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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I saw a comment on a now deleted video (I forgot the name) that said they (the commenter) had this dream with Null being a chill guy (unironic shocker) and Vilgax from the Ben 10 series in it, making this gif very convenient:

View attachment 85671
apparently Josh brings back the sticker notification
It would be wise to keep it that way. For the sake of the users that haven’t been banned yet.
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Two retards fighting
View attachment 85682
This is so ironic as KiwiFarms also produces slop content as well.
Those first 2 morons haven't figured out they can change the fucking layout, again what is it with these retards and not being able to change the fucking layout, and AGAIN, these morons have been producing slop content themselves, like the first 2 retard posters you showed us, not being able change a fucking layout. Can these people die.
OOF those nails. She should be buying some anti-biting nail polish instead.
She was also whining AGAIN with other BPfats about having to buy male clothes because she's too fat for regular clothing. Notice how the one "with hirsutism specifically on the face and neck" quoted a man and former troon to complain about male vs female clothes quality (Jace on ice is Ruin/Sniperwoof)
(As an aside, I've had to wear male/"unisex" clothing sometimes, and it's always been incredibly uncomfortable with the fabric baggying everywhere and lifting at the hips. IDK what she's on)


This comes out more as her being jealous that she's so fat that she can't wear the "juicy peach" leggings :story: