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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Where does he say that? The first screenshot?
Essentially. I spiced of up for comedic effect but he says he would have lunged for the silverware and caught an assault charge if gramps wasn't taller and heavier (and if OP wasn't withdrawing).

Or they’re just assholes. Sometimes entire families are just wrecks.
Then they're assholes. Dunno why he would put up with it.
Essentially. I spiced of up for comedic effect but he says he would have lunged for the silverware and caught an assault charge if gramps wasn't taller and heavier (and if OP wasn't withdrawing).

Then they're assholes. Dunno why he would put up with it.
Because they’re his family, and he’s attached to them. And probably because he doesn’t have anyone else in his life.
Because they’re his family, and he’s attached to them. And probably because he doesn’t have anyone else in his life.
Yeah, real attached to them.
@The Sauce Boss's post on kf's how are you doing thread are some of my favorite on the site. Everyone in his family fucking hates him lol. They're a bit old but worth a read for how pitiful they are.
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Its kindof funny/autistic that he would post this on KF, but its more sad that this is happening and he feels the need to post this on KF than it is funny honestly. I've seen people use KF to cope with shitty living situations in worse ways though, but still its a horrible idea to powerlevel, much less powerlevel about embarrassing details. I do hope things get better for him.
Its kindof funny/autistic that he would post this on KF, but its more sad that this is happening and he feels the need to post this on KF than it is funny honestly. I've seen people use KF to cope with shitty living situations in worse ways though, but still its a horrible idea to powerlevel, much less powerlevel about embarrassing details. I do hope things get better for him.
Personally, I find sad shit like this highly entertaining, especially coming from kf users. But I do hope his life is in a better place. I have no ill will towards him, but I will laugh at the tragedy of his life.
Local retard thinks of himself as a Bukowski spiritual sucessor.
Because there's nothing more patrician and enlightened than sharing your writings in a website about making fun of an autistic tranny who's a part time comic artist


And somehow, the retard known as The Jumping Dwarf, similarly to the deceased Bastard Samurai, manages to make this too about their secret club.
@Saltimbanco since you're involved in this, thoughts?
Local retard thinks of himself as a Bukowski spiritual sucessor.
Because there's nothing more patrician and enlightened than sharing your writings in a website about making fun of an autistic tranny who's a part time comic artist
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@Saltimbanco since you're involved in this, thoughts?
If it worked for Stephen King.

Edit: I'm going to read through it and see what it's like.
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Why admit these things?
I think that guy's got a few screws loose on the whole.
Its kindof funny/autistic that he would post this on KF, but its more sad that this is happening and he feels the need to post this on KF than it is funny honestly. I've seen people use KF to cope with shitty living situations in worse ways though, but still its a horrible idea to powerlevel, much less powerlevel about embarrassing details. I do hope things get better for him.
The kultur of the LGBTQiwis thread and the How Are You Doing threads are different from the rest of the site, so I don't personally care if people spill their spaghetti in them, so long as they don't carry it with them elsewhere. Seeking help and a semblance of stability on the internet isn't great, but it's better than nothing byfar - and if you can use it as a leverage to gird yourself through the tough times to get to a point where you've got actual, real-world bulwarks, eh, whatever. It's powerleveling, but if it helps the dude grit and bear, eh, whatever.