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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
now this is interesting.


too bad the guy who made this hasn't realized that most of kiwifarms are reddit
Some Janny is playing defense for the furries and even the kwiffar are taking notice. :thinking:
Some Janny is playing defense for the furries and even the kwiffar are taking notice. :thinking:

To play debil's advocate, I don't know that he's necessarily playing defense for them. He was put into that spot because he's got the opposite mentality CIA Nigger had. It's more about sweeping up the repetitive posts about how all furries are cancer, they should be gassed, etc etc. He's been pretty consistent about that

OO on the money once again. Furthermore these declarations of REEEE and whining about muh nihilism is in fact the projection of their own nihilism onto society.

And note how they can't think of anything to fix it. If there's a hole in society then its caused by social media usage, phone addiction, and the internet. Before the internet existed people went to secular fraternities & sororities (the Elks, the Junior League, even the Freemasons and their women's auxiliary) as well as gathering in churches to meet people. Note that all of these activities require physical presence and leaving your house.

What does Kiwifarms do? They do what all internet addicts do, they hide in their basements living off the bank of Mom & Dad screeching about how society is le nihilistic. It never occurs to them to just go tf outside and talk to other human beings.

"This is one of the only places on the internet where you are not allowed to post CP"

Kiwi farms is that Stonetoss meme about predators and the male feminists except it's child molestation.

I was gonna say. They're really in denial about Josh's CSAM collection