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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
His thread is half-cocked. He made it with only the text and none of the context for what makes the material funny.
Hey, now that we're in the mood of answering questions what about you invite me to your top secret PM chain?

Hey @The Sauce Boss are you going to tolerate @Leg Pit Cream shit-talking you like that
You haven't addressed it! And you had 2 months to do it!
>adding an edit longer than your actual post
I visited the Nick Fuentes thread I contributed so much to just two weeks after my ban and it's already totally gone to shit. There's like a dozen new accounts spamming totally unverified rumors, people jerking off to 2-7 year old twitter drama with no evidence and making ridiculous rape accusations.
This was first brought to my attention when I noticed a sped sperging out in chat demanding FRONT PAGE NOW and null rightfully telling him he's retarded
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Let me give you that tldr you asked for fam, except it's by the user(anuscabbage12) who janny Altruistic Right said was a "superior data dumper" to me, whatever that means.
I've gone through the effort to address all the main points, because this is one of the single worst posts I have ever seen on kiwifarms and it epitomizes what the thread has devolved into. I don't think i've ever seen a more fictionalized, baseless """"effort"""" post.
View attachment 5153

Here's the rape accusations themselves, which the poster themselves DFE'd after proclaiming "I'm sick of this behaviour Shut your stupid goonybeard mouth or I will ruin you and all your clout chasing friends" very legit stuff bro wow (also posting years old publicly known names does not make your post more legit!! Sorry!!!!)
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wow a thread on like 4 irrelevant streamers with sub 200 viewers who you've already numerous baseless, totally unverified claims about? Fucking BASED.
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Nick should be on the front page, but not for those reasons. The AF infighting is pretty funny. His bank account is frozen and is possibly under FBI investigation. Sadly, Josh is one of those people who "feels bad" for Nick. He's talked about it on the kiwifarms fediverse node.
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>adding an edit longer than your actual post

Nick should be on the front page, but not for those reasons. The AF infighting is pretty funny. His bank account is frozen and is possibly under FBI investigation. Sadly, Josh is one of those people who "feels bad" for Nick. He's talked about it on the kiwifarms fediverse node.
I don't understand that position at all. Nick Fuentes is 100% fed. He's surrounded himself with fellow feds like Milo and Baked Alaska who are deeply involved with the groypers directly through Nick inviting them in. At all his Stop The Steal rallies, he was clearly surrounded by feds. He's asking for the full names of donators to his not-for-profit, which he knows has to be publicly disclosed as a cover for for feeding these peoples names to the the federal government. It's so fucking obvious it's painful. He's also 100% gay, has fucked dudes, and so is Kami/Baked.

You're telling me this crowd wasn't swarming with feds?
Glow in the dark detected.jpg

Fed handlers.jpg
Feds 3.jpg
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Hey, now that we're in the mood of answering questions what about you invite me to your top secret PM chain?
I've never made a PM chain myself.
You invited me to what eventually became a 1,600 person PM chain which I couldn't leave and the red bubble pissed me off so much that I had to talk myself out of going through with mass shooting plans multiple times that week.
General disdain? hate?
Or world is a fuck redact them all?
From the nick thread:


This guy responds to someone asking "is this guy telling the truth" by linking the timeline of the same guy.

Linking the twitter timeline. Not archives of tweets. Not links to the tweets. Not screenshots of the tweets. Not even screenshots or archives of the timeline. Just a link to the timeline.

Ignoring how retarded that is even if nothing goes wrong, well:


At least one person actually put some effort into their post talking about this:

Unfortunately not a single person has yet to post a lick of proof his stream was p2p beyond "trust me bro." From what I can tell it actually was, because multiple people have claimed to confirmed it, but I a t the bare minimum at least 1 person should have posted how they confirmed it, not just that they did.
From the nick thread:
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This guy responds to someone asking "is this guy telling the truth" by linking the timeline of the same guy.

Linking the twitter timeline. Not archives of tweets. Not links to the tweets. Not screenshots of the tweets. Not even screenshots or archives of the timeline. Just a link to the timeline.

Ignoring how retarded that is even if nothing goes wrong, well:View attachment 5239


At least one person actually put some effort into their post talking about this:
View attachment 5240

Unfortunately not a single person has yet to post a lick of proof his stream was p2p beyond "trust me bro." From what I can tell it actually was, because multiple people have claimed to confirmed it, but I a t the bare minimum at least 1 person should have posted how they confirmed it, not just that they did.
There are a lot of shitty posts that ought not exist, especially if they're misinformation or just complete bullshit. Highlight system was supposed to be a "solution" to the problems, but it really doesn't do shit lol. Also like that some retards rated the 2nd post linking the timeline with informative and like ratings. :story:
There are a lot of shitty posts that ought not exist, especially if they're misinformation or just complete bullshit. Highlight system was supposed to be a "solution" to the problems, but it really doesn't do shit lol. Also like that some retards rated the 2nd post linking the timeline with informative and like ratings. :story:
"Thank you for typing the @ from a twitter screenshot into twitter search and then linking the result, it was very informative!"
From the nick thread:
View attachment 5237
View attachment 5234
This guy responds to someone asking "is this guy telling the truth" by linking the timeline of the same guy.

Linking the twitter timeline. Not archives of tweets. Not links to the tweets. Not screenshots of the tweets. Not even screenshots or archives of the timeline. Just a link to the timeline.

Ignoring how retarded that is even if nothing goes wrong, well:View attachment 5239


At least one person actually put some effort into their post talking about this:
View attachment 5240

Unfortunately not a single person has yet to post a lick of proof his stream was p2p beyond "trust me bro." From what I can tell it actually was, because multiple people have claimed to confirmed it, but I a t the bare minimum at least 1 person should have posted how they confirmed it, not just that they did.
To address the P2P sperging:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA these fucking tards don't understand that p2p video hosting is fine and think that because the IPs are visible that = DOXXXXXX wtf, these IPs cannot be linked up with users and this technology is commonly used. Null even went on to refute this himself because he sees P2P as the future, and he's likely correct.
Also holy fuck that part about being arrested for watching Nick Fuentes' stream in Canada or the UK. How do people get this fucking retarded?



More totally baseless insinuations of rape based on edgy vague tweets? Yea, clearly this thread needs more speculation based on no evidence. Very cool the janny decided to upboat this! Doesn't show his total bias at all.
lol based janny.png

fucking based Jewsh repeating 3-4 year old, totally debunked myths that even the most cursory research would show was untrue(as was proven a few pages later). But hahaha conservative lolcow owned, he has gay family BTFO. Kinda says a lot that Jewsh immediately assumes two girls hugging eachother in an instagram pic which somehow equals lesbianism.
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Literally every single time you use some p2p-based software you're "downloading" the IPs of all the other users that are your peers.
When boomers send us their computer touchers, they ain't sending their best!

To address the P2P sperging:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA these fucking tards don't understand that p2p video hosting is fine and think that because the IPs are visible that = DOXXXXXX wtf, these IPs cannot be linked up with users and this technology is commonly used. Null even went on to refute this himself because he sees P2P as the future, and he's likely correct.
View attachment 5247
Also holy fuck that part about being arrested for watching Nick Fuentes' stream in Canada or the UK. How do people get this fucking retarded?

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View attachment 5243

More totally baseless insinuations of rape based on edgy vague tweets? Yea, clearly this thread needs more speculation based on no evidence. Very cool the janny decided to upboat this! Doesn't show his total bias at all.
View attachment 5245

fucking based Jewsh repeating 3-4 year old, totally debunked myths that even the most cursory research would show was untrue(as was proven a few pages later). But hahaha conservative lolcow owned, he has gay family BTFO. Kinda says a lot that Jewsh immediately assumes two girls hugging eachother in an instagram pic which somehow equals lesbianism.
View attachment 5248
The more I read Nick's thread the less I know what the fuck is going on.
I don't know why these niggers have such a hateboner for Nick but this alogging is fake and gay and I would not have sex with it.