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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Furthermore, this comment is just plain rude and gross. I politely responded to you trying to explain myself and you're just misconstruing what I actually wrote while addressing me in a gross manner. This is the moment we press "ignore".
That's unfortunate because I'm wondering about your belief Null is a hapless victim. Is there even any evidence he was groomed by anyone? Nearly 100% of people his age with internet access have been exposed to porno, exposed to perverts online etc and they don't start collecting hurtcore or trying to accommodate those pedophiles for years on every site they own. So maybe the easiest occam's razor answer is he's just aroused by it? You've already said previously you think he's a sexual sadist with no healthy outlet so why doesn't that include kids which are the most easy to harm and the most rewardingly taboo to harm? Isn't the easiest answer that he's always been a fat sadistic creep who was raised by an overly doting alcoholic real estate agent that taught him firstly he could do no wrong and how to use the legal system to get whatever he wants? His entire life is based around getting everything he wants from other people whether it's entertainment or sacrifice of their personal comfort or money. His only relationships with women vaguely his age are online and you can read all his fucked logs about wanting to rape them and wanting to hurt kids in his own family for annoying him when he was in late adolescence. In your last post you linked the thing he said about all onlyfans whores deserving to have their nudes leaked and they deserve to burn in hell.

Like I just don't understand this idea he's a sympathetic character with a soul underneath it all twisted by evil groomers online when people outside his website take one look at him and conclude he's a revolting faggot with no redeeming qualities and don't want to speak of him again unless they have to. But then again that's why the only bitches who will even think about him are one bad day from a 5150 like you and Lidl.
Most of the time kids only see CSA material because they were shown it by predators. This is true for anime stuff as well as regular CP. It could be that Josh enjoys it but it's something that humans don't seek out unless they're pushed by predators. You can stumble on things by accident but Josh sought it out repeatedly which indicates abuse.
Most of the time kids only see CSA material because they were shown it by predators. This is true for anime stuff as well as regular CP. It could be that Josh enjoys it but it's something that humans don't seek out unless they're pushed by predators. You can stumble on things by accident but Josh sought it out repeatedly which indicates abuse.
I've dealt with cp spammers before too a long time ago. They are pedos who look it up and post it in public places. Even if I post fucked up shit that is a line I won't cross. It's a long story I said before.
But tldr version I had a group that was trying to take them down on a social media platform back in the day.
That's unfortunate because I'm wondering about your belief Null is a hapless victim. Is there even any evidence he was groomed by anyone? Nearly 100% of people his age with internet access have been exposed to porno, exposed to perverts online etc and they don't start collecting hurtcore or trying to accommodate those pedophiles for years on every site they own. So maybe the easiest occam's razor answer is he's just aroused by it? You've already said previously you think he's a sexual sadist with no healthy outlet so why doesn't that include kids which are the most easy to harm and the most rewardingly taboo to harm? Isn't the easiest answer that he's always been a fat sadistic creep who was raised by an overly doting alcoholic real estate agent that taught him firstly he could do no wrong and how to use the legal system to get whatever he wants? His entire life is based around getting everything he wants from other people whether it's entertainment or sacrifice of their personal comfort or money. His only relationships with women vaguely his age are online and you can read all his fucked logs about wanting to rape them and wanting to hurt kids in his own family for annoying him when he was in late adolescence. In your last post you linked the thing he said about all onlyfans whores deserving to have their nudes leaked and they deserve to burn in hell.

Like I just don't understand this idea he's a sympathetic character with a soul underneath it all twisted by evil groomers online when people outside his website take one look at him and conclude he's a revolting faggot with no redeeming qualities and don't want to speak of him again unless they have to. But then again that's why the only bitches who will even think about him are one bad day from a 5150 like you and Lidl.

At this point Josh is irredeemable, but no one is just… born that way. Josh was made by his environment to be who he is today. And I’m not making excuses for him, he still chose to follow this path, but no one is born an insufferable faggot like Josh.

Relationship with Mother

Josh was very neglected growing up. He had an absent father and a mother who he resented for giving birth to him and her bad choices.

“She is a slut who had me at 18. She is the sole reason I'm pro-choice. I'm hoping more whores that got knocked up at her age and would become stuffty parents would abort their kids as opposed to bringing them up miserably” (archive).

“She reminds me constantly about how pathetic I am about about how I suck the last loving slivers of joy out of her mind and how horribly unproud she is that I fell from her womb” (archive).


His relationship with his mother most likely led to his seething hatred of women.

“I've learned that I don't really like women and if I could choose to be gay, I would. I've learned that the best way to get someone to not want to talk to you is to threaten to murder them (repeatedly)” (archive).


“I've never felt invested in. I never thought that anyone I knew expected me to succeed” (archive)

attention he wanted was through being violent and offensive. Josh comments on how he’s such a disgusting person because he just really wants people to listen to him :( poor joshy-poo

“Growing up, if I ever wanted the attention of my school or parent, I'd have to say something really violent and/or shocking. I had to offend people. This carried over into online life when I was a tween/teen and that sort of grossly offensive use of language still bubbles up when I really want to be listened to” (archive).

And while it is normal for teenagers to “experiment,” the fucked up vile shit josh was around undoubtedly gave him some VILE fetishes.

gay phase.” This is the source of the “neko shota” logs.



God knows what else he was experimenting with, knowing what he was exposed to.

At this point Josh is irredeemable, but no one is just… born that way. Josh was made by his environment to be who he is today. And I’m not making excuses for him, he still chose to follow this path, but no one is born an insufferable faggot like Josh.

And while it is normal for teenagers to “experiment,” the fucked up vile shit josh was around undoubtedly gave him some VILE fetishes.
There are quite a a few psychopaths who were indeed born that way. A lot of people are a product of their environment but there are still some people wired wrong due to poor human body cable management. I'm not saying null is either or, just that it is a thing that happens.
If you saw the shit he was posting on blockland you would change your opinion real quick. This nigger was born that way.

His dad left him, his mother neglected him, and he grew up on 4chan. The only way he knew of to get attention was being violent and offensive. Josh is an attention seeking manbaby who never grew up.
Me responding to Null claiming he was defamed by Epik and Caraballo for having suspected CP on KF which allegedly led to his domain being blocked at the request of US Authorities:


Source of the H3h3-Hila screenshot.

Sorry not sorry my dude, your reputation was already in the gutter years before that xeet from Epik.
Epik being mistaken or misled with a false CP report doesn't mean they deliberately set out to defame you.
Me responding to Null claiming he was defamed by Epik and Caraballo for having suspected CP on KF which allegedly led to his domain being blocked at the request of US Authorities:

View attachment 45752View attachment 45751View attachment 45750View attachment 45749View attachment 45748View attachment 45747View attachment 45746
Source of the H3h3-Hila screenshot.

Sorry not sorry my dude, your reputation was already in the gutter years before that xeet from Epik.
Epik being mistaken or misled with a false CP report doesn't mean they deliberately set out to defame you.
Holy fuck that was funny.

I was in the camp that the Blockland shit was someone being an edgy teen, but I was always denying the fact that if this was LITERALLY ANY OTHER LOLCOW ON THE SITE, they would have been thrown to the wolves in a heartbeat.

I have no choice but to deem Kiwifarms severely hypocritcal. I don't think Josh has a chance in this lawsuit. Frankly, any freshman in high school (this is how old Josh was) talking about shotacon is fucking weird, and that's putting it extremely mildly.

He is a lolcow.