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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
well shit....PNG

Again...the shit is happening again
claims that organ transplant medicine is more corrupt than troon medicine
Don't hospitals make over six figures off selling the organs when someone passes? You can't sell your own organs by law but the web of transplants and transport of organs is incredibly profitable and why hospital groups constantly lobby for none of the money to be to the patients' families as a pure donation system, similar to how every blood bank sells blood donated to them for insane amounts of profit. I don't believe they intentionally organ harvest but they do manipulate grieving families into pulling the plug ASAP to make money off the corpse.
Hey hey people, it looks like there's a new update on the highlights.
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Ooh, look at the near top there. A violent sexual assault took place?
Lets see the video.
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A foolish 10.2 inch guard comes in but is absolutely gunted by dear feeder!
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Good on Josh, the Supreme gentleman, for calling this man autistic for defending him groping his girlfriends breasts and making her mildly uncomfortable with a PDA.
Isn't this the guy that claimed he communes with demons? And he's a druggie from I believe it's Vermont?
Yep. He's a known eccentric with a history going back about 15 years on YouTube. He made his claim to fame by being one of the first to call the election for Trump back when it was primary season.
Yeah I'm aware of that apparently he wrote some books on Amazon that he tried selling. Mostly shock or horror I figured he fell off after he got married and went to Sweden.
Good to see he's as washed up as the rest of them. You a fan of spoon clank?
Don't hospitals make over six figures off selling the organs when someone passes? You can't sell your own organs by law but the web of transplants and transport of organs is incredibly profitable and why hospital groups constantly lobby for none of the money to be to the patients' families as a pure donation system, similar to how every blood bank sells blood donated to them for insane amounts of profit. I don't believe they intentionally organ harvest but they do manipulate grieving families into pulling the plug ASAP to make money off the corpse.
I think sharing the profit with the families would be a good idea but Larry is making up shit about how brain death doesn't real and other bullshit.
reminds of me John Bulla lol
Is that the guy that called people "baby rapers"?
Yeah I'm aware of that apparently he wrote some books on Amazon that he tried selling. Mostly shock or horror I figured he fell off after he got married and went to Sweden.
Good to see he's as washed up as the rest of them. You a fan of spoon clank?
Yeah. I found him after another youtuber repped him. He's a goofy weirdo straight out of /x/ but that's part of the charm. I even have one of the books he edited. They're mainly occult tomes.
Yeah dude, fuck the somalians!
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Couple posts later...
Bee tee double you, do you want to know that I worked with widdle somalian girls and how they were so cute and eager to learn and I adored them and sgfhasgfhkasghf?
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I feel perturbed by his "little girls" sentences.

But he isn't 100% wrong (well, 95% wrong) about legals encouraging illegals. It's almost exclusively beaners that do it. I used to work in immigration related stuff, nothing too big, low level but of all the illegal immigrants I dealt with, Latinos were the most bold faced about not wanting to assimilate, ungrateful even. They don't want to learn English, don't want to learn the local culture, but they want all the rights and privileges in the US. That's why the established Latino Americans (like, 3-4 generation at least) absolutely hates these illegal latinos. My biggest pleasure while dealing with these illegals was sending illegals with final removal orders into planes back to their shit ass countries. SOme of them even voted (for Trump, lmao), so lifetime ban for them
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