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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
@The Sauce Boss's post on kf's how are you doing thread are some of my favorite on the site. Everyone in his family fucking hates him lol. They're a bit old but worth a read for how pitiful they are.
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@The Sauce Boss's whole family doesn't hate him though, his maternal grandparents are just awful, awful people.
Then they're assholes. Dunno why he would put up with it.
He's pretty much stuck with them for the time being.
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I visited the Nick Fuentes thread I contributed so much to just two weeks after my ban and it's already totally gone to shit. There's like a dozen new accounts spamming totally unverified rumors, people jerking off to 2-7 year old twitter drama with no evidence and making ridiculous rape accusations.
This was first brought to my attention when I noticed a sped sperging out in chat demanding FRONT PAGE NOW and null rightfully telling him he's retarded


Let me give you that tldr you asked for fam, except it's by the user(anuscabbage12) who janny Altruistic Right said was a "superior data dumper" to me, whatever that means.
I've gone through the effort to address all the main points, because this is one of the single worst posts I have ever seen on kiwifarms and it epitomizes what the thread has devolved into. I don't think i've ever seen a more fictionalized, baseless """"effort"""" post.

Here's the rape accusations themselves, which the poster themselves DFE'd after proclaiming "I'm sick of this behaviour Shut your stupid goonybeard mouth or I will ruin you and all your clout chasing friends" very legit stuff bro wow (also posting years old publicly known names does not make your post more legit!! Sorry!!!!)

wow a thread on like 4 irrelevant streamers with sub 200 viewers who you've already numerous baseless, totally unverified claims about? Fucking BASED.