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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).

Lol, some bitching about warski
For one reason or another Procrastinhater has a big issue with Flamenco. As creepy as Flamenco is, it should be noted that nothing he's ever done is as sus or eyebrow raising as "baiting" pedophiles into posting "live CP" so he can then "archive it."
Screenshot_20240508_193657_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20240508_193638_Samsung Internet.jpgprocrastinhater baiting csam.png

I wonder how feasible it is Procrastinhater was a member of Flamenco's discord and only turned on him after getting banned like Kinochet did.
For one reason or another Procrastinhater has a big issue with Flamenco. As creepy as Flamenco is, it should be noted that nothing he's ever done is as sus or eyebrow raising as "baiting" pedophiles into posting "live CP" so he can then "archive it."
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I wonder how feasible it is Procrastinhater was a member of Flamenco's discord and only turned on him after getting banned like Kinochet did.
This fucking monkey raping niggerish coonish whore of a horse rapist is trying to call soemone else a pedophile, mean while this chimp fucker gets to fucking bait pedos into posting cheese pizza, proniggerhater, FUCK OFF
This is probably “late” or whatever but I still can’t believe Josh somehow managed to LOSE all the archived videos/clips on the site. Wasn’t that kinda like the whole point of KF? “Archive Everything?” A bit hard to do that when the clips will inevitably all just go bye-bye at random.
kept muting himself on stream.
Ah, so it’s not just Metokur that does that.
Tell us how you really feel though
LMAO, that's how I legit feel though, like genuinely on some REAL ass shit my nigga, I will legit take the kino casino over THE most bottom deer feeding, MORE than z-list tier celebrities (kiwis are so much lower than z-list)...any...time...of...the...fucking...day...my...nigga
This is probably “late” or whatever but I still can’t believe Josh somehow managed to LOSE all the archived videos/clips on the site. Wasn’t that kinda like the whole point of KF? “Archive Everything?” A bit hard to do that when the clips will inevitably all just go bye-bye at random.

Ah, so it’s not just Metokur that does that.
Nah, that was a small portion of the point of kf, the bigger point was to give the most angriest, aggitated, seethable, copeable, fucking tears about the people they cover