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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Username says it all
our hobo schizo retard once again bring us another zinger.
View attachment 85756
View attachment 85755
View attachment 85754
so according to him, I jack off to "toilet camera footage" and his "evidence" is glowie's "lolcow thread" that's still stuck on PG to this very day. let's see if that's true, shall we?
View attachment 85757
View attachment 85758
oh my oh my, what's this? bullshit? yep. it shouldn't be surprising that this dumbfuck would make up bullshit like this and unironically believe in it. oh yeah, and by the way, the only thing that PG thread mentions that's remotely close to Daniel's "toilet cam footage" is the voyeur forum account which he doesn't elaborate further. spoiler alert: the voyeur account thing is a faildox
Lounge 96 thread plz.
View attachment 85773
A rebuttable to this.

You cannot force someone to like something you like because entertainment and art (for the most part) is subjective. Take the classic Stanley Kubrick film ' A Clockwork Orange' as an example; that film splits the cinema community because you have one camp that thinks it's one of the greatest films ever made and think Kubrick is a genius but then you have the other camp that thinks the film has unnecessary violence and and unnecessary horrific imagery (especially concerning the protagonist of the film) and the film should have never been made. The same can be said with other conterversial works of media that were made within the past 300 years.

Why is there like a hundred new anime shows featuring a dude getting the ladies or some comedy anime featuring a loli or shota character in suggestive or sexual situations? Because there is a demand for those kinds of shows and a demand for manga that follows a similar premise. Japanese entertainment responds to what is popular, not to what some dumbass on the Internet bitches about (which also reminds me of a Youtuber I encountered a long time ago back in the late-2000's that said the same shit about anime and manga because it wasn't "trad" enough for them but that's another story for another time). Everyone complains about Isekai anime being made every year but the only reason why Isekai floods Japanese entertainment at the moment because a lot of people consume it, Japanese publishers are going to listen more to the money over what some Literately Who complains about online.

Furthermore, there already is a ton backlash from the anime community where they do not like Wokescold progressives that try to make Japanese entertainment become "Woke" (because the anime community already like Japanese entertainment as it is and they don't want some retard from the outside to change it just to appeal to the subjective sensibilities of the Far-Left and the same can be said with those on the Far-Right). If the anime community hates what the Woke Progressives have attempted to do with Japanese entertainment then what honestly makes delusional Rightoid Tradcons think they can succeed where the Leftoids have failed? Any Rightoid that is dumb enough to attempt to subvert the anime community to make it more "Trad" is on their way to failure because they'll be meet with the same cold reception in the same way the anime community gave the Leftoids a cold reception.

Tl;dr, people that hold on to any kind extremist ideology and combine that with delusions of grandeur often are monumentally retarded. Welper is displaying Chris-Chan levels of delusions of grandeur. Pic definitely related.
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our hobo schizo retard once again bring us another zinger.
View attachment 85756
View attachment 85755
View attachment 85754
so according to Daniel / @Time 4 Guillotines, I jack off to "toilet camera footage" and his "evidence" is glowie's "lolcow thread" that's still stuck on PG to this very day. let's see if that's true, shall we?
View attachment 85757
View attachment 85758
oh my oh my, what's this? bullshit? yep. it shouldn't be surprising that this dumbfuck would make up bullshit like this and unironically believe in it. oh yeah, and by the way, the only thing that PG thread mentions that's remotely close to Daniel's "toilet cam footage" is the voyeur forum account which glowie doesn't elaborate further. spoiler alert: the voyeur account thing is a faildox
If I used that site I would late react to his post because that's from January LMAO

I also didn't know about that guy being a pedo until kiwifails told me. I was going to eventually make fun of him over his PFP though. I don't pay attention to cringe fandoms.
Null and Kiwi Farms have officially declared war on lolicons over the Bittycat incident.


Regardless of your opinion on lolicon/shotacon (personally, I find it to be gross and awful) or Bittycat herself (who I personally find to be a pedo-enabling creep), it's ironic that Kiwi Farms calls loli/shota artists the censors, yet Kiwi Farms calls for the jailing and murder of anyone who has ever looked at anything that resembles lolicon/shotacon. (With the exception of Joshua Fatfuck Moon, of course.)

I don't understand how Kiwi Farms can be considered a free speech site anymore. Free speech is more than the ability to say "nigger". Anyone can be pro-free speech when they're talking about speech they support, but it's tough to be pro-free speech when you're confronted with an idea or movement that you strongly disagree with.

I would have a bit more respect for Josh and Kiwi Farms if they just admitted they're the right wing equivilent of Resetera who call for the banning of anything they dislike, rather than larping as free speech activists.
The kwiffar discuss the ways to exploit the Boomer Buck...
Hoping for the "Boomers are stupid and already give money to scum, maybe this'll help the scum broom".
Null and Kiwi Farms have officially declared war on lolicons over the Bittycat incident.


Regardless of your opinion on lolicon/shotacon (personally, I find it to be gross and awful) or Bittycat herself (who I personally find to be a pedo-enabling creep), it's ironic that Kiwi Farms calls loli/shota artists the censors, yet Kiwi Farms calls for the jailing and murder of anyone who has ever looked at anything that resembles lolicon/shotacon. (With the exception of Joshua Fatfuck Moon, of course.)

I don't understand how Kiwi Farms can be considered a free speech site anymore. Free speech is more than the ability to say "nigger". Anyone can be pro-free speech when they're talking about speech they support, but it's tough to be pro-free speech when you're confronted with an idea or movement that you strongly disagree with.

I would have a bit more respect for Josh and Kiwi Farms if they just admitted they're the right wing equivilent of Resetera who call for the banning of anything they dislike, rather than larping as free speech activists.
KiwiFarms is proof that you need to dox some famous lolicon Vtuber for the community to go after KiwiFarms because they love making enemies with everyone online. The Broomstick never learns.


More clownish bullshit lies from the broomsticks
I wonder whose video was taken down?
Of course…
Oh, the hypocrisy was thrown right out the window.
Pot calling the kettle black, my dood.

Lizard man fights back.
He won’t stop. He is pissing them off.

We don't ban anybody for spamming with algorithm issues, this comes back to a point where I said these fucking morons don't pay attention at all, hell they probably are lying but still, they have no goddamn idea of what they're talking about.
Screenshot 2025-03-08 110049.png

We found Nazi Mario.