What is Null's policy on KiwiFarms users cross-posting porn and other types of obscenity under the guise of "fair use criticism"? Are Null and his users
"porno-laundering" under the guise of promoting an anti-LGBT agenda? A detailed analysis showing the receipts (Null in his own words).
"The site is not a porn dump, revenge porn, or piracy site." - Null.
Let's look at these questions:
-What is "porno-laundering"? (aka the "porn stops being porn when it's crossposted to KF" argument)
-What did Null have to say about people using KiwiFarms for "porno-laundering"? (Null will actually ban users if he suspects porno-laundering!)
-Was Null instructing his users to add written criticism to porn uploads, as a pretext for "porno-laundering"?
-What's Null's policy on users cross-posting porn on KF to deny porn actors an income? (the "whores get nothing" argument)
- Null will remove users uploading .zips of pirated games deliberately onto KF to deny game devs an income... but not pirated porn?
I personally believe that Null was knowingly violating Epik's ToS barring obscenity, and I believe he was hoping to get away with it based on his previous backroom deal with Brian Royce. This is just my personal opinion based on what I have seen so far.
I was listening to this Livestream, and at this part the two people talking mention SRS or bottom surgery results being unrealistic. They recommend to their viewers that they visit the Stinkditch thread on KiwiFarms, which is basically the KF equivalent of the old /r/NeovaginaDisasters thread on Reddit:
Is Null going to deny that this thread exists on KF and that this thread would constitute a violation of Epik's ToS clause against any kind of obscenity? Or is he going to edge-case about this and say that "we are posting images of medical malpractice to denounce trans butchery, not to show REAL vaginas". Does that matter to the coomers who browse the farms looking exactly for this type of material?
Also, with the proliferation of "trans teens" having surgery at younger and younger ages (some even having their dicks cut off at 16, like Jazz Jennings)... how does Null and the TERFs who frequent the Stinkditch thread know that the examples of /r/NeovaginaDisasters posted in their thread aren't pictures of actual "trans teens" who had their genitals mangled? Or do they think that they, as adults, get to oogle at a legal minor's destroyed genitals, just because they're doing it in the name of their Righteous Quest of exposing the evil LGBT?
Null's argument is that he and his users should be allowed to cross-post porn - especially LGBT porn - to KF because they are not presenting these people in the original context, ie, as "pornographic" - as sexy and desirable - but rather in the new context of KF, where they are presented as monstrous, degenerate, disgusting, predatory and contemptible. Since everyone on KF either shares or is expected to share Null's anti-LGBT agenda, this is how those images are going to be read in their new context on KF. This is what I refer to as the "porn stops being porn when it's cross-posted to KF" argument.
I would also argue that this argument is complete bullshit because:
1) Null has no idea who is browsing his forum and for what purpose (Null cannot logically assume that everyone on KF shares his anti-LGBT agenda or is browsing the forum in that spirit)
2) Null himself let the degenerate predators of 16chan.nl's /phile board know that they were welcome on KF, when he openly stated he was pondering creating a new "pedophile containment" thread on KF. Thus Null himself has given out mixed messages about who's allowed onto KF.
3) Null knew that his users were just dumping their porn folders onto KF, having banned a user for doing that. Null also instructed his users to not just upload porn images "as is" but to write reviews of the porn they were uploading, so Null could later claim these images were cross-posted in the name of fair use criticism.
The receipts (Null in his own words):
Here is the 2021 post in question where Null wrote:
"This is how you write a post, using private tags, so that the content is discoverable and the post will easily endure a copyright infringement claim.". Null also made it known that he was aware of the fact that he was on legal shaky ground by allowing his users to cross-post porn onto KF:
"Search engines really do not like 'nonconsensual pornography'. Surprise: This applies to consensual pornography, sold as product, hosted for critical review elsewhere."
Featured on Apr 9, 2021 at 8:05 AM: The OnlyFans Era: How we have to deal with digital whores moving forward.
OnlyFans whores are ruining the entire fucking world. If you are on OnlyFans you are worth less than shit to me. Whores deserve nothing. I pray that God exists if only so whores will burn in hell.
That said, a lot of this whore drama is now on the site. A lot of lolcows are becoming whores. Here is a guideline for dealing with the legalities this presents. I will try to refine this so that any retard can understand it.
1. Search engines really do not like 'nonconsensual pornography'.
Surprise: This applies to consensual pornography, sold as product, hosted for critical review elsewhere.
To better comply with our overlords who can pull the plug on the discoverability of this site at any time, I am going to ask that people start using private tags on their own when posting nude photos. This is especially true on the first pages of threads and unedited photos/videos. Memes are more tolerable.
In general, your tag looks like this:
Spoiler: NSFW
This private information is unavailable to guests due to policies enforced by third-parties.
Again, this ESPECIALLY APPLIES in the FIRST PAGE of any thread because that is the page you really do not want memory holed!
2. Your critical commentary today makes my fair use claim more viable tomorrow.
Take THIRTY SECONDS when posting OnlyFans content to write a genuine criticism. "lol fat" is a good start, but look specifically at the June leaks:
30-year-old e-girl said:
The full leak. I've added some qualified personal commentary. This is my review of a photography set.
This is how you write a post, using private tags, so that the content is discoverable and the post will easily endure a copyright infringement claim. I can look at that post and immediately decide I will throw down betting on its legality.
It's not a race to get leaks out onto the forum. Take your time. 30 seconds when you make your post can literally be worth thousands of dollars in an attorney's hourly pay later.
3. The site is not a porn dump, revenge porn, or piracy site.
I'm going to start deleting obvious porn dump threads outright. While all whores are contemptible, not all whores are lolcows. It helps a lot if the thread existed before the OnlyFans content did.
It's also not necessary that every single image uploaded to OnlyFans gets posted to the site. Pick your battles. I am not trying to cultivate an audience of mentally deranged fappening coomers who start treating the site itself like a whore.
Finally, do not ever make comments like "reposting this here to deprive this person of income/adrev on YT! lol!". Retards.
https://kiwifarms.net/threads/regarding-onlyfans-and-the-forum.88384/ Archived: https://archive.is/aKZqV#selection-1083.0-1419.15
Here's Null asking Kiwis in the Soyjak.Party / The Sharty thread not to post CP or CSAM onto KF:
Do not post images of child abuse on the site, even if it's censored. If you have evidence someone is posting child pornography on your website, you should not be trying to instigate vigilante justice on an Internet forum. https://www.missingkids.org/ https://tips.fbi.gov/
Here is Null banning someone from the Porncows thread for appearing to dump their porn folder onto KF, which according to Null contained
"the most suspect shit imaginable. I hate Japan and I hate coomers":
Apr 13, 2023 #6,494
Fyi I've banned @870EVO for posting the most suspect shit imaginable. I hate Japan and I hate coomers.
If you're a racemixing pedo who is obsessed with porn and politics, just stay on /pol/.
Also, this site is SFW, and this is a thread about the prostitute/pornography industry, not for sharing porn.
Archived: https://archive.is/CFtIW#selection-7359.0-7447.110
Porn and Porncows
Fyi I've banned @870EVO for posting the most suspect shit imaginable. I hate Japan and I hate coomers. If you're a racemixing pedo who is obsessed with porn and politics, just stay on /pol/. Also, this site is SFW, and this is a thread about the prostitute/pornography industry, not for sharing...
Null · Post #6,494 · Today at 7:43 AM · Forum: Multimedia
Here's Null approving a take down request because he agreed that someone had cross-posted a .zip of a full game to KF to deny the maker money: "The message included a statement that someone had
"bought the game for everyone else to enjoy without having to give him a cent". This does not meet fair use."
The below was not a complete takedown request but I actioned it by deleting the .zip file referenced in the complaint. The message included a statement that someone had "bought the game for everyone else to enjoy without having to give him a cent". This does not meet fair use.
Copyrighted Content Takedown Request
Hello, I represent Folk Games. I am contacting you to see that you not only remove my copyrighted content which is being hosted on your site to bypass having to pay for it, but also that you prevent any reuploads of my content from being uploaded in the future.
This is the link to the thread hosting this.
This is a link to my game that you have to pay to own.
A horror game about making friends and finding dark secrets.
And here is a link to my YouTube with the same email and name as this email to show that I am who I say I am.
I am all for archiving the past and I am fine with this forum disliking the game. What I don’t agree with is copyright infringement and the pirating of my still existing products.
I hope that you will take this seriously and remove the infringing content.
https://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojh...s-hoodlum-folk-games-piracy-complaint.170290/ Archived: https://archive.is/U63PQ#selection-1061.0-1115.76
If goes without saying that Null would've never responded similarly if someone had contacted him about taking down the cross-posted porn on his forum.
Approved 2023-08-22 - Shads Hoodlum / Folk Games: Piracy complaint
The below was not a complete takedown request but I actioned it by deleting the .zip file referenced in the complaint. The message included a statement that someone had "bought the game for everyone else to enjoy without having to give him a cent". This does not meet fair use. Copyrighted...
Null · Thread · Yesterday at 10:22 AM · dillin thomas folk games piracy shads hoodlum · Replies: 19 · Forum: Take that off the god damn Internet!
Here's Null in the Nick Rekieta thread, linking to his "how to cross-post porn to KF under the guise of fair use criticism" tutorial, while again instructing Kiwis to cut large videos into chunks and write criticism about each video segment before uploading them to KF:
Oct 24, 2023 #48,184
I don't know why people are asking me for fair use advice because I'm not a lawyer and cannot and would not give you legal advice.
If I was going to share and discuss a video, I would probably cut it into several chunks based on topic and provide a paragraph of critical commentary with each chunk. That way, it's easier to follow along and understand what is happening. I would do this because my intention would be to have a fair and critical discussion of a video, and not simply to share the video. I would also probably edit the video in some way, even if it was just to overlay a tweet to make that person look hypocritical, or maybe edit different segments together.
https://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojh...a-rekieta-law-nickrekieta.53871/post-17038476 Archived: https://archive.is/ttbOF#selection-1987.0-2049.543
Nicholas Robert Rekieta / Rekieta Law / @NickRekieta
I don't know why people are asking me for fair use advice because I'm not a lawyer and cannot and would not give you legal advice. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/regarding-onlyfans-and-the-forum.88384/ If I was going to share and discuss a video, I would probably cut it into several chunks...
Null · Post #48,185 · Yesterday at 8:27 PM · Forum: Grift Wars
To conclude, I do not think that porn stops being porn just because it's cross-posted to KF to be "criticized". Null can shout at his users all he wants, warning them to not to use KF for "porno-laundering", banning them for doing so, but such porno-laundering is kind of inevitable given the nature of the website. The content on KF is intended to shock and disgust the reader/viewer, and almost nothing arouses the kind of shock and disgust on KF that porn does. Therefore, I predict there will continue to be "porno-laundering" on KF, regardless of Null's efforts to stop this.
The fact that Null has to instruct his users to write reviews of the porn they are cross-posting to KF shows that Null was aware of the fact that such material could get him into legal trouble, so he had to remind his users to create the bare minimum pretense of fair use criticism for Null to be able to justify his users uploading such obscenity to KF.
Clearly Epik was not persuaded by such "bare minimum" efforts at meeting the fair use standard.
So nope, sorry, can't have your cake and eat it. If an ISP says "no obscenity" in their ToS, don't try to bypass their rules through a shady backroom deal with the CEO. You should respect their ToS and go find another ISP that does allow you to post all the obscenity you want in the name of your anti-LGBT crusade.
Owner Of Largest Adult Content Website Was DEFENSE ATTORNEY For Child Abusers