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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
RBG dies:

"About fucking time"

Rush dies:

"Those SJWs are probably saying terrible terrible things"

I think grave dancing is pretty ghoulish in general but love me some hypocrisy. I didn't like Rush but I'm not happy he's dead or anything because I'm not that much of a ghoul
RBG dies:
View attachment 5291
"About fucking time"

Rush dies:

View attachment 5292
"Those SJWs are probably saying terrible terrible things"

I think grave dancing is pretty ghoulish in general but love me some hypocrisy. I didn't like Rush but I'm not happy he's dead or anything because I'm not that much of a ghoul
TBH I really can't blame someone being happy over politicians dropping dead regardless of politics.
All I know is I'm looking forward to the hand wringing from liberals and grave dancing from conservatives once Biden drops and then vice-versa when Trump bites it (I assume in that order, too)
I wonder how Biden's will go, since the general thought on the right is that Biden will die or be rendered incapable of leading and be sent to a home in the next year or two.
I wonder how Biden's will go, since the general thought on the right is that Biden will die or be rendered incapable of leading and be sent to a home in the next year or two.
Yeah, I have no idea. When I watch Biden speak unedited he seems mostly lucid; he pauses when he speaks but that's because he has a stutter.

But then sometimes he just says weird fuckin' stuff that can't be explained away with a stutter. Either way he's fuckin' old and I think there's zero chance he'll run for re-election in 2024 if (big if) he even makes it that far. Biden will probably drop within the next two to six years and I give Trump four to eight.
Aww c'mon, he's not that bad. We're allowed to have one representative redditor on the forums, why not him?

But he's not a plebbitor. Sure he's fat and a pony fucker but he rants about obscure shit plebbitors couldn't be bothered to rant. Not to mention that he has a fetish for humiliation.

That doomer wuhan shit - when he got piled on and absolutely raped because he has zero understanding of the topics he ranted about, not only he got pissed on from head to toe and doxxed and halal'd, he stayed on the forums and decided to blend in and pick on even more retarded faggots like boxershorts.

No, train dodger's just annoying retard who thinks he's smarter than most people. To be fair, KF's population has that particular trait, they seem to think that if they're on a forum designed to gossip about stupid people and torment them, they are somehow better than the people they're "mocking".
But he's not a plebbitor. Sure he's fat and a pony fucker
Yeah, exactly?

but he rants about obscure shit plebbitors couldn't be bothered to rant.
You've lost me. Surely "shit redditors can't be bothered to rant about" is an empty set?

Not to mention that he has a fetish for humiliation.
he has zero understanding of the topics he ranted about
No, train dodger's just annoying retard who thinks he's smarter than most people.
Again, aren't you trying to convince me that he's not a redditor? ?

Fair enough I suppose. I mean, as you point out later, most of the users on KF (including me, probably) share those traits too, so he's in good company in any case.
TBH I really can't blame someone being happy over politicians dropping dead regardless of politics.
While I agree, Limbaugh was just a radio host. A very popular one, but he was still a private citizen who didn't hold any power. RBG was a senator who had been knocking on death's door for longer than most of us have even been alive, and there was a whole shitload of overly dramatic performative crying on social media, as if they had lost their dearest family member, only to snap straight back into your usual every day throwing of temper tantrums over the most minute happenings.

So when RBG died, we got to see a shitload of horrible people acting like their despair had hit rock bottom, and along with some of the dodgy shit she supported, like lowering the age of consent to 12 (making specifically just BoxerShorts47 happy), it was hard not to dance on her grave.
Rush Limbaugh is a conservative radio host who ranted on his show that you could completely ignore by just not tuning in. I don't think I've ever heard more than like ten minutes total of his show, and I hear more about what Ben Garrison's up to by way of his comics being memes than anything about Rush. I really don't know anything about him. Looks like he shouldn't have smoked so much, and he should have lost weight.
RBG was a senator who had been knocking on death's door for longer than most of us have even been alive
It was like a clown show. The "Weekend at Bernie's" meme was super apt. They were talking themselves in circles trying to convince us that it's fine that she's practically comatose, head lolled over and visibly unconscious in the court meetings. We got to see her looking more and more like a corpse each day (and acting like one too), and the news would say "Nah she's getting better, it'll be fine, she has to stay in that chair until Trump is out goddamnit!".
While I agree, Limbaugh was just a radio host. A very popular one, but he was still a private citizen who didn't hold any power. RBG was a senator who had been knocking on death's door for longer than most of us have even been alive, and there was a whole shitload of overly dramatic performative crying on social media, as if they had lost their dearest family member, only to snap straight back into your usual every day throwing of temper tantrums over the most minute happenings.

So when RBG died, we got to see a shitload of horrible people acting like their despair had hit rock bottom, and along with some of the dodgy shit she supported, like lowering the age of consent to 12 (making specifically just BoxerShorts47 happy), it was hard not to dance on her grave.
Rush Limbaugh is a conservative radio host who ranted on his show that you could completely ignore by just not tuning in. I don't think I've ever heard more than like ten minutes total of his show, and I hear more about what Ben Garrison's up to by way of his comics being memes than anything about Rush. I really don't know anything about him. Looks like he shouldn't have smoked so much, and he should have lost weight.
I read this and my mind stuttered when I read RBG as a senator.
RBG dies:
View attachment 5291
"About fucking time"

Rush dies:

View attachment 5292
"Those SJWs are probably saying terrible terrible things"

I think grave dancing is pretty ghoulish in general but love me some hypocrisy. I didn't like Rush but I'm not happy he's dead or anything because I'm not that much of a ghoul
> 2021
>"REEEEEEE........................SJWs are bad...........................................REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
These people are so laughable.
While I agree, Limbaugh was just a radio host. A very popular one, but he was still a private citizen who didn't hold any power. RBG was a senator who had been knocking on death's door for longer than most of us have even been alive, and there was a whole shitload of overly dramatic performative crying on social media, as if they had lost their dearest family member, only to snap straight back into your usual every day throwing of temper tantrums over the most minute happenings.

So when RBG died, we got to see a shitload of horrible people acting like their despair had hit rock bottom, and along with some of the dodgy shit she supported, like lowering the age of consent to 12 (making specifically just BoxerShorts47 happy), it was hard not to dance on her grave.
Rush Limbaugh is a conservative radio host who ranted on his show that you could completely ignore by just not tuning in. I don't think I've ever heard more than like ten minutes total of his show, and I hear more about what Ben Garrison's up to by way of his comics being memes than anything about Rush. I really don't know anything about him. Looks like he shouldn't have smoked so much, and he should have lost weight.
IMO grave dancing is only ever justified if the person did some truly heinous shit, and being a radio host that said mean things sure as hell doesn't qualify as heinous to me.