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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
now this is interesting.
View attachment 54642
View attachment 54643
too bad the guy who made this hasn't realized that most of kiwifarms are reddit

Yeah reddit or NeoGAF maybe


Less and less interesting stuff to me. I'm getting more fun now watching posters shit on the KiwiFarms Board of directors. After it sold 61% of its stock and controlling share to LCF.inc

What does Kiwifarms do? They do what all internet addicts do, they hide in their basements living off the bank of Mom & Dad screeching about how society is le nihilistic. It never occurs to them to just go tf outside and talk to other human beings.
Does anyone non-ironically think null's online income is supplemented by a government tugboat?
Someone should remind null that he's banned people for touching one of his nerves. Maybe he shouldn't be such a thin skinned little bitch if he wants to take that tone
He can't handle his turn in the barrel dude, that's his problem. If you run a website that's dedicated literally to pointing and laughing at people, you need to be pretty hard for that, not a socially awkward pussy pedo faggot.
Like clockwork! "It is okay for Tom to pal around with people I decry as dangerous pedophiles, which I've attacked many others for, because he's 'stuck in a system and exploiting it for money.'"

The site agrees with Josh for splitting with Dick Masterson because of his association with "pedophiles" like Vito Gesualdi, yet turn a blind eye to Josh schmoozing around with Destiny and Turkey Tom (for clout) when both are on VERY friendly terms with Vito Gesualdi and Dick Masterson. Destiny has even made many pedophilic jokes over the years.

Josh is not principled. He is opportunistic. Another example, Josh shills and promotes Rumble with the FULL KNOWLEDGE they are working with Path.net for DDOS protection. The COO of path is Zoom who Josh calls a dangerous pedophile. Josh says he won't touch anything related to Zoom. However, he recently admitted on stream that he's warned Rumble repeatedly to not work with Path anymore. Josh and his users have been perfectly fine shilling Rumble despite it working with an actual person they call a pedophile.

This Josh-Turkey Tom-Destiny connection has become even more scummy as Turkey Tom is now the host for Destiny's Kick of Keep program.

Destiny's last host Qorantos quit the show. Destiny was paying Qorantos 5 figures a year to host his side project.

We can now deduce with evidence that Destiny is paying Turkey Tom to host his side project. Why would he do it for free? People like Josh accurately explained Turkey Tom's association with Destiny, Vito, and Dick Masterson as a means of collecting internet clout, but now there is a direct financial connection between the two.
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