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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
for a few years now it's been better to track and discuss lolcows off KF. his possessive nature is entrenched in the userbase. any comment that doesn't fit the prescribed narrative results in being buried under a continous stream of whining faggots. Say anything to these faggots and you get threadbanned.
Most of the threads on Deathfats, King Kobra or egrifters are filled with video essays from Youtube anyway.
So much whining... I just wanted to read about trannies getting mutilated. Not this gay shit.


Kiwis also play into this so it's stupid for them to complain. When KF does something they feel is good it's 'US' 'WE', when a kiwi does something bad it's "We're a collection of individuals".

It can't be both when it suits you losers.
All this fat retard and his dipshit posse had to do was holster their ban hammers and not blindly ban half the userbase so all they are left with is bad actors and glowniggers. It really did get so bad that people got together and made their own alternatives.
unyuns ok unyuns fine. unyuns happerist here. even slow forum better.
Most of the threads on Deathfats, King Kobra or egrifters are filled with video essays from Youtube anyway.
Then they will play dumb and defend each other from valid criticisms that yes, the essay spammers are very much just as bad if not worse than the lolcows they mock. By doing the exact same shit and being even more aggressive in their annoying moralfaggotry and rattling that beggar can for patreon paypigs.
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The trial kiwis are going to break the farms. Null is going to get jealous of how much attention the troon is getting and all the other kiwis will probably start coming out with the obvious fact that this is poop touching and clout chasing.
Godspeed tranny. We're all counting on you!
Null is going to get jealous of how much attention the troon is getting
If i was him, I'd be fucking panicking

For years he's been on a fucking cruisade against trannies, morphing the entire site in to an anti-tranny hang-out and using the fact that the site is still up and running as victories against their DDoS attacks.

And then out of nowhere comes this... thing. This person that also happens to be a member of the exact same forum that goes against everything this thing is all about. Now all of his "enemies" are laughing at him as he tries to pretend it's a nothing burger, but it's only going to make him look worse, with mixed messages no less. I'm sure more than one person will be asking "well what makes THIS troon different from everyone else that it isn't banned yet?"

The way I see it, there's only two ways he can actually rectify this. Either have that user post proof it's a biological woman (which would mean more of a dox, which Null wouldn't do because he's a fedora-tipping faggot), or ban that user for being a fucking idiot, because at that point at least he would be sticking to his word somewhat.

He had the opportunity to prevent this by telling his dumbass users to not go to the trial, but instead he kept adding fuel to the fire, until now he's in a situation where everything fucking blew up in his face (or at least one bang, with many more to follow). He really has no one to blame but himself for this whole fiasco.