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Sexuality Drama Legitimate question about transgender people

Sexuality related drama


How come every time a law is passed that cracks down on pedophilia, the transgender community always speaks out against it claiming that they're going to be persecuted/sent to camps/exterminated?

And I'm not even talking about like... vaguely worded laws. I'm talking about laws that are passed specifically targeting only pedophilia. Why do transgender people always get up in arms every time the penalties for child fucking get harsher?

Is it part of their victim complex? Do they feel guilty for grooming children so that they can recruit their vulnerable minds into being trannies? Or is there something more insidious behind it? I have never seen a group of people get unnecessarily shaken up as hard as transgender people do every time an anti pedophilia law is passed.

Why is that?
How come every time a law is passed that cracks down on pedophilia, the transgender community always speaks out against it claiming that they're going to be persecuted/sent to camps/exterminated?

And I'm not even talking about like... vaguely worded laws. I'm talking about laws that are passed specifically targeting only pedophilia. Why do transgender people always get up in arms every time the penalties for child fucking get harsher?

Is it part of their victim complex? Do they feel guilty for grooming children so that they can recruit their vulnerable minds into being trannies? Or is there something more insidious behind it? I have never seen a group of people get unnecessarily shaken up as hard as transgender people do every time an anti pedophilia law is passed.

Why is that?
It's a death cult so fresh bodies are needed.
It's a death cult so fresh bodies are needed.

I mean that's kind of what I was hinting at, but I was just wondering what other people's theories were for this.

I think on a subconscious level, they know what they're doing is a form of sexual grooming of underage children and they understand that it's wrong. They are basically dry snitching on themselves every time they blow a gasket about pedophilia laws.

I mean, faggots can't breed and tranny isn't a condition you're born with like herpes (at least I tell women that's how I got herpes wokka wokka) so they know they have to recruit people when they are emotionally unstable and impressionable.

Methinks the ladyboy doth protest too much.
Do they feel guilty for grooming children so that they can recruit their vulnerable minds into being trannies?

No, they don't feel any guilt at all about grooming clueless children into castrating and mutilating themselves on the basis of a lie. Because they are literal sexual psychopaths. That's their sexual fetish, it's just like pozzing in the gay community and the idea of giving someone who is mentally ill "the gift of death" like a kind of necrophilic euthanasia, that's literally how fucking morbid it gets with these troons once you really look into it. They actually get off on their ability to goad and push a clueless young person into destroying themselves, destroying their minds, destroying their bodies, destroying their capacity for logical cause-and-effect thinking.

They know that children do not possibly understand what a transition actually entails or what the consequences are of those procedures, but that's exactly what makes it so thrilling for them to manipulate someone who's hapless and naive. They enjoy the raping of innocence. I know you're thinking: "Come one, someone can't be that evil, right?", but that's literally what these demons are.

Or is there something more insidious behind it? I have never seen a group of people get unnecessarily shaken up as hard as transgender people do every time an anti pedophilia law is passed.

It's a group of utterly deranged unrepentant incurable psychopaths who enjoy destroying each other and other people's children by proxy and have weaponized a faux diagnosis to wreck mass destruction on vulnerable mentally ill children and adults. They have the blood of children's mutilated and castrated bodies on their hands and they don't give a fuck.