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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
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These retards actually aren't even trying to talk about the posts anymore, on their DEAD NIGGER FAGGOT TRANNY shitty ass site.
Cause again KF is so fucking dead that they're home page is isn't a lolcow site, with the hot topics making the site seem more like a regular news outlet than a lolcow site.
These people donā€™t look in the mirror. That is how angry they get
>I also don't see why men have to wear tank tops
Um, because men do this thing called "sweat" so tank tops serve 2 purposes...
  1. Gives more cool air flow to the pits while releasing the hot air away faster/better
  2. The sweat, especially with deodorant, winds up leaving pit stains under the arm section, which is not only unattractive, but can be permanent, even with constant washing, and men don't want to get rid of good clothes if they don't have to.
Like, is it really that fucking hard to comprehend???
>I also don't see why men have to wear tank tops
Um, because men do this thing called "sweat" so tank tops serve 2 purposes...
  1. Gives more cool air flow to the pits while releasing the hot air away faster/better
  2. The sweat, especially with deodorant, winds up leaving pit stains under the arm section, which is not only unattractive, but can be permanent, even with constant washing, and men don't want to get rid of good clothes if they don't have to.
Like, is it really that fucking hard to comprehend???
Let met tell you trying to do a run on a hot day in a T-Shirt is the literal definition of Hell.
Those are worn for a single day for advertising payouts then tossed.

These are the kinds of tank tops that are being discussed;
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Wait then are the KF'ers mistaking the causal tanktops for workout tanktops because you'd think if they're mentioning working out they'd know there's a significant difference.
our hobo schizo retard once again bring us another zinger.



so according to Daniel / @Time 4 Guillotines, I jack off to "toilet camera footage" and his "evidence" is glowie's "lolcow thread" that's still stuck on PG to this very day. let's see if that's true, shall we?


oh my oh my, what's this? bullshit? yep. it shouldn't be surprising that this dumbfuck would make up bullshit like this and unironically believe in it. oh yeah, and by the way, the only thing that PG thread mentions that's remotely close to Daniel's "toilet cam footage" is the voyeur forum account which glowie doesn't elaborate further. spoiler alert: the voyeur account thing is a faildox
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