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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I visited the Nick Fuentes thread I contributed so much to just two weeks after my ban and it's already totally gone to shit. There's like a dozen new accounts spamming totally unverified rumors, people jerking off to 2-7 year old twitter drama with no evidence and making ridiculous rape accusations.
This was first brought to my attention when I noticed a sped sperging out in chat demanding FRONT PAGE NOW and null rightfully telling him he's retarded
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Let me give you that tldr you asked for fam, except it's by the user(anuscabbage12) who janny Altruistic Right said was a "superior data dumper" to me, whatever that means.
I've gone through the effort to address all the main points, because this is one of the single worst posts I have ever seen on kiwifarms and it epitomizes what the thread has devolved into. I don't think i've ever seen a more fictionalized, baseless """"effort"""" post.
View attachment 5153

Here's the rape accusations themselves, which the poster themselves DFE'd after proclaiming "I'm sick of this behaviour Shut your stupid goonybeard mouth or I will ruin you and all your clout chasing friends" very legit stuff bro wow (also posting years old publicly known names does not make your post more legit!! Sorry!!!!)
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wow a thread on like 4 irrelevant streamers with sub 200 viewers who you've already numerous baseless, totally unverified claims about? Fucking BASED.
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An Onion Farms Nick Fuentes thread might be worth making. I think there are a few kiwi threads on actually interesting internet personalities that have just devolved into shit flinging or dick sucking that it might be worth creating a version of them here and trying to enforce better standards.
An Onion Farms Nick Fuentes thread might be worth making. I think there are a few kiwi threads on actually interesting internet personalities that have just devolved into shit flinging or dick sucking that it might be worth creating a version of them here and trying to enforce better standards.
I mean it can't really get worse
I visited the Nick Fuentes thread I contributed so much to just two weeks after my ban and it's already totally gone to shit. There's like a dozen new accounts spamming totally unverified rumors, people jerking off to 2-7 year old twitter drama with no evidence and making ridiculous rape accusations.
This was first brought to my attention when I noticed a sped sperging out in chat demanding FRONT PAGE NOW and null rightfully telling him he's retarded
This has been going on a long time but seems to have spiraled out of control a few months ago. I don't know what the fuck is going on, but apparently PigClips was off limits for an OP, even though there were OPs posted with people literally asking for other kiwis to write it for them. The whole thing is mind boggling to me.
This has been going on a long time but seems to have spiraled out of control a few months ago. I don't know what the fuck is going on, but apparently PigClips was off limits for an OP, even though there were OPs posted with people literally asking for other kiwis to write it for them. The whole thing is mind boggling to me.
I don't like teaclips but I think your bias is showing a little bit, she's not a lolcow and i've seen I believe 3-4 OP attempts made on her by really angry incels who repeat the same few lines. She's a grifter, but somebody even like JessePS deserves a thread more than her, and he doesn't even deserve one.




I don't like teaclips but I think your bias is showing a little bit, she's not a lolcow and i've seen I believe 3-4 OP attempts made on her by really angry incels who repeat the same few lines. She's a grifter, but somebody even like JessePS deserves a thread more than her, and he doesn't even deserve one.
I agree she's a non-entity, I'm just saying it's bizarre that she is where Josh draws the line. That's not saying that there isn't some funny shit about her floating out there, I just don't think it's particularly thread worthy; there isn't enough material there. There have been so many things going on over there that have left me scratching my head, it's just the most recent thing that comes to mind.
I agree she's a non-entity, I'm just saying it's bizarre that she is where Josh draws the line. That's not saying that there isn't some funny shit about her floating out there, I just don't think it's particularly thread worthy but there isn't enough material there. There have been so many things going on over there that have left me scratching my head, it's just the most recent thing that comes to mind.
Personal army shit gets deleted all the time. Josh wasn't even the one who did it. The fact that PPP has enough influence to get it unlocked and that his simps *still* come to fucking onion farms to bitch about it says far more about the state of kiwi than the fact that a dogshit op that no one but people with a personal involvement in hating her wanted got locked.
I visited the Nick Fuentes thread I contributed so much to just two weeks after my ban and it's already totally gone to shit. There's like a dozen new accounts spamming totally unverified rumors, people jerking off to 2-7 year old twitter drama with no evidence and making ridiculous rape accusations.
This was first brought to my attention when I noticed a sped sperging out in chat demanding FRONT PAGE NOW and null rightfully telling him he's retarded
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Let me give you that tldr you asked for fam, except it's by the user(anuscabbage12) who janny Altruistic Right said was a "superior data dumper" to me, whatever that means.
I've gone through the effort to address all the main points, because this is one of the single worst posts I have ever seen on kiwifarms and it epitomizes what the thread has devolved into. I don't think i've ever seen a more fictionalized, baseless """"effort"""" post.
View attachment 5153

Here's the rape accusations themselves, which the poster themselves DFE'd after proclaiming "I'm sick of this behaviour Shut your stupid goonybeard mouth or I will ruin you and all your clout chasing friends" very legit stuff bro wow (also posting years old publicly known names does not make your post more legit!! Sorry!!!!)
View attachment 5159

wow a thread on like 4 irrelevant streamers with sub 200 viewers who you've already numerous baseless, totally unverified claims about? Fucking BASED.
View attachment 5162
Fortunately Null has seen enough fake and gay IBS bullshit to demand actual evidence. Present official rape verification or GTFO:
Fortunately Null has seen enough fake and gay IBS bullshit to demand actual evidence. Present official rape verification or GTFO:
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I can't believe I tried PMing this queer to try to help him improve his posts because he would add a billion unrelated things. He's just fucking lying about about shit, this can't even be chalked up to stupidity.

???BREAKING LIVE NEWS REPORT: The victim(conveniently commenting in the thread) wants to remain vague because there's an "open investigation", Kiwifarms breaking news where no other outlet dares to go!???
I've gone through the effort to address all the main points, because this is one of the single worst posts I have ever seen on kiwifarms and it epitomizes what the thread has devolved into. I don't think i've ever seen a more fictionalized, baseless """"effort"""" post.
original post said:
Auti being into lolicon
Arm Pit Cream's remark said:
Found the pedo.
I can't believe I tried PMing this queer to try to help him improve his posts because he would add a billion unrelated things. He's just fucking lying about about shit, this can't even be chalked up to stupidity.

???BREAKING LIVE NEWS REPORT: The victim(conveniently commenting in the thread) wants to remain vague because there's an "open investigation", Kiwifarms breaking news where no other outlet dares to go!???
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This is reminding me of the Genius Anus bullshit in ralph's thread, though anus's content was atleast focused on the fact that the conversations he was leaking took place, not the wild accusations made in leaked conversations. Anus was still a fag for the way he dropped his info, but he did provide real info in the end. This person seems to just be acting like allegations from 1 jilted lover are facts.
Local retard thinks of himself as a Bukowski spiritual sucessor.
Because there's nothing more patrician and enlightened than sharing your writings in a website about making fun of an autistic tranny who's a part time comic artist
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And somehow, the retard known as The Jumping Dwarf, similarly to the deceased Bastard Samurai, manages to make this too about their secret club.
@Saltimbanco since you're involved in this, thoughts?
His thread is half-cocked. He made it with only the text and none of the context for what makes the material funny.