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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Reading what that mod has said, I've figured Jersh was probably tried of the A-Logging and Weening and any dumb politics shit that went on in that thread and decided to give them a warning to not do it again.

I guess those Kiwis got their warning because I'm sure next time Jersh will put his foot down and start giving out permanent bans from that point on.

Almost everything involving tech at this point has been made by trannies in one way or another.

I'm aware of the Developer Socks meme (where either a tranny or a femboy will wear women's knee socks and say they use Linux) but that's pretty much 99% of the tech industry at this point.

It's not like you can escape this if you refuse to use Linux and decide to go with the Big Tech options. Microsoft? Windows is developed by trannies. Apple? Mac and iOS is developed by trannies. Google products? If you are using a Chromebook or an Android phone then you are using a product made by trannies too. Literally every Big Tech company has often hired people from the LGBT community to be key developers in their products.

Most importantly, part of the reason why people use Linux is to improve their cybersecurity (due to the open source nature of the Linux kernel) as well as boost their online privacy to give out less information to third-party advertisers and data brokers (because Microsoft, Apple, and Google suck at online privacy and cybersecurity).

If Kiwi Farms really doesn't want to use tech made by trannies then their only option at this point is to throw away their electronics, drop out of society, and go Amish. It's silly to refuse using Linux when nearly everything about tech these days has been developed by trannies in one way or another.
Screenshot 2025-03-16 131313.png

The lolicon board has now become a topic about goblins of all things. It's pretty bad over there.
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The lolicon board has now become a topic about goblins of all things. It's pretty bad over there.
What I find hilarious about this is that Kiwi Farms does acknowledge that Goblin Slayer is pretty based (I've watched the anime myself and it's a good watch) but they struggle to accept that it's also degenerate due to some of the graphic imagery from both the show and the manga. It's almost like Japanese entertainment in general doesn't cater to the sensibilities of what the Western world finds subjectively acceptable.

You can tell Kiwi Farms is coping with this because it seems they agree that Goblin Slayer is a good story but they struggle to accept Goblin Slayer for what it is because the ideological extremism they adopt fully prevents them from even enjoying a hobby (ideological purity spirals suck). They're so close to getting it but ideological purity makes them blind to this.

For the record, I don't think stuff like Berserk or Goblin slayer belongs in K-12 schools either for very obvious reasons. Although I find it hilarious that Kiwi Farms also struggles with this issue too because they accept that LGBT content doesn't belong in public schools but they struggle on whether or not manga like Goblin Slayer belongs in public schools either despite both of those things objectively having degenerate content (I guess it's a rules for me but not for thee). Purity spirals suck and they're also mentally exhausting aren't they? Just further proof that Kiwi Farms are often laughable midwits when it comes to pop culture.
What I find hilarious about this is that Kiwi Farms does acknowledge that Goblin Slayer is pretty based (I've watched the anime myself and it's a good watch) but they struggle to accept that it's also degenerate due to some of the graphic imagery from both the show and the manga. It's almost like Japanese entertainment in general doesn't cater to the sensibilities of what the Western world finds subjectively acceptable.

You can tell Kiwi Farms is coping with this because it seems they agree that Goblin Slayer is a good story but they struggle to accept Goblin Slayer for what it is because the ideological extremism they adopt fully prevents them from even enjoying a hobby (ideological purity spirals suck). They're so close to getting it but ideological purity makes them blind to this.

For the record, I don't think stuff like Berserk or Goblin slayer belongs in K-12 schools either for very obvious reasons. Although I find it hilarious that Kiwi Farms also struggles with this issue too because they accept that LGBT content doesn't belong in public schools but they struggle on whether or not manga like Goblin Slayer belongs in public schools either despite both of those things objectively having degenerate content (I guess it's a rules for me but not for thee). Purity spirals suck and they're also mentally exhausting aren't they? Just further proof that Kiwi Farms are often laughable midwits when it comes to pop culture.
It's ironic that most of these schools likely have firewalls to block children from accessing NSFW content. How do I know? I attended school years ago, when firewalls were being implemented, even for sites like Miniclip. Therefore, it's highly improbable that these schools would rely on a simple Google search, given those firewalls. The most plausible explanation is that the firewalls prevent teachers from researching the media in question. For instance, some teachers discovered the manga Fire Punch years before Chainsaw Man became popular. It's not that teachers are incapable of using Google; it's that they're restricted unless they possess the firewall password.
pikachudidnothingwrong gives a reasonable argument for the Texas law, gets negrated since he's not going full Spanish Inquisition and gets accused of being a pedophile.



When did they defend CP? :takeyourmeds:

I will protect the neko shota broken dick gooner with my life!


Should there be a separate thread for that thread and the "everyone that doesn't fully agree with me is a lolicon and has CP in their drives!" users? I can predict this purity spiral is going to end with all the accusers turning out to have even worse shit in their hard drives they accuse others of having.

For the record, I don't think stuff like Berserk or Goblin slayer belongs in K-12 schools either for very obvious reasons.
They're seinen series (made for adults), they shouldn't be there in the first place!
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My problem with this line of thinking is that we know that it wouldn't stop with pornography, as we see these people cry about non-pornographic media being "problematic" a lot of the time, and outright defending censorship of stuff that isn't porn (and if it isn't, we will see the goalpost shifting). At least the way that I see it, them insisting it's not about drawings, just to then say something completely different in the thread (goalpost shifting), it just comes off as gaslighting to me. As for Welper, dude must has some skeletons in his closet. That and such an inflated ego to call that the "best source of information on lolicons on the internet". I guess being SSRI-addled and on the verge of suicide will cause any sort of e-drama to come off as significant to their lives.

This site is really living up to the "SomethingAwful successor" moniker.
Should there be a separate thread for that thread and the "everyone that doesn't fully agree with me is a lolicon and has CP in their drives!" users? I can predict this purity spiral is going to end with all the accusers turning out to have even worse shit in their hard drives they accuse others of having.
That would frankly be interesting to watch go down. Watch the entire site's users canalize themselves.
My problem with this line of thinking is that we know that it wouldn't stop with pornography, as we see these people cry about non-pornographic media being "problematic" a lot of the time, and outright defending censorship of stuff that isn't porn (and if it isn't, we will see the goalpost shifting). At least the way that I see it, them insisting it's not about drawings, just to then say something completely different in the thread (goalpost shifting), it just comes off as gaslighting to me. As for Welper, dude must has some skeletons in his closet. That and such an inflated ego to call that the "best source of information on lolicons on the internet". I guess being SSRI-addled and on the verge of suicide will cause any sort of e-drama to come off as significant to their lives.

This site is really living up to the "SomethingAwful successor" moniker.

That would frankly be interesting to watch go down. Watch the entire site's users canalize themselves.
Null living up to his name. lol
Null locked this for the reason "internal shitflinging is not allowed and you're all just lying for drama"
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What lies have you guys noticed (if any)? The soyblog stuff is all true so I took it at face value. And there's been the "Username Hall of Shame" which is also infighting but that's okay apparently.
He probably didn't want people scaring off newfags or setting off the soyteens and the thread started going after oldfags shortly before Null locked it.
pikachudidnothingwrong gives a reasonable argument for the Texas law, gets negrated since he's not going full Spanish Inquisition and gets accused of being a pedophile.
View attachment 86218
View attachment 86216

When did they defend CP? :takeyourmeds:
View attachment 86219

I will protect the neko shota broken dick gooner with my life!
View attachment 86220
View attachment 86221
Should there be a separate thread for that thread and the "everyone that doesn't fully agree with me is a lolicon and has CP in their drives!" users? I can predict this purity spiral is going to end with all the accusers turning out to have even worse shit in their hard drives they accuse others of having.

They're seinen series (made for adults), they shouldn't be there in the first place!
So this is a perfect example of the 'Appeal from Authority' fallacy and a good sign that someone is likely a midwit.

"Jersh is the owner and admin of Kiwi Farms, Jersh has dealt with the law before, therefore Jersh is an expert."

So what the Appeal from Authority fallacy states that midwits will often pick and choose what "experts" or other figures of authority they want to use to back up their confirmation biases. This is peak midwittery because cherry picking what you want to confirm your personal beliefs as the 'Be all, End All' for an argument is not an argument. Figures of authority are also subject to be proven wrong when presented with objective reality.

Let me provide my own example of why Appeal from Authority to try to win an argument is a weak ass way to win an argument:

"Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins is an atheist, therefore all atheists are smart."

While there is no denying that Richard Dawkins is a brilliant evolutionary biologist and has contributed much to the field of Biology, that doesn't mean Richard Dawkins is an expert in everything. Richard Dawkins has been rightfully criticized for his dumb hot takes when it comes to politics and social issues where people from both the Left and the Right often rip on Richard Dawkins for his shitty takes on world issues; Richard Dawkins being an atheist doesn't make him any smarter or better than a homeless man with a meth addiction and Richard Dawkins being an atheist doesn't mean every atheist in the world is smart (anyone that was on the Internet during the 2010's will know how atheists can be just as retarded as their religious counterparts).

Another example would be like how the late Stockton Rush thought he was an expert in submersibles because he used to work in airplane engineering and he thought the ocean exploration business would be just like the airplane industry (look how that worked out for him when he rode inside Oceangate Titan for the final time).

Jersh is not the 'Be All, End All' of how the Internet works. There's no denying that Jersh is tech savvy and knows how to run a website (most of the time) but this doesn't mean Jersh is an expert in other fields outside of his expertise.
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Newfaggot asks why anyone would splinter KF.
Infinite number of reasons, in all frankness. The main one being that Null treats KF as his overglorified blog, and retarded as the farms userbase is, even they have better things to do than listen to him shriek like a yenta 24/7. Null also has a long history of trying - and failing miserably - at trying to sniff out any perceived competitors to his blog; MPC (MyPostingCareer), SASS/Something Sensitive, Dead Horse Interchange and this very forum are just some of the few examples.
Infinite number of reasons, in all frankness. The main one being that Null treats KF as his overglorified blog, and retarded as the farms userbase is, even they have better things to do than listen to him shriek like a yenta 24/7. Null also has a long history of trying - and failing miserably - at trying to sniff out any perceived competitors to his blog; MPC (MyPostingCareer), SASS/Something Sensitive, Dead Horse Interchange and this very forum are just some of the few examples.
Even fucking then, I'd still be question why parrot Twitter of all things (even though it technically is twitter a little bit in a sense). I don't know about the afore-mentioned sites you listed but they probably were a lot better than KF I'm sure.
So this is a perfect example of the 'Appeal from Authority' fallacy and a good sign that someone is likely a midwit.

"Jersh is the owner and admin of Kiwi Farms, Jersh has dealt with the law before, therefore Jersh is an expert."

So what the Appeal from Authority fallacy states that midwits will often pick and choose what "experts" or other figures of authority they want to use to back up their confirmation biases. This is peak midwittery because cherry picking what you want to confirm your personal beliefs as the 'Be all, End All' for an argument is not an argument. Figures of authority are also subject to be proven wrong when presented with objective reality.

Let me provide my own example of why Appeal from Authority to try to win an argument is a weak ass way to win an argument:

"Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins is an atheist, therefore all atheists are smart."

While there is no denying that Richard Dawkins is a brilliant evolutionary biologist and has contributed much to the field of Biology, that doesn't mean Richard Dawkins is an expert in everything. Richard Dawkins has been rightfully criticized for his dumb hot takes when it comes to politics and social issues where people from both the Left and the Right often rip on Richard Dawkins for his shitty takes on world issues; Richard Dawkins being an atheist doesn't make him any smarter or better than a homeless man with a meth addiction and Richard Dawkins being an atheist doesn't mean every atheist in the world is smart (anyone that was on the Internet during the 2010's will know how atheists can be just as retarded as their religious counterparts).

Another example would be like how the late Stockton Rush thought he was an expert in submersibles because he used to work in airplane engineering and he thought the ocean exploration business would be just like the airplane industry (look how that worked out for him when he rode inside Oceangate Titan for the final time).

Jersh is not the 'Be All, End All' of how the Internet works. There's no denying that Jersh is tech savvy and knows how to run a website (most of the time) but this doesn't mean Jersh is an expert in other fields outside of his expertise.

The way you dunked on the midwits and explained the Appeal from Authority fallacy reminded me of MentisWave.