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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
Null is almost certainly doing this on his youtube comments. They are trying to gunt guard for him but the amount of people he has pissed off lately is too big.
He complained about not being able to control the Youtube comments on him way back in January, and when Odd Opossum called him out on it, he reacted the usual way.
View attachment 60634
He complained about not being able to control the Youtube comments on him way back in January, and when Odd Opossum called him out on it, he reacted the usual way.
Oh yeah I remember that now. He really has convinced himself that's he's god's gift to the world. He can't even put the pieces together as to why he doesn't get criticism on his own site.
Excuse me, null has sat in his room all day in several different countries
I don't think Josh possesses self-awareness. He often appears bewildered and confrontational when people voice any form of opposition to his supposedly superior life experience, knowledge, and understanding. It's no wonder he's in the position he is and struggles to comprehend how he got there.
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Midwest Midwit proving that Kiwi Farms is apolitical and SFW.

Behold the white man in his natural environment. He dons an Israeli flag to signal to the rest of the herd that he is ready to mate and bear children. As part of the courtship ritual he types out a paragraph about race essentialism, hoping to secure a partner that is like minded and capable of fertilizing the eggs he laid on the riverbed. Now we wait to see if anyone in the rest of the herd takes the bait.
I remember when I used Kiwifarms the site randomly lost 24 hours of posts, does anyone remember this? If so, did it happen often. I think this was in 2021.
There were multiple data loss events.
this isn't even an easy to track username it's just imported off-site drama
Well somebody has to stoke the fire. You don't want fatass to be cold, now do you?
and reminder that Null is known to have claimed that KF doesn't host SSNs and this post is still up after 24 hours
He has also claimed on multiple occasions that dox on his site all originate from publicly available sources. Which one of those sources gives SSNs?