Josh's idea of giving women a place to cry about men and being fat and coddle them just furthers the gender divide. He's not "helping women" or whatever cringe, whiteknight narrative he wants to portray. He just wants to take advantage of the divide to grow traffic to his website.
Josh really is that one stereotype of male feminists where they're just rapists and sex pests attempting to hide and deflect from themselves. I wonder how he would react if a woman ever confronted him about his past remarks.If that's what he wanted, he'd change his tune and start saying that America doesn't do anything for young men (meaning NEETs) and leaning into the incel talking points that the online right does, instead he still goes for the male feminist thing. He's been open about hating A&H and using Lidl Drip and other BP posters to try and drive A&H off the site without having to ban anyone.