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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Josh is such a lazy nigger he can't program a bot on his website or Twitter that automatically posts once a day that he's not under a warrant. No other web administrator is autistic enough to manually warn users with a JPEG.
It's that Eastern European mindset.
The Americans spent $1 million developing a pen that could write in space while the Russians just used a pencil
Very true. Josh once tried to nigger-rig a mic that would light up when he was muted because he kept muting himself on stream. He detailed the progress of this task on MATI only to quietly not mention it anymore. He still mutes himself on stream so you know he gave up on it. Despite living in eastern Europe he's a still a dumb merimutt on the inside who doesn't know any foreign language besides English. Josh Moon the eternal tourist.
Does anyone non-ironically think null's online income is supplemented by a government tugboat?

Hmm, let's see:
  • Canary mysteriously disappears with evasive reasons given
  • Null claims site has never gotten in major trouble with US officials
  • Large donations from anonymous benefactors
  • Forces users to run a Webassembly blob to access the site for a year
I'd say it's a distinct possibility, although not via something as traceable as disability payments.

Well plus you have a supposed radfem who seems to have become co-owner of the site. And if /pol/ is to be believed, they think its former KF user Anna Slatz of Rebel Media who founded a radfem news site.

LOL imagine if Mossad paid for Slatz to get full body plastic surgery just to get close to Null. But then again truth is crazier than fiction.


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Reason: As well as notice some suspected onions.
Its a case of pot calls kettle black. Many exist in kf still and blend in quite well. Null's hate boner is a projection and over compensation due to being one of them that skin walks as a feminist since he's a predatory male feminist that actually hates women. As most tend to do deep down, while trying to hide it. Kf uses 4chan for personal army requests with doxes then get banned and switch ips to do it again while the content stays up. Been this way for a while. His irrational hate is mostly arbitrary based on who is upsetting him at the time. He has no principals or morals.
Why would KF be on /pol/? I thought /pol/ people were banned from KF
Reason: I do have morals I just don't like to moralfag and unironically express them to random people on the Internet.
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It's that Eastern European mindset.
The Americans spent $1 million developing a pen that could write in space while the Russians just used a pencil

Russians use the space pen the Americans developed because pencil graphite is flammable. The dust from the pencil graphite resulted in the explosion of Soviet space shuttles because the graphite ignited. Now all astronauts use the space pen because it is safer and inflammable.

Important to remember that Eastern Europeans can do a lot with a little but they are still low IQ brutes incapable of technological innovation. This is why Western Europe outpaced them in the first place.

You fucking kidding me, and kiwis think they have any say in on people's morals, NIGGA GOODBYE
Russians use the space pen the Americans developed because pencil graphite is flammable. The dust from the pencil graphite resulted in the explosion of Soviet space shuttles because the graphite ignited. Now all astronauts use the space pen because it is safer and inflammable.

Important to remember that Eastern Europeans can do a lot with a little but they are still low IQ brutes incapable of technological innovation. This is why Western Europe outpaced them in the first place.
Not only that, every tiny particle that breaks off just floats around indefinitely and can cause many other problems. If you accidentally break the tip off it can just float in someone's eye. Random floating things could probably damage any sensitive equipment if it gets inside too. Stuff like crumbs and liquid can be dangerous. It's why they had to make food better suited for space.
Reason: Imagine someone with dandruff in space. Sounds gross.
Can confirm. I used to vigilante hunt pedo trolls that would cheese pizza spam communities across several websites. Many of which were general audience that had a mix of adults and children due to being fandom based. It's easier to deal with them if you're part of a moderation team though. That's also why I can handle shock images better than most. I've done my fair share of sweeping that stuff in the past. I've done both content moderation and vigilante groups where we would try to dox and report them to their local authorities. I don't really bother anymore though.