• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
It's actually absurd how fast Null has torpedoed the site towards the likes of lcf and other "lolcow" spaces that are basically just fat women arguing 24/7, especially when you consider the main factors in this change have been his pets Lidl and Dyn running around sperging at wrongthinkers.

Instead of corralling his feminist dickriders, he's decided to empower them by not enforcing site rules against them and banning people who argue with them too much.
So basically turning tranny farms into lcf lite. The only thing its missing is a higher frequency of “moid” witchhunts. Whatever the fuck that means.
It's actually absurd how fast Null has torpedoed the site towards the likes of lcf and other "lolcow" spaces that are basically just fat women arguing 24/7, especially when you consider the main factors in this change have been his pets Lidl and Dyn running around sperging at wrongthinkers.

Instead of corralling his feminist dickriders, he's decided to empower them by not enforcing site rules against them and banning people who argue with them too much.

That was already the case when I was still there, it's nothing new or recent. During the lockdowns in 2020, I once got massively dogpiled with downvotes in the Trannie Social Media Side Show thread by literally dozens and dozens of TERF sockpuppet accounts. Accounts with no posting history at all. It was an obvious downvote raid, very obviously not organic, but the mods didn't give a fuck.

But what I can't understand is why he is choosing GoDaddy of all domains? Josh stated that he hated GoDaddy,

He explained why he went with GoDaddy on his Telegram account: "If GoDaddy fucks with my domain I will personally fly to DC and visit the FTC's building to complain to the NTIA."

07:46 PM, 04 Feb 2024
I have re-opened kiwifarms.us as a new TLD for the Kiwi Farms.

I've been hesitant to use .US because it is owned by notorious registrar GoDaddy, but it is operated under license by the FTC's NTIA. Which means there is someone in government I can complain to.

If GoDaddy fucks with my domain I will personally fly to DC and visit the FTC's building to complain to the NTIA.

One of the most perplexing posts from Null on the topic of CP was this one in 2017. That stupid @RubinRemus account tweeted this out during #DropKiwiFarms while he was harassing Caroline Farrow, for which he got eventually banned. I screenshot this thread at the time because I was kinda shocked at this post from Null, which I had not seen before.


You have to read this post very carefully to understand what Null is talking about here, so let's break it down, line by line. I haven't read the thread it was posted it (if anyone has the post in context please send me an archived link to that thread), but once you break it down, it becomes quite obvious what Null is referring to here.

"Let me put it like this: I have been around imageboards since I was in highschool."

Null admits that's he a veteran of Image Boards. Compare this statement to this Deviantart story by Null - which Null DFEd the moment it was posted here on OF - where Null wrote in greater detail about the kinds of people he was talking to on Image Boards as a teenager... including pedophiles:

Ever since I was a small child being forewarned by my parents about the dangers of the Internet, I've known about how dishearteningly bizarre the people staring at screens can be. It's not a unique thought to believe that the anonymity provided by the computer allows users to be who they otherwise cannot, seeing how even thirteen year old boys playing "Call of Duty" will be quick to point out that they could beat you up if you weren't on the Internet.


In my e-Journey I have met a great deal of interesting individuals, including intellectuals, savants, and abominations. People with great masses of brain power locked inside a mind that does not let them communicate proficiently without the written word, people who are perfectly normal and whom use the Internet as a tool to talk to friends and play games, and people whom would likely be committed to an asylum if even one tenth of what they said online were orated to anyone.

I've met out-of-the-closet pedophiles. I've met women that eat their own cervical mucus and whom masturbate by using slugs. I've met people whose biggest fantasy is to have sex with dolphins. I've met sociopaths, budding spree killers, and everyone in between. I've been a pen-pal to a convict with a life sentence, and I've been a shoulder to cry on for an 11 year old girl being raped by her father on a regular basis. I've done enough in the last 8 years on the Internet to write several epics and, if reenacted in the real world, would take multiple reincarnations to fulfill.

And in these experiences, I've learned a great deal. I've learned that I don't really like women and if I could choose to be gay, I would. I've learned that the best way to get someone to not want to talk to you is to threaten to murder them (repeatedly). I've learned that not talking to someone is as great a way to get their attention as actually being good at conversation is. And above all else, if I had to take one lesson out of what I've learned from Mr. Life in Prison, Missus Raped by Dad, Mr. I'm Killing Myself, Missus I Cut Myself, and about every person I've ever used to confide in:

Nobody wants to hear about your problems.

An Internet Adventurer (subtitled: "A message for my dear friends.")
Archived: https://archive.ph/djz0c

In this story Null admitted that, as a teenager on the Image Boards, he was talking to all kinds of degenerates, but that he saw this activity as a kind of adventure on the internet. Null doesn't say: "I was groomed by degenerates on Image Boards" or "I was the victim of EPE on Image Boards", presumably because he himself sought these people out and felt a sense of excitement at being able to talk to them. (I do wonder who this was: "I've been a shoulder to cry on for an 11 year old girl being raped by her father on a regular basis"... Null was talking to an 11 year old girl who was the victim of incest? Null was 19 in 2011, so perhaps this happened earlier? Null said that Clara Stockings came from an abusive household, without specifying what the abuse was, so was this perhaps a reference to Clara... or some other girl? I am asking because Null referred to himself as "her shoulder to cry on, and she was mine" in one of his posts, so this seems like a repetition of that.)

"I moderated 8chan, I directly dealt with pedophiles, borderline CP, and CP every day while moderating 8chan"

Null admits that he was exposed to CP and pedophiles constantly while he was an 8chan moderator. He has spoken about this on MATI as well. Keep in mind "Project Exodus", and Null's vague statement about how he was going to create a large database of CP fingerprints using "trusted sources", whatever that means. Maybe Null was collecting the CP that pedos were posting on 8chan so he could later use it to generate fingerprints for the "Project Exodus" database? It's clear to me that Project Exodus was likely the result of Null's frustration with trying to moderate Image Boards, but I am still wondering about that "trusted sources" statement.

"and I have never heard of this girl until today. She's not the iPod kid. She's not Jessi Slaughter."

This is truly the most perplexing and shocking statement from Null in this post. Null is responding to a picture of a girl (I haven't seen the picture he's referring to), and basically suggests that he has so much CP, such large quantities of CP on 8chan trying to moderate that website... that he thinks he is able to recognize a girl based on all the previous CP he has seen! Null suggests he is basically a human version of "Project Exodus". This particular statement to me is frankly quite frightening, because it so casually alludes to the staggering amounts of CP that Null must've seen while moderating 8chan/16chan, which might explain the need for "Project Exodus".

"It's my opinion that unless you are in that realm of the Internet, you wouldn't know about her. And by 'that realm' I mean the CP Tor websites."

Here we have another truly perplexing statement from Null. Null suggests here, that his ability to be a human "Project Exodus" - to recognize a child in an image based on all the previous CP he had seen on 8chan - comes from being "in that realm of the Internet... the CP Tor websites". Is Null suggesting that he himself was in that realm? Or is Null suggesting that, whomever responded to whatever image he was referring to in this KF thread (I haven't seen the full KF thread), that this particular image was so obscure that it could've only originated from a pedophile who was frequenting "CP Tor websites"? Isn't this an admission on Null's part that he was already aware, in 2017, that pedophiles from the darknet had found their way to his KiwiFarms?

I find it rather shocking that Null was just casually discussing his ability to recognize children in CP, from having seen copious amounts of CP as an 8chan moderator. I find it even more bizarre that, in working on "Project Exodus" (a CP recognition program), Null was trying to create a software version of himself.

Null really shouldn't be acting so obtuse about the dark underbelly of KF. It's very possible that some of those 8chan or 16chan pedophiles might have followed Null onto KiwiFarms. After all, Null openly let these 16chan pedophiles know, in 2018, that he was considering letting them onto yet another containment thread on KF. He thus let them know they were welcome onto KF.
Null seethes at Boogie and Keemstar for daring to talk about his shitty little fiefdom.
Boogie's comment.

Null already gaining a reputation as a trigger happy litigant and he hasn't even sued anyone yet.

Null comes back with some nuclear grade seethe. "How dare Keemstar let boogie the retard say things on his podcast about me and my website." :whyyy:
View attachment 45542
Null beats off another potential ally with a stick for imaginary crimes. That he isn't even sure that he himself believes but what he does remember is someone trying to steal his lolcow! Remember that lolcows are owned by Josh moon and if you want to talk to them you have to ask for permission first.
yeah he is so weirdly possessive of BMJ. It's super creepy.

Null seethes at Boogie and Keemstar for daring to talk about his shitty little fiefdom.
Boogie's comment.
View attachment 45540
Null already gaining a reputation as a trigger happy litigant and he hasn't even sued anyone yet.
View attachment 45541
Null comes back with some nuclear grade seethe. "How dare Keemstar let boogie the retard say things on his podcast about me and my website." :whyyy:
I thought he hated litigious people. Oh wait, he doesn't have any real opinions. He just has extreme self biased narcissism and believes in rules for thee but not for me.
"How dare Keemstar let boogie the retard say things on his podcast about me and my website."
What was that meme? Something something nigger, something something just close your eyes
Parasocials guna parasocial.
In Tech Grv...
Y'know... considering the broom hid is YT page, after I posted caps of someone making fun of his (utter lack of) coding skills... He might just end up getting trolled, young scamps @ing him with made up errors (that he wouldn't know were fictional), could get Chris Morris... "I'm getting Captain Sensible lag on the mainline Moog solo".
Null really shouldn't be acting so obtuse about the dark underbelly of KF. It's very possible that some of those 8chan or 16chan pedophiles might have followed Null onto KiwiFarms. After all, Null openly let these 16chan pedophiles know, in 2018, that he was considering letting them onto yet another containment thread on KF. He thus let them know they were welcome onto KF.
Has there ever been a pedophile more hiding it in plain sight than Joshua Connor Moon?


Gracious it would be a shame if someone sent Epik's legal team screenshots of him publicly bragging he wants to shake them down for money.

Josh is stupid and crazy but even for him it's kind of amazing how he's running around announcing this. Hey Josh, perhaps in your delirium of receiving 150,000 cultbucks you forgot the purpose of a defamation suit: you have to prove the other party's actions dealt significant psychological harm, or tarnished your otherwise good reputation in a significant way (lol), or had a negative monetary impact on your business. Josh has never mentioned any of these things because he knows to suggest any of this about him or a black listed site like Kiwi Farms is beyond absurd, not only that but from hour one he's been openly drooling at the prospect of scaring Epik into a settlement and owning that this is extortion. Someone actually hurting from defamation is not going to say "I'll go away if you pay me to". And if Hardin is knowingly playing along with this can he be investigated or penalized? He's already a big enough scumbag to offer his services to a radioactive psycho like Josh and knows about all the revenge porno and the site's body count so who knows what else he's been up to that could be uncovered.

Has he even hinted at what his strategy or even complaint with LFJ or Carabollo will be? Because I don't even think he or Hardin know. What judge is going to award you money for whining that these people contacted your host and complained you have a nest of fanatics screeching about how they want every tranny to 41% and publishing peoples SSNs and shit? Where is the lie? What a fucking hateable retard, he's too weird and stupid and full of hubris to make it out of this unscathed. If he was smart he would have asked Kiwis for a retirement fund and disappeared and they'd probably be pathetic enough to donate, instead he has to make it his crusade to prove a point nobody agrees with and at best is repulsed by. Good luck being directly scrutinized by normies for once in your life nutcase!
View attachment 45542
Null beats off another potential ally with a stick for imaginary crimes. That he isn't even sure that he himself believes but what he does remember is someone trying to steal his lolcow! Remember that lolcows are owned by Josh moon and if you want to talk to them you have to ask for permission first.
Is he calling that dude Tipster because he eBegs? That's hilarious.
Also, "this shit about us", "us", it looks like the other farms went from "my" forum, to "our" forum, I wonder what brought this on?