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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
my point is unless you have cancer or are crippled, having "problems" on kf is really not an excuse for anything and even then I would really need to be sold on those prospects.
I wasn't "excusing" anything lol, calm down. If he was talking shit about you then yeah that was a dick move, but are you really going to keep lugging that baggage around? I did some dickish things on KF that I've come to regret, how do you know Wry won't come to regret what he said? People make mistakes all the time, don't let some dumb bullshit completely change your opinion of someone.
I wasn't "excusing" anything lol, calm down. If he was talking shit about you then yeah that was a dick move, but are you really going to keep lugging that baggage around? I did some dickish things on KF that I've come to regret, how do you know Wry won't come to regret what he said? People make mistakes all the time, don't let some dumb bullshit completely change your opinion of someone.
lol 1 post = lugging baggage, I can address faggotry thats the point of this thread. He could come to regret it but coming out at that particularly time against me was deliberate and something i felt for awhile, I just think he hides his real feelings on people most of the time.

edit: nice doublepost nigger
Screenshot_2021-02-04 Lol look at this faggot- OF edition.png
If you go to the forum discussion thread about you they're also calling all these other people socks of either you or SIG
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Lol florence is eternally seething and joined KF when they were 16. Very mentally ill and can't even put out content nowadays.
Muh vagina is so cringe they're funny. Underrated user tbh