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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
This was my favorite guy I catfished. From /pol/ 😂 He suggested we get married and "breed"
Everyone knows what /pol/ looks like after 2017, ethnic white supremacists

However according to Null:

I would say its primarily the reddit translplants and LCF transplants hooking up.

Wonder if this coon knows that there's a whole thread he can bitch about tom in-Oh wait that thread isn't active
Based 😎

Unless they've quietly installed an add-on to have easy access to user DMs (which is a thing), they'd have had to manually go into the database to do this I believe which seems like more work than anyone would be willing to do.
Either way, best to not write anything in DMs you wouldn't say in public and move conversation off-site.
Thing is it weren't DMs, these were public messages in threads.