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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
You mean to tell me there could be other Anne Hathaway fans out there?

Where the hell are they???

She looked cute as a nerd.

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The first attempts at doxing Odd Opossum have begun.
>we are definitely not like those SJW who cancel people they don't like
>*proceeds to do the same thing as them*

ironic, isn't it? kwiffar trying to dox odd opposum is a reminder to everyone on not to go against the kiwi echo chamber
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This is such retarded bullshit and yet people go for it every time.
Imagine there being more than one person with an opossum themed account online, it's literally unthinkable.
There are quite a few users on kf with Dracula, Vlad the impaler, tepes, Hellsing, Alucard, and crimson themed accounts. Even more on other sites. People will forever jump at ghosts over my username.
Reason: And anything related to my account. Wait until I start doing bat and Batman and joker references to further muddy the water.
I think he has a point about the moral crusaders who post on KF, even if he's overly harsh about it.
In many cases on KF that applies but not to the animal threads, they actually deserve it.
Is she wrong though? Do you remember that survey thing that was done and it turned out some scarily-not-zero chunk of the population have no concept of an inner voice? There's plenty of people walking around right now who just don't have thoughts. What fills the echoing emptiness in their heads? Who knows.
It's likely symptomatic of some kind of learning disability, the same as dyslexics see words in the opposite order. There are many kinds of possible cognitive distortions and abnormalities, even in people of normal overall IQ. There's one called visual snow which makes you see everything in what looks like tv static.
Those with aphantasia reported more difficulty with autobiographical memory and facial recognition and were more likely to work in careers that involve math and science.
Zeman A, Milton F, Della Sala S, et al. Phantasia–The psychological significance of lifelong visual imagery vividness extremes. Cortex. 2020;130:426-440. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2020.04.003
Pissmaster, well know for his love of big women, declares Hollywood Hulk Hogan an Indian and complains that Kengle gets thousands to boil hamburgers.
I guess now Kengle can get grassfed beef burgers and those good anodized aluminum pots to boil them in.
>paying kengle any amount of money
Paying any forum/patreon/blogger etc is the behavior of lesser men.
It's likely symptomatic of some kind of learning disability, the same as dyslexics see words in the opposite order. There are many kinds of possible cognitive distortions and abnormalities, even in people of normal overall IQ. There's one called visual snow which makes you see everything in what looks like tv static.
Nice try, NPC harpy. I know they're not real people and you can't make me feel guilty for running them over.