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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Can confirm. I used to vigilante hunt pedo trolls that would cheese pizza spam communities across several websites. Many of which were general audience that had a mix of adults and children due to being fandom based. It's easier to deal with them if you're part of a moderation team though. That's also why I can handle shock images better than most. I've done my fair share of sweeping that stuff in the past. I've done both content moderation and vigilante groups where we would try to dox and report them to their local authorities. I don't really bother anymore though.
I assume you're agreeing with what Odd Opossum said, but I thought it was funny that SomeSpook admitted he was a teenager and proved what Odd Opossum had been saying in that thread right.
I assume you're agreeing with what Odd Opossum said, but I thought it was funny that SomeSpook admitted he was a teenager and proved what Odd Opossum had been saying in that thread right.
Yeah, I was. And I agree. They get off to the disgust. So it's best to not get worked up over them because they are looking for a reaction so they can do this:

200w (3).gif

Giving them want they want makes them come back like feeding an animal. A silent perma ban and sweeping of posts with no acknowledgement is the best route unless it's possible to actually get them arrested.
Reason: Banning and giving them reactions makes them come back for more with infinite sock accounts.
Josh is such a lazy nigger he can't program a bot on his website or Twitter that automatically posts once a day that he's not under a warrant. No other web administrator is autistic enough to manually warn users with a JPEG.
it's funny how he's incapable of making that. a bot doing basic thing like that takes little to no effort to code. hell, you can ask chatgpt to write you one. if you can't program something that simple then you truly suck at programming.

Every time there is one I see the kiwis that use it come out and shill in full force.
it's cool to see them shilling in those /pol/ threads about kiwifarms. given that /pol/ has a flag and you can't use vpn unless you pay for 4chan's pass, it's interesting to see where kiwis come from.
Why would KF be on /pol/? I thought /pol/ people were banned from KF
kf has teir own version of /pol/: the mass debate board and the autistic thunderdome in general (excluding deep thoughts). funny how they hate /pol/acks yet thy have their own version of /pol/

How retarded?
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Remember, this kwiffar asks people to post CSAM so they can archive it... and is too stupid to realise that the channel isn't E-lames. Not a good look.
there's a limit on what you can archive. if you want to archive illegal shit then don't. let the law enforcement do that for you. not going to be surprised if this fag is a chomo
If anything, Chernobyl has taught us that slavs are too dumb to boil water.
the fact that russia's best leader in history, catherine the great, is a german really says something about the average slav IQ.

reminder that kiwifarms was founded in 2013, the date where the era of "old internet" has ended. to think anyone claiming kiwifarms as "the place where the old internet dies" is hilarious on its own.
it's funny how he's incapable of making that. a bot doing basic thing like that takes little to no effort to code. hell, you can ask chatgpt to write you one. if you can't program something that simple then you truly suck at programming.

it's cool to see them shilling in those /pol/ threads about kiwifarms. given that /pol/ has a flag and you can't use vpn unless you pay for 4chan's pass, it's interesting to see where kiwis come from.
Pretty sure I seen some onions in the thread too. Or it at least looks like they were.

Notable posts:
Pretty sure I seen some onions in the thread too. Or it at least looks like they were.

Notable posts:
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That last screenshotted post is exactly what is wrong with the Farms. If you think something illegal is happening with a cow just report it local law enforcement and be done with it. Don't give them more attention. But so many people, Null includes, think they are on some mission from God about certain topics and it ruins the vibe of the site.