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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).

found this lovely gem
Godddamn, soybooru f's are autistic as shit as KF's niggers, they seem to be trans obsessed f's as well
Kiwifarm woman WeedEater with terrible OPSEC posts her discord chats with Bossmanjack, who supposedly messaged her first after she was posting in his discord. She appears to be leading him on, going as far as to send him a selfie with the BMJ discord chat in the background. He talks about yanking it to her and she informs him she is taken. BMJ has a bitch fit and ends up deleting the general chat, prompting her to post his meltdown and related dms. Unfortunately she, in her stoned state, forgot to exclude her discord name. Here is the post:


Because she forgot to exclude her discord name and is observably guilty of the cow tip rule, someone else decided to full dox her, which prompted more to dox as much as possible. Here is the main dox post:


this post caused a domino effect of many users doxing the ever loving shit out of this woman. One user even showed he messaged her fiance.
Other random shit they dug up on her include her spotify, Facebook, newgrounds, ddlg forums and more.

Thoughts? I think it's obviously wrong to cowtip by lowkey flirting with BMJ and seemingly lead him on behind your fiances back. Notice how sus her wording is in her og post too, she just calls him a crazy crack head when she was obviously egging him on and sending Selfies. Also she mentions he got ticked off because she found out she had a "roommate" but neglects to tell KF the "roommate" is her fiance. On the other hand, did she deserve for KF to air out her ddlg forum posts from 2018 along with face, fiance face AND a fiance DM?
Thoughts? I think it's obviously wrong to cowtip by lowkey flirting with BMJ and seemingly lead him on behind your fiances back. Notice how sus her wording is in her og post too, she just calls him a crazy crack head when she was obviously egging him on and sending Selfies. Also she mentions he got ticked off because she found out she had a "roommate" but neglects to tell KF the "roommate" is her fiance. On the other hand, did she deserve for KF to air out her ddlg forum posts from 2018 along with face, fiance face AND a fiance DM?

It has everything I love (read: hate) about modern Kiwifarms.
1. blatant poop touching (pioneered by Josh himself when it comes to BMJ)
2. woman way too comfortable with sharing personal info/pics
3. infidelity through internet relationships
4. people doxxing the fuck out of complete nobodies after catching a singular whiff of PII
5. dogpiling said nobody and mudwrestling in the poop, falling over each other to be the one who can say that they ruined the life of a complete stranger

Frankly, I find everyone's behavior here disgusting, and hopefully they will someday realize how stupid it is to do any of these things.

inb4 rainbows, I know retards don't learn.
On the other hand, did she deserve for KF to air out her ddlg forum posts from 2018 along with face, fiance face AND a fiance DM?
Maybe she didn't deserve it, but I don't feel bad for her. If you're going to go in that deep to mess with someone like Jack, don't have a giant footprint leading to all of your embarrassing personal details. The fact she was married while doing this makes it worse.
Maybe she didn't deserve it, but I don't feel bad for her. If you're going to go in that deep to mess with someone like Jack, don't have a giant footprint leading to all of your embarrassing personal details. The fact she was married while doing this makes it worse.
The guy who contacted her finance is as bad as she was but at the end of the day isn't that what trolling is?
the end of the day isn't that what trolling is?
No. Trolling ("back in the day") came from Billy Goat Gruff. Trolls were people who waited for someone to post something, then pop up and start giving them shit (like the Troll in BGG).

Going out of your way to meet someone to try and "led them on", as to then post results on commie farms, as to get ass pats... is mental.
No. Trolling ("back in the day") came from Billy Goat Gruff. Trolls were people who waited for someone to post something, then pop up and start giving them shit (like the Troll in BGG).

Going out of your way to meet someone to try and "led them on", as to then post results on commie farms, as to get ass pats... is mental.
If people accidentally leaked their address or phone number they certainly got a lesson in checking screenshots. All this dude did was DM another dude and say "your wife is a ho and she's bad at the internet which is how you're receiving this", no need to blow it out if proportion.
I have an anonymous kiwifarmer source who is friends with Weedeater, which is how I heard about this. He met up irl with her and stayed with her/her fiance. According to him the fiance felt very uncomfortable at his presence and eventually she told him she would leave her fiance for him. Didn't happen and he assures me he wouldn't be down and that he "shut it down".

Apparently my anonymous friend gave her the OK to post the discord chats but she showed him a version of the post without her username in it. Obviously she posted the wrong version and it turned out bad but even without her username she would have gotten alot of shit for that post I think. Terrible decisions all around
no need to blow it out if proportion.

You asked about trolling, I gave you the origin of the word, which isn't poo touching, it's merely waiting for someone to post something sophistic, or plain stupid, then pointing it out to them (usually in brusque Anglo Saxon language). I don't see how you can come to the conclusion of "blowing it of proportion".

Touching poo (which is what this bint did) is touching poo. Why you are trying to justify someone contacting her bf and calling her a slag, I can't say, it had nothing to do with the point I was making.

Perhaps get someone with above 3rd grade reading comprehension to explain it to you. (That's what you call trolling).
Just goes to show that Kiwifarms users regularly touch the poo and any semblance of saying otherwise is just for show and a complete farce. The users are obsessed with BMJ because Josh is. Nothing more and nothing less. Let's not forget the Kiwifarms user who drove past Ralph's home in Mexico order to get his license plate. Let's not forget Trannymura stating his goal is to land lolcow Ethan Ralph in jail along with his many documented attempts at poo touching. Let's not forget the one user who met up with one of DSP's relatives and posted pictures of her naked to the site. And let's not forget Josh inserting himself into Nick Rekieta's court proceedings.

You asked about trolling, I gave you the origin of the word, which isn't poo touching, it's merely waiting for someone to post something sophistic, or plain stupid, then pointing it out to them (usually in brusque Anglo Saxon language). I don't see how you can come to the conclusion of "blowing it of proportion".

Touching poo (which is what this bint did) is touching poo. Why you are trying to justify someone contacting her bf and calling her a slag, I can't say, it had nothing to do with the point I was making.

Perhaps get someone with above 3rd grade reading comprehension to explain it to you. (That's what you call trolling).
So you're talking about what she was doing and I'm talking about the kiwi dipshit that messaged her fiance. No need to be a histrionic faggot about it.
Nektar wasn't even acting like a 'histrionic faggot' about anything
They are reading everything (poorly, as I wasn't even talking about what they were talking about) in the voice in their own head. That of an histrionic faggot.

For future reference: Read my posts with the voice of William Conrad, either him in The Killers, or Gunsmoke