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June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
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Movie Night

In the process of being set up

Kiwifarms Gossip KF General 2.0

General gossip about kiwifarms
The new declines of Kiwifarms


Below the wells
Hellovan Onion
Tell us how you really feel though
LMAO, that's how I legit feel though, like genuinely on some REAL ass shit my nigga, I will legit take the kino casino over THE most bottom deer feeding, MORE than z-list tier celebrities (kiwis are so much lower than z-list)


Below the wells
Hellovan Onion
This is probably “late” or whatever but I still can’t believe Josh somehow managed to LOSE all the archived videos/clips on the site. Wasn’t that kinda like the whole point of KF? “Archive Everything?” A bit hard to do that when the clips will inevitably all just go bye-bye at random.

Ah, so it’s not just Metokur that does that.
Nah, that was a small portion of the point of kf, the bigger point was to give the most angriest, aggitated, seethable, copeable, fucking tears about the people they cover

VAIDS Victim

So warm and tender was never the night 🌙
Hellovan Onion
I still can’t believe Josh somehow managed to LOSE all the archived videos/clips on the site. Wasn’t that kinda like the whole point of KF? “Archive Everything?” A bit hard to do that when the clips will inevitably all just go bye-bye at random.
He's taking tech tips from Daddy K.

Chrysler Building

Hellovan Onion
Spud sets off a thread by saying incels need to fix their own problems and stop blaming society for their issues.

I used to be like them, holding hate in my heart and getting angry at everyone. It's easy to do when the internet is willing to serve it up at a moment's notice.

Then I started working out and using my phone and laptop much less and my mindset turned around. Kwiffar speak as those poor fools in Plato's cave. They see the shadows on the wall and do not realize they have the ability to get up and walk out.

Holding hatred in your heart for others keeps you chained in one place. Ironically, we each hold the key to our individual bonds. Only we can set ourselves free.

Also when I stopped worrying about getting a girlfriend, one fell into my lap. Many such cases! Holding an optimistic outlook in these times is difficult but it is also a symptom of something much worse: a lack of trust in oneself. And thus the shackles are forged one little bit at a time.

This is probably late or whatever but I still can’t believe Josh somehow managed to LOSE all the archived videos/clips on the site. Wasn’t that kinda like the whole point of KF? “Archive Everything?” A bit hard to do that when the clips will inevitably all just go bye-bye at random.

He's incompetent, didn't want to deal with it anymore, or there was something in there that he didn't want anyone to see.

Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
Finally found a bigger poo toucher than you 😏
This type of shit (pardon the pun) is why your sites aren't experiencing growth. Consider rethinking that big tent policy, big dog

Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion
I find nothing wrong with what Alameen wrote.
He's a literal schizophrenic shit eating pedophile. I find it wrong that he wastes oxygen. But hey, difference of opinion. Maybe we should have a big brained discussion about the ethics of platforming pedophiles. Hell, Onion Farms could even (re)open a lolicon/shotacon board, then we could really delve into the nuance that totally exists with these things.
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Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion
I'll simmer down and enjoy watching how all parties involved justify all of this but @0 0 on KF has fully reworked Brother Alameen's OP into a very comprehensive introduction.
Got to say, it's really hard to try a-logging KF when this literal shit eating 764 member joins the ranks of the wife beaters, pedophiles and zoosadists who've been given a platform here just because they hollered "KF bad! Josh Moon bad!" loud enough.

Ikolthur Benoit

the Magnificent IKOL of Kiwis.
He's a literal schizophrenic shit eating pedophile. I find it wrong that he wastes oxygen. But hey, difference of opinion. Maybe we should have a big brained discussion about the ethics of platforming pedophiles. Hell, Onion Farms could even (re)open a lolicon/shotacon board, then we could really delve into the nuance that totally exists with these things.
the only existing nuance abou this kind of atuf is shall woodchipper be mauling slow and prolonging pedophile suffering as much as possible or fast, thus leaving us without entertainment.

Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion
Based 😎
Also bad gay niggers from inner rectum of Onion have purged all my messages.
Unless they've quietly installed an add-on to have easy access to user DMs (which is a thing), they'd have had to manually go into the database to do this I believe which seems like more work than anyone would be willing to do.
Either way, best to not write anything in DMs you wouldn't say in public and move conversation off-site.

Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion
Kiwi Farms discovered Duolicious
If only Onion Farms had a funny thread that was months older but sometimes tard raging and spam banning users is more satisfying than having efforted content


Literally Ashley Hutsell Jankowski Address in my banner
Hellovan Onion
He's a literal schizophrenic shit eating pedophile. I find it wrong that he wastes oxygen. But hey, difference of opinion. Maybe we should have a big brained discussion about the ethics of platforming pedophiles. Hell, Onion Farms could even (re)open a lolicon/shotacon board, then we could really delve into the nuance that totally exists with these things.

Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion
View attachment 55260
So some producer who wants to rape kids is apparently a lolcow somehow
I don't get why you guys perpetually say this. Kiwi Farms hasn't been exclusively about lolcows in like a decade, let alone the featured content section.
They put stupid shit in there, like that shitpost thread where they counted with movie titles but a famous producer from a movie most of us grew up with getting caught being a pedo is at least interesting.


Certainly better than anything that's ever been featured on this pedo shielding forum