To address the P2P sperging:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA these fucking tards don't understand that p2p video hosting is fine and think that because the IPs are visible that = DOXXXXXX wtf, these IPs cannot be linked up with users and this technology is commonly used. Null even went on to refute this himself because he sees P2P as the future, and he's likely correct.
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Also holy fuck that part about being arrested for watching Nick Fuentes' stream in Canada or the UK. How do people get this fucking retarded?
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View attachment 5243
More totally baseless insinuations of rape based on edgy vague tweets? Yea, clearly this thread needs more speculation based on no evidence. Very cool the janny decided to upboat this! Doesn't show his total bias at all.
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fucking based Jewsh repeating 3-4 year old, totally debunked myths that even the most cursory research would show was untrue(as was proven a few pages later). But hahaha conservative lolcow owned, he has gay family BTFO. Kinda says a lot that Jewsh immediately assumes two girls hugging eachother in an instagram pic which somehow equals lesbianism.
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