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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).

heckin cute and valid sockpuppet?

The Market may have failed but this ginger queen is SLAYING
View attachment 5261

heckin cute and valid sockpuppet?

The Market may have failed but this ginger queen is SLAYING
remember everyone: Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
More totally baseless insinuations of rape based on edgy vague tweets? Yea, clearly this thread needs more speculation based on no evidence. Very cool the janny decided to upboat this! Doesn't show his total bias at all.
Thankfully AutisticRight is only a gunt subforum janny. Not a huge issue in the gunt subforum since autistic personal vendettas are the norm there.
To address the P2P sperging:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA these fucking tards don't understand that p2p video hosting is fine and think that because the IPs are visible that = DOXXXXXX wtf, these IPs cannot be linked up with users and this technology is commonly used. Null even went on to refute this himself because he sees P2P as the future, and he's likely correct.
View attachment 5247
Also holy fuck that part about being arrested for watching Nick Fuentes' stream in Canada or the UK. How do people get this fucking retarded?

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More totally baseless insinuations of rape based on edgy vague tweets? Yea, clearly this thread needs more speculation based on no evidence. Very cool the janny decided to upboat this! Doesn't show his total bias at all.
View attachment 5245

fucking based Jewsh repeating 3-4 year old, totally debunked myths that even the most cursory research would show was untrue(as was proven a few pages later). But hahaha conservative lolcow owned, he has gay family BTFO. Kinda says a lot that Jewsh immediately assumes two girls hugging eachother in an instagram pic which somehow equals lesbianism.
View attachment 5248
lol the retardation in this thread never stops, it's more than certainly being raided by very bad faith actors.

Muh IP addresses that magically antifa will identify you by

about @Altruistic Right, I get he's not an IF janny. My issue is he's a janny when he uses the platform he's given to spit out blatant misinformation and then upboat poor quality posts against people he doesn't like. Not to mention, if he's using the thread he should at least be reporting poor quality posts or misinfo. And no being a gunt janny doesn't justify this, user @Vetti and even chronic retard @Gustav Schuchardt don't make up shit or back baseless info on people they dislike.
The same goes even more so for Null in this case.
You invited me to what eventually became a 1,600 person PM chain which I couldn't leave and the red bubble pissed me off so much that I had to talk myself out of going through with mass shooting plans multiple times that week.
So did you do it eventually?
How disingenuous can you be? "hurr let me cite my legal background repeatedly as a way to bolster my arguments, give my (wrong) legal hot takes for years and sperg about the law constantly......but i'm not a lawyer at all, you're dumb for getting confused!"
View attachment 5271
Massive attention whore and angry sped who's only excused by virtue of being an oldfag.
How disingenuous can you be? "hurr let me cite my legal background repeatedly as a way to bolster my arguments, give my (wrong) legal hot takes for years and sperg about the law constantly......but i'm not a lawyer at all, you're dumb for getting confused!"
View attachment 5271
Wait he wasn't a lawyer?
about @Altruistic Right, I get he's not an IF janny. My issue is he's a janny when he uses the platform he's given to spit out blatant misinformation and then upboat poor quality posts against people he doesn't like. Not to mention, if he's using the thread he should at least be reporting poor quality posts or misinfo. And no being a gunt janny doesn't justify this, user @Vetti and even chronic retard @Gustav Schuchardt don't make up shit or back baseless info on people they dislike.
Given the calibre of some of Jersh's newer janny hires, it's a bit fucking rich when KF autists point and laugh at OF's jannies. Maybe they're jealous of how based OF moderation is?
Posting threads this bad should be a bannable offense. Going from crying about "conservative reeducation camps" to fucking "The left is gonna do the Christchurch shooting and OKC" in the matter of a few lines, what a victim complex.
View attachment 5273
What about shooting up a conservative reeducation camp?