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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Kwiffar stealin' "our bit".
User Larry David's Opera Cape is asking Kiwi Farms for advice on if a child at his work is a victim of Munchhausen's by proxy. Imagine asking a lolcow forum for advice on identifying and reporting child abuse.
There is a situation unfolding IRL that I find highly concerning. I can't detail it extensively here or it may run the risk of power level. But I have a few MBP related questions for the experts and or medfags in this thread.

The patient in question is a young school aged child. The child is in a power chair, the fully reclining type. There are a number of details about the mother and father I find vaguely suspicious and suggestive.

The parents will recline the kid all the way back in the chair, but then the child sits up, leans on an elbow, sits up with legs crossed and uncrossed, with a great deal of control over movements.

The kid doesn't seem to have trouble moving any limbs within the chair. No spasticity, no floppiness or signs of wasting. Fidgets in the chair the way a kid that age would fidget in class.

Speaks normally. Eats by mouth but also has a g or j tube. Normal looking size, facial features, behavior.

Good fine motor skills. Observed the kid drawing, writing, and coloring normally- even slightly above average- for age.

Despite no obvious reasons to do so, also wears visible leg braces.

The older the kid gets the more it looks like a normal kid being made to sit in a wheelchair, but the "gear" keeps multiplying. Lots and lots of gear and swag, pins and buttons, awareness stickers, all rainbow colored and garish.

Yada yada I know "invisible disability" is a thing, I am aware of the wide range of the conditions that could cost someone their mobility, but nothing adds up. I don't see the usual signs you would see- either floppiness or wasting or spasticity or signs of other developmental problems or chromosomal issues. Kid has good core strength- sits right up from a full recline and stays that way, until mom says lay down. And then lays back down with full control.

I spend too much time looking at the worst people in the world online. Tell me I am full of shit and there's an obvious explanation.

Thanks for your input all of you. Feeling less cynical for being disturbed by what I have seen now.

One thing that stands out about the parents (mom, really, appears to be in the drivers' seat) is that they always choose the most visually obtrusive option even if it really doesn't look like the kid needs it. Like bulky orthotics over the pants of a kid who is already in a chair, the biggest, loudest chair even though the kid appears to have the ability to cope with a lot less, boosting meds (or something) into the line in the middle of an activity in front of the whole group rather than timing it for before or after so it could be done privately. Flourescent leopard print gear packs rather than a plain black jansport, etc.

He describes the potentially abusive mom as a "quirk chungus":

The recently coined quirk chungus:


The mom in this case is this type I recognize readily (alas) : she seems to be wearing a costume rather than just being a person, and probably has shifted between various costumes in her life. Right now it's the Super Cool Disability Mom Tradwife, at some point in the past she was probably a Tumblr girl with dangerhair and problem glasses. Many such cases et cetera.
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