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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).

now kf featured posts have date attached to them. maybe the date is for when the post was featured?
I don't know why they would bother doing this on any site when they could use dark web forums made for their kind.
Probably a combination of getting a thrill from flagrantly skirting the law and having a corruption fetish like most freaks have.
Early days? It still happens except now they require the extension to load the embedded links. The pedos on /g/ keep making new ways to post that stuff.
Checks out the Linux sperg board is infested with those types. I only ever used /b/ (before it was just a porn board), /pol/, /x/ and /ck/
What are you talking about?
I mean that's you, dork. An odd opposum account appeared here and within less than a minute you called it out as fake with 100% certainty.
It's whatever, if those are your real opinions then you're cool because I heavily agree with them but quit being an attention whore. I do some funny shit over there too but I don't show off because recognition isn't the point.
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I mean that's you, dork. An odd opposum account appeared here and within less than a minute you called it out as fake with 100% certainty.
It's whatever, if those are your real opinions then you're cool because I heavily agree with them but quit being an attention whore. I do some funny shit over there too but I don't show off because recognition isn't the point.
View attachment 55163
@Stop Socking Gaylord, you need to stop projecting your actions onto others.
I don't know why they would bother doing this on any site when they could use dark web forums made for their kind.
Because some unknowing anons download what they assume is a normal image, not knowing it has a bunch of CSAM or Blacked porn attached to it, and then go and post it on another thread and spread it around.
Are you under the impression that calling me out still gets me banned? It's not projection, it's reality. Just stop sucking your own dick bro. Anyway, what does get me banned is derailing the normie threads here, so continue with your impressive display of auto-fellatio. We can slapfight literally anywhere else if you're so compelled
I'm not trying to get you banned, I'm saying your bipolar brain is making you paranoid.
I need somebody who's trans to actually go out and kill Josh tbh, cause fuck him and these kiwiniggers
If you find yourself borderline fedposting about a retard on a retard forum it might be time to take a break.
So larson has to be trans in-able for them to attack him...that's fucking insane
You're retarded, that's not what was said or even implied there.