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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
at this point, i'm really starting to wonder how many lulzy skeletons barbarella is hiding in their closet
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I don't get it, what's suspicious about these posts? Her knowledge of lip filler blowouts and seeming ability to eyeball landwhale weights? Or just that she's not immediately powerleveling like most of BP, so whatever she's holding back must be juicy?
I don't get it, what's suspicious about these posts? Her knowledge of lip filler blowouts and seeming ability to eyeball landwhale weights? Or just that she's not immediately powerleveling like most of BP, so whatever she's holding back must be juicy?
The fact she uses a screen name based on a sexy old-timey fictional character suggests they are either (a) an old fat bitch or (b) an old fat tranny. I'd be putting my shekels on the latter.
I feel some compassion, but it's overwhelmed by the entitled whining. Sounds like his family were good enough to take him in, but he's busy having a chapped ass over the way they treat him. It's easy to say "well they don't have to be assholes to him", but they don't have to carry his weight at all, either. Maybe they don't like having him lolling around, attempting suicide, withdrawing from drugs and being a barely-controlled basketcase; can you blame them?
"My grandpa's such a dick but I'm too much of a pussy to stab him with a butter knife!" kind of got me.
Where does he say that? The first screenshot?
He is a screw up but Its funny regardless.
- He says on a forum made up of reject internet dwellers that mock even more dumb internet dwellers.
I feel some compassion, but it's overwhelmed by the entitled whining. Sounds like his family were good enough to take him in, but he's busy having a chapped ass over the way they treat him. It's easy to say "well they don't have to be assholes to him", but they don't have to carry his weight at all, either. Maybe they don't like having him lolling around, attempting suicide, withdrawing from drugs and being a barely-controlled basketcase; can you blame them?
Or they’re just assholes. Sometimes entire families are just wrecks.