking retarded the entire idea of “Halaling users” and shouldnt even be a thing that is practiced. Older users should know by now that the Staff watch its users like hawks and keep tabs on them in case they wanna punish someone. Its the best way to make people not want to use your site. Period.
Forever sunrise is eternally seething kike(even though he totally denies it, hes just a regular anglo!). He came onto my profile to call me the worst human ever because I make jew jokes. Dude can't handle the internet.
That's nothing new. Forever Sunrise used to get pissy about Wildchild and autisticdragonkin (oldschool Deep Thoughts sperg duo) back in 2015 and 2016 too. He recently even left a touchy post on Wildchild's profile, 4 years after they got banned.


Funny seeing him complain about other peoples' online feuds.
Ok, let's unpack this.
Also, its fucking retarded the entire idea of “Halaling users” and shouldnt even be a thing that is practiced. Older users should know by now that the Staff watch its users like hawks and keep tabs on them in case they wanna punish someone.
I wish my designated FBI agent was this dedicated.
Its the best way to make people not want to use your site. Period.
Yes, that's why it's a good thing.

Jokes aside, I'm not against halaling as long as the person is putting voluntarily that information out there through ignorance (git gud newfaggots) or risk tolerance (they don't mind anyway).
Comparing the writing patterns, upvote-downvote patterns, the metadata of random documents and waking hours of different users is Zed-and-Bastard-Samurai levels of trying too hard, it's bad and you should feel bad if you do it.

You want to have a permanent trollshield? Too bad, that only makes me want to halal you even more, what shit do you have out there that makes you so worried about halal threads @Battle of Brainiac? My DMs are always open if you feel like sharing, but as I said, I'm not going to do some beancounter or computer toucher shit on you, I'm not Anomalous, I'm not legion, I couldn't care less about analyzing your writing patterns, IPs, document metadata and waking hours.
That's nothing new. Forever Sunrise used to get pissy about Wildchild and autisticdragonkin (oldschool Deep Thoughts sperg duo) back in 2015 and 2016 too. He recently even left a touchy post on Wildchild's profile, 4 years after they got banned.

View attachment 3522

Funny seeing him complain about other peoples' online feuds.
Let me tell you one thing: never in my entire lurking of Trollshield Farms I felt such a huge urge to tell someone "lol calm down" in all caps, I'm not memeing.
Calm down kike jew jokes ain't no holocaust lmao.
Ok, let's unpack this.

I wish my designated FBI agent was this dedicated.

Yes, that's why it's a good thing.

Jokes aside, I'm not against halaling as long as the person is putting voluntarily that information out there through ignorance (git gud newfaggots) or risk tolerance (they don't mind anyway).
Comparing the writing patterns, upvote-downvote patterns, the metadata of random documents and waking hours of different users is Zed-and-Bastard-Samurai levels of trying too hard, it's bad and you should feel bad if you do it.

You want to have a permanent trollshield? Too bad, that only makes me want to halal you even more, what shit do you have out there that makes you so worried about halal threads @Battle of Brainiac? My DMs are always open if you feel like sharing, but as I said, I'm not going to do some beancounter or computer toucher shit on you, I'm not Anomalous, I'm not legion, I couldn't care less about analyzing your writing patterns, IPs, document metadata and waking hours.
Calm down autist its not hard to get whats wrong with making a community that you’d claim as an owner youd “ruin your life” for also a potential public enemy. This isnt rocket science you need to “unpack” to get the potential issues with this.

hell, josh has already had examples of obvious problems with this. See: Vordrak, the trannies that showed up to his moms house and wanted to beat his ass. Again, not hard to get.

especially if you lie to your community and tell them you dont hold doxes on them and then literally give it to the Feds.

unless the person is talking about some seriously insane shit or actually being a problem for the community that a ban cant fix. Why make them possibly wanna be your enemy and dedicate their entire life wanting you on a pike. Its the same logic with Josh publicly showing private emails with literally every type of entity. Why mock governments and corporations to there face and brag it? Its fucking dumb unless you want to live in a 3rd world shithole hiding with no way to cash a bank check lol
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Some posts that weren't covered from the ban @Leg Pit Cream thread.
I don't get why everyone thinks all OF users were justly banned for being speds while most of us just dual-post or just switched loyalties for KiwiFarms having speds. Especially considering the exodus in December during Null's doomposting and faggotry of the politisperg hugbox fiasco.
Funny how most KF/OF dualposters are way more chill than KF fundamentalists. That said, I'm enough of a NPC to not attract the ire of KF fundies, despite being a blatant dualposter.

I'm just here for the calmer atmosphere.
Funny how most KF/OF dualposters are way more chill than KF fundamentalists. That said, I'm enough of a NPC to not attract the ire of KF fundies, despite being a blatant dualposter.

Only newfags and people who are already predisposed to hate Kengel repeated this line in that thread. A good amount of the people commenting this retarded line use /snow/ or /cow/ so I have no clue what they're talking about really.
Calm down autist its not hard to get whats wrong with making a community that you’d claim as an owner youd “ruin your life” for also a potential public enemy [...]
hell, josh has already had examples of obvious problems with this. See: Vordrak, the trannies that showed up to his moms house and wanted to beat his ass. Again, not hard to get.

especially if you lie to your community and tell them you dont hold doxes on them and then literally give it to the Feds.

unless the person is talking about some seriously insane shit or actually being a problem for the community that a ban cant fix. Why make them possibly wanna be your enemy and dedicate their entire life wanting you on a pike.
And those are bad things because?
And those are bad things because?
It is if you run the site dipshit. How are you not getting this? Isnt this the kiwifarms/Joshua Conner Moon subsection? Who do you think we are talking about or referencing in the topic? Nobody but you has referenced others in this thread or threatened them like myself you fucking moron.

calm down and learn to read
It is if you run the site dipshit. How are you not getting this? Isnt this the kiwifarms/Joshua Conner Moon subsection? Who do you think we are talking about or referencing in the topic? Nobody but you has referenced others in this thread or threatened them like myself you fucking moron.
Sir this a Wendy's.
calm down and learn to read
I just skimmed two threads in A&N, APC is definitely not the worst A&N poster
I just made jokes, gave some slightly hot takes and would oppose the dogmatic beliefs. That last one is particularly why people say i'm the worst.
Look APC may be a bad poster but objectively the worst A&N poster? Fuckin' hardly
bad posters don't get featured on the front page 3 times in one month :story: