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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
lol the retardation in this thread never stops, it's more than certainly being raided by very bad faith actors.
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Muh IP addresses that magically antifa will identify you by
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It was pretty shitty to not tell anyone it was p2p, but the IP alone isn't going to do much. It still is bad to have that info leaked, but its not like someone is going to put your ip into google and get your face from it. Anyone watching nick fuentes should use a vpn, period IMO, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be upfront about it being p2p,
about @Altruistic Right, I get he's not an IF janny. My issue is he's a janny when he uses the platform he's given to spit out blatant misinformation and then upboat poor quality posts against people he doesn't like. Not to mention, if he's using the thread he should at least be reporting poor quality posts or misinfo. And no being a gunt janny doesn't justify this, user @Vetti and even chronic retard @Gustav Schuchardt don't make up shit or back baseless info on people they dislike.
The same goes even more so for Null in this case.
True. I've just accepted KF is doomed to low quality posting and personal army shit at this point though, so its hard to get worked up over something like that when the entire userbase is just as bad.
Posting threads this bad should be a bannable offense. Going from crying about "conservative reeducation camps" to fucking "The left is gonna do the Christchurch shooting and OKC" in the matter of a few lines, what a victim complex.
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Iran launching nukes at the US

Wew lads
Moving away from politics for a bit, there's this guy that has a bone to pick with and made two threads which both being Spergatory'd. Both were PA requests and called the cops on the dude he made the threads on.
Here's two highlights from one thread.
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The best part. He admits to getting the cops on the dude he made the thread on.
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I pointed this out on his profile and this is what he had to say and my response.
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Thankfully AutisticRight is only a gunt subforum janny. Not a huge issue in the gunt subforum since autistic personal vendettas are the norm there.
about @Altruistic Right, I get he's not an IF janny. My issue is he's a janny when he uses the platform he's given to spit out blatant misinformation and then upboat poor quality posts against people he doesn't like. Not to mention, if he's using the thread he should at least be reporting poor quality posts or misinfo. And no being a gunt janny doesn't justify this, user @Vetti and even chronic retard @Gustav Schuchardt don't make up shit or back baseless info on people they dislike.
He's become a lot worse ever since he became a janny. His posts in the WuFlu thread back when all that first started were god-tier, and it was handy actually having someone formally-trained in statistics around to tear apart the arguments from doomers like Train Dodger. But that was back then. Ever since it seems like he just doesn't give a fuck about the quality of his information anymore. I've kind of reversed my opinion on him to be honest (and on Train Dodger for that matter: that doomer is pretty based and knowledgeable when he's not freaking out about COVID).

(Also, his name is AltisticRight (like Alt-Right, but with Alt-istic instead, geddit?) but if you guys are spelling it incorrectly on purpose then I'm the altistic one I guess.)
>(and on Train Dodger for that matter: that doomer is pretty based and knowledgeable when he's not freaking out about COVID).

Really? Doesn't seem like it. He writes in the same kind of "look at me, I'm fucking smart" wall of text and irritating spacing. People who are smart and knowledgeable know when there's time for detail and tangents and when it's okay to be short and concise. He's a fat oiler faggot from WA, an alcoholic, an autist and a pony fucker.

Seriously, shit on KF jannies all you want, they do it for free after all but fuck, people like Train Dodger should be taken behind the shed and shot.
People who are smart and knowledgeable know when there's time for detail and tangents and when it's okay to be short and concise. He's a fat oiler faggot from WA, an alcoholic, an autist and a pony fucker.
Welcome to Kiwi Farms, baby! ?

Seriously, shit on KF jannies all you want, they do it for free after all but fuck, people like Train Dodger should be taken behind the shed and shot.
Aww c'mon, he's not that bad. We're allowed to have one representative redditor on the forums, why not him?
Personally I absolutely love Drain Todger, he's left some really funny comments on threads i've made before, he'll appear in chat to talk with people if you @ him and he's an all around cool, chill guy.
Was his wuhan shit beyond ultra autistic? Yea, but goddamn was it fucking entertaining. Easily some of the best stuff of 2020, and it happened at the start too which should speak to the quality of his early work.

Also him having a job and being articulate makes him better than like a solid 90% of kiwifarms users lol
>(and on Train Dodger for that matter: that doomer is pretty based and knowledgeable when he's not freaking out about COVID).

Really? Doesn't seem like it. He writes in the same kind of "look at me, I'm fucking smart" wall of text and irritating spacing. People who are smart and knowledgeable know when there's time for detail and tangents and when it's okay to be short and concise. He's a fat oiler faggot from WA, an alcoholic, an autist and a pony fucker.

Seriously, shit on KF jannies all you want, they do it for free after all but fuck, people like Train Dodger should be taken behind the shed and shot.
Hi Anthony.
hahaha if i just reference Sig it's a funny joke even if it makes no sense at all
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It's because whomever was in the text screenshots was using the gigachad meme pic

For context, Raz0rfist, an "edgey" youtuber, got his shit fucked due to a "phishing scam". His twitter and youtube was nuked. At first Raz0r thought it was metokur fucking with him.

So now you have people cracking jokes relating gigachad to SIG because people know him by that meme
None of you are invited to my super secret PM.
I think it's funny that the hugbox PM's are mocked on here, when at least 3 (potentially 4) users of the PM's have accounts here.
Who are they? I can't remember who was in the PM other than High prophet.
I think it's funny that the hugbox PM's are mocked on here, when at least 3 (potentially 4) users of the PM's have accounts here.
Just because someone does something cringe doesn't mean you have to never interact with them again.

Also were any of them the ones being retarded? When Bastard Samurai was making his thread about them half of his issue seemed to hinge on people talking about politics in private, which was retarded. The cringe stuff was being scared of HHH and stickers, and that retard kid with cuck fetishes or whatever.
Just because someone does something cringe doesn't mean you have to never interact with them again.

Also were any of them the ones being retarded? When Bastard Samurai was making his thread about them half of his issue seemed to hinge on people talking about politics in private, which was retarded. The cringe stuff was being scared of HHH and stickers, and that retard kid with cuck fetishes or whatever.
The stuff with HHH was due to being worried he'd start a fight in the PM's like he did in the Spedential Election thread.
The sticker stuff I can't really remember, but I don't think it was any different from the other sticker sperging that's all over the site.
And Joker wasn't into cuck stuff, it was something to due with chastity and cages.