I am unaware of this loreI say this is you overreacting, just like what happened with @fag0t .
I am unaware of this loreI say this is you overreacting, just like what happened with @fag0t .
There is a thread on Matthew Hardin and from reading that thread you get the impression that Hardin isn't really the litigator type. I imagine that in order to procure the type of win in a defamation suit that would be Null's dream settlement, you would have to be a pretty tough litigator in court. Only a minority of lawyers are litigators.Has there ever been a pedophile more hiding it in plain sight than Joshua Connor Moon?
View attachment 45556
Gracious it would be a shame if someone sent Epik's legal team screenshots of him publicly bragging he wants to shake them down for money.
Josh is stupid and crazy but even for him it's kind of amazing how he's running around announcing this. Hey Josh, perhaps in your delirium of receiving 150,000 cultbucks you forgot the purpose of a defamation suit: you have to prove the other party's actions dealt significant psychological harm, or tarnished your otherwise good reputation in a significant way (lol), or had a negative monetary impact on your business. Josh has never mentioned any of these things because he knows to suggest any of this about him or a black listed site like Kiwi Farms is beyond absurd, not only that but from hour one he's been openly drooling at the prospect of scaring Epik into a settlement and owning that this is extortion. Someone actually hurting from defamation is not going to say "I'll go away if you pay me to". And if Hardin is knowingly playing along with this can he be investigated or penalized? He's already a big enough scumbag to offer his services to a radioactive psycho like Josh and knows about all the revenge porno and the site's body count so who knows what else he's been up to that could be uncovered.
Has he even hinted at what his strategy or even complaint with LFJ or Carabollo will be? Because I don't even think he or Hardin know. What judge is going to award you money for whining that these people contacted your host and complained you have a nest of fanatics screeching about how they want every tranny to 41% and publishing peoples SSNs and shit? Where is the lie? What a fucking hateable retard, he's too weird and stupid and full of hubris to make it out of this unscathed. If he was smart he would have asked Kiwis for a retirement fund and disappeared and they'd probably be pathetic enough to donate, instead he has to make it his crusade to prove a point nobody agrees with and at best is repulsed by. Good luck being directly scrutinized by normies for once in your life nutcase!
"The site is not a porn dump, revenge porn, or piracy site." - Null.
Featured on Apr 9, 2021 at 8:05 AM: The OnlyFans Era: How we have to deal with digital whores moving forward.
OnlyFans whores are ruining the entire fucking world. If you are on OnlyFans you are worth less than shit to me. Whores deserve nothing. I pray that God exists if only so whores will burn in hell.
That said, a lot of this whore drama is now on the site. A lot of lolcows are becoming whores. Here is a guideline for dealing with the legalities this presents. I will try to refine this so that any retard can understand it.
1. Search engines really do not like 'nonconsensual pornography'.
Surprise: This applies to consensual pornography, sold as product, hosted for critical review elsewhere.
To better comply with our overlords who can pull the plug on the discoverability of this site at any time, I am going to ask that people start using private tags on their own when posting nude photos. This is especially true on the first pages of threads and unedited photos/videos. Memes are more tolerable.
In general, your tag looks like this:
Spoiler: NSFW
This private information is unavailable to guests due to policies enforced by third-parties.
Again, this ESPECIALLY APPLIES in the FIRST PAGE of any thread because that is the page you really do not want memory holed!
2. Your critical commentary today makes my fair use claim more viable tomorrow.
Take THIRTY SECONDS when posting OnlyFans content to write a genuine criticism. "lol fat" is a good start, but look specifically at the June leaks:
30-year-old e-girl said:
The full leak. I've added some qualified personal commentary. This is my review of a photography set.
This is how you write a post, using private tags, so that the content is discoverable and the post will easily endure a copyright infringement claim. I can look at that post and immediately decide I will throw down betting on its legality.
It's not a race to get leaks out onto the forum. Take your time. 30 seconds when you make your post can literally be worth thousands of dollars in an attorney's hourly pay later.
3. The site is not a porn dump, revenge porn, or piracy site.
I'm going to start deleting obvious porn dump threads outright. While all whores are contemptible, not all whores are lolcows. It helps a lot if the thread existed before the OnlyFans content did.
It's also not necessary that every single image uploaded to OnlyFans gets posted to the site. Pick your battles. I am not trying to cultivate an audience of mentally deranged fappening coomers who start treating the site itself like a whore.
Finally, do not ever make comments like "reposting this here to deprive this person of income/adrev on YT! lol!". Retards.
https://kiwifarms.net/threads/regarding-onlyfans-and-the-forum.88384/ Archived: https://archive.is/aKZqV#selection-1083.0-1419.15
Do not post images of child abuse on the site, even if it's censored. If you have evidence someone is posting child pornography on your website, you should not be trying to instigate vigilante justice on an Internet forum. https://www.missingkids.org/ https://tips.fbi.gov/
Apr 13, 2023 #6,494
Fyi I've banned @870EVO for posting the most suspect shit imaginable. I hate Japan and I hate coomers.
If you're a racemixing pedo who is obsessed with porn and politics, just stay on /pol/.
Also, this site is SFW, and this is a thread about the prostitute/pornography industry, not for sharing porn.
Archived: https://archive.is/CFtIW#selection-7359.0-7447.110
Porn and Porncows
Fyi I've banned @870EVO for posting the most suspect shit imaginable. I hate Japan and I hate coomers. If you're a racemixing pedo who is obsessed with porn and politics, just stay on /pol/. Also, this site is SFW, and this is a thread about the prostitute/pornography industry, not for sharing...
Null · Post #6,494 · Today at 7:43 AM · Forum: Multimedia
The below was not a complete takedown request but I actioned it by deleting the .zip file referenced in the complaint. The message included a statement that someone had "bought the game for everyone else to enjoy without having to give him a cent". This does not meet fair use.
Copyrighted Content Takedown Request
Hello, I represent Folk Games. I am contacting you to see that you not only remove my copyrighted content which is being hosted on your site to bypass having to pay for it, but also that you prevent any reuploads of my content from being uploaded in the future.
This is the link to the thread hosting this.
This is a link to my game that you have to pay to own.
Forest Folk by ShadsHoodlum
A horror game about making friends and finding dark secrets.shadshoodlum.itch.io
And here is a link to my YouTube with the same email and name as this email to show that I am who I say I am.
I am all for archiving the past and I am fine with this forum disliking the game. What I don’t agree with is copyright infringement and the pirating of my still existing products.
I hope that you will take this seriously and remove the infringing content.
https://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojh...s-hoodlum-folk-games-piracy-complaint.170290/ Archived: https://archive.is/U63PQ#selection-1061.0-1115.76
Approved 2023-08-22 - Shads Hoodlum / Folk Games: Piracy complaint
The below was not a complete takedown request but I actioned it by deleting the .zip file referenced in the complaint. The message included a statement that someone had "bought the game for everyone else to enjoy without having to give him a cent". This does not meet fair use. Copyrighted...
Null · Thread · Yesterday at 10:22 AM · dillin thomas folk games piracy shads hoodlum · Replies: 19 · Forum: Take that off the god damn Internet!
Oct 24, 2023 #48,184
I don't know why people are asking me for fair use advice because I'm not a lawyer and cannot and would not give you legal advice.
If I was going to share and discuss a video, I would probably cut it into several chunks based on topic and provide a paragraph of critical commentary with each chunk. That way, it's easier to follow along and understand what is happening. I would do this because my intention would be to have a fair and critical discussion of a video, and not simply to share the video. I would also probably edit the video in some way, even if it was just to overlay a tweet to make that person look hypocritical, or maybe edit different segments together.
https://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojh...a-rekieta-law-nickrekieta.53871/post-17038476 Archived: https://archive.is/ttbOF#selection-1987.0-2049.543
Nicholas Robert Rekieta / Rekieta Law / @NickRekieta
I don't know why people are asking me for fair use advice because I'm not a lawyer and cannot and would not give you legal advice. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/regarding-onlyfans-and-the-forum.88384/ If I was going to share and discuss a video, I would probably cut it into several chunks...
Null · Post #48,185 · Yesterday at 8:27 PM · Forum: Grift Wars
Oh right, forgot about that. I didn't realize that's what you were referencing.
Gotta give you credit for reading all that. I sure as fuck didn't.There is a thread on Matthew Hardin and from reading that thread you get the impression that Hardin isn't really the litigator type. I imagine that in order to procure the type of win in a defamation suit that would be Null's dream settlement, you would have to be a pretty tough litigator in court. Only a minority of lawyers are litigators.
Here is an article by a law firm on the harsh reality of being a successful litigator
Woolworths (woolies not "wooly's" illiterate retard null) is just a regular supermarket, it isn't the same as the British woolies. I think the name is just coincidental but I could be wrong on that.View attachment 45577
I've got to assume that "Wooly's" is Woolworth's. Woolies is a name I've not heard for years. There are Brit who are very nostalgic for that shop. Sweets, crap clothes and cheap records (as in, I did quite well getting 7"s like Birdhouse in your Soul for 50p, also got the etched 12" of Jesus Christ Pose. Aussie's are just crass, criminal gene'd brits. ANd remember... NO POOFTAHS!
The UK versions use proper Cadbury's chocolate though not mutt vomit chocolate, so are objectively better.An irony: The limeys will always bang on about how shit American sweets are. Ignoring the fact that the two most famous here... you guessed it, are Snickers (Marathon in UK for many years) and the Mars Bar, both American products.
Well you now null shares TWO things with Jared from Subway.Honestly , Null's palate should've been called into question when he started singing the praises of Subway years before his cheese jihad
The terfs really think this guy is a great friend to the ladies.Featured on Apr 9, 2021 at 8:05 AM: The OnlyFans Era: How we have to deal with digital whores moving forward.
OnlyFans whores are ruining the entire fucking world. If you are on OnlyFans you are worth less than shit to me. Whores deserve nothing. I pray that God exists if only so whores will burn in hell.
That said, a lot of this whore drama is now on the site. A lot of lolcows are becoming whores. Here is a guideline for dealing with the legalities this presents. I will try to refine this so that any retard can understand it.
1. Search engines really do not like 'nonconsensual pornography'.
Surprise: This applies to consensual pornography, sold as product, hosted for critical review elsewhere.
No. They don't. Cadbury's is a different company. The aforementioned snacks are made by Mars. Just put shame in your confectionary name.Cadbury's chocolate
Oh yeah turns out you're right that they're owned by mars not Cadbury's (for some reason I thought one of them had bought the other)No. They don't. Cadbury's is a different company. The aforementioned snacks are made by Mars. Just put shame in your confectionary name.
I only skimmed through it but this is coming from a law firm on what it takes to successfully litigate in court.Gotta give you credit for reading all that. I sure as fuck didn't.
These statements from Josh were extra funny given last year he was giving the same advice to Rekieta in regards to his lawsuit with Montagraph, stating that Rekieta not using the word "probably" will greatly effect the case and how the court will interpret his words.Josh said he couldn't listen to Rekieta because he sounded "too smug" in the first minute or so, but there was some very salient points he made about the courts will interpret the wordings of the tweets. Josh's lawyer might be pulling a Ty Beard and telling him things he wants to hear for a payday instead of being realistic with his chances of victory.Here's the Rekieta clip I got the above screenshots from:
Null's cult-of-personality stans are in the comments making fun of Rekieta, when he's making some very good points actually.
Are Kiwis reading these comments from people disputing Null's defamation claims underneath the Rekieta clip? I guess not:
View attachment 45162
Null claims that the xeet where Epik said "the US authorities forced us to take action" was defamatory because it implied that Null was either a suspect or being investigated... but why does Null read into this reference to "US Authorities" that HE is the implied suspect? (Guilty conscience?)
I wonder, has Null considered the possibility that Epik might have reached out to LE about the screenshots because they wanted to report the person that was in those screenshots, not Null himself? Not everything has to be about you, Null. You have a lot of gross people profiled on your forum that LE might wanna look into. If you and your users are uploading all kinds of "receipts" about these people but not actually reporting them to LE, your ISP might do that themselves, once they've realized the kind of people you and your users are profiling on your forum. What if Epik had received a report concerning the thread about the GoonClown (which is also full of public admissions of pedophilia on his part AND has a video of him masturbating while admitting to being a pedo) Epik reported the thread to the FBI, then xeeted about complying with "US Authorities"? How would that be defamatory?
If I was working at Epik's abuse department and I had received screenshots of what someone claimed was CP, I'd immediately forward the entire abuse report with all of the screenshots to LE, just to be safe. Is the likelihood of Epik doing that really so unusual and outrageous to Null?
Here's another possible scenario: What if Epik had received the screenshots, weren't sure what to do, so they contacted LE for advice on how to proceed lawfully, and it was LE who told Epik, "You must take down whatever website those pictures are on to stop the distribution of potential/suspected/alleged CP"? Is Epik engaged in defamation by stating they did whatever LE told them to do?
These are all possible scenarios, but it's Null who insists that there was no involvement from "US Authorities" and that "Epik admitted this [claim of LE involvement] was a lie". The fact is, Null simply doesn't know if there was any contact at all between "US Authorities" and Epik about the screenshots or anything else on his forum. However, if Epik, in good faith, believed that the initial abuse report concerned potential or suspected CP on a customer's website, more likely than not they would've contacted LE about it, whether they notified Null of this or not.
Is there truly no one left on KF who can explain these things to Null?
Can no one explain to Null that it's perfectly normal and customary for an ISP to contact LE when they've received an abuse report about potential CP on a customer's forum? That this doesn't mean the ISP has any malice towards Null as an individual, but they're just trying to follow the law when dealing with such material being reported to them?
Null has become a monomaniacal one-track mind who has surrounded himself with yes-men and cheerleaders who dare not challenge him on anything.
I think it's only Hershey that does the vomit chocolate if I'm not mistaken. It has something to do with their process. But I think the common consensus is that butyric acid causes the vomit taste.The UK versions use proper Cadbury's chocolate though not mutt vomit chocolate, so are objectively better.
Is this the same user Lidl was obsessing over in the gaychat? What is the story with Slav Power? Does he really help Null, or is he a less faggy parasocial like Dldl.Also Null is very pissy lol. He actually caught a hat over this. Why is he so fucking mad??? He just got given 150k why is he angry??
View attachment 45623