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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
"My site is not used for anything illegal" Okay Josh what about the cheese pizza and zoophilia shit hosted on that ole site of yours
I know what you meant by Cheese pizza obviously. But that meaning aside, cheese pizza is honestly the worst kind of pizza. It at least need pepperoni or something. That's why I immediately assume CP when people mention it, hard to believe anyone likes plain cheese pizza unless they're a child themselves.
Reason: Also pineapple on pizza haters can suck a fat one.
Joshy's fun time with keffals.png

Have this photoshop I made...lmao:haha:
You know what I just realized?
... and we have zero tolerance for pedophiles and pedophile content. There is absolutely nothing of the sort hosted on any of my node, nor has there ever been. - Joshua Moon
We've discussed this before but there has been lolicon content on his site and he claims that is pedophilia.
So I'm confused by his logic, as it can only mean the following.
  1. Despite past statements: He's pulling a Vaush and is merely smoke-screening his feelings.
  2. He is unaware of the content hosted on his site.
  3. He is lying.
  4. He somehow believes the act of criticism negates hosting such content.
Joyless Jewsh at it again. From the random text thread two quotes get submitted that mention Russia and he flips out.

This one is completely unpolitical it's just referencing a story where people wouldnt stop making dicks out of snow in Russia. I laughed tbh.
I guess you could see this as a jab at Ukraine but it's a pretty standard joke that could be used between brits and aussies or even different types of people within the same country "Hah those northeasterners speak english like they are having a stroke." Of course as the admin of the site Null is just going to admit the ones he likes anyway so I dont know why he has to run in crying about it. Oh yeah that need for control he has.rusmad1.png
What a sourpuss.
I know what you meant by Cheese pizza obviously. But that meaning aside, cheese pizza is honestly the worst kind of pizza. It at least need pepperoni or something. That's why I immediately assume CP when people mention it, hard to believe anyone likes plain cheese pizza unless they're a child themselves.
Actually there is one reason you could reasonably order cheese pizza: They usually skip out on the cheese if you get toppings. Still I prefer anchovy pizza.
Actually there is one reason you could reasonably order cheese pizza: They usually skip out on the cheese if you get toppings. Still I prefer anchovy pizza.
Actually you are right about that, I forgot they do that. In that case getting a cheese pizza and putting it back in the oven with your own toppings wouldn't be a bad idea and would probably save you money too.
BTW, you guys, Null did do a MATI today, and he literally started out the show with a clip of some pedophilic father admitting before a pedophile hunter to molesting his own daughter. What's the matter Null, aren't you glad this father was producing more pictures of his daughter you could use to make more fingerprints for your CP database for Project Exodus? I bet you could recognize the daughter in those images too, based on all the CP you saw as a moderator. Would you like the incest porn better if her "hot sister" was in it?

I bet Null playing this clip of the pedophile hunter wasn't at all prompted by all the evidence we have been posting here of Null's reputation of being "soft on pedos" long predating Epik's xeets. The difference is that you're not a pedo-hunter, Null. You literally said gay kids deserve to be raped by online pedophiles for being gay.

Holy fuck that was funny.

I was in the camp that the Blockland shit was someone being an edgy teen, but I was always denying the fact that if this was LITERALLY ANY OTHER LOLCOW ON THE SITE, they would have been thrown to the wolves in a heartbeat.

I have no choice but to deem Kiwifarms severely hypocritcal. I don't think Josh has a chance in this lawsuit. Frankly, any freshman in high school (this is how old Josh was) talking about shotacon is fucking weird, and that's putting it extremely mildly.

He is a lolcow.

That's why I didn't post any of those Blockland staledox that everyone is always endlessly recycling ad nauseam, I wanted to post some of Null's more recent comments, that he posted as an adult, while he was already running KF. He can't disavow those more recent comments with "I don't remember what I said when I was 15". But you do remember what you said in 2018-2020 as an adult!

Even though we already know his dumbass is losing the lolsuit, what happens after that? curious if kf goes down after that
He'll just e-beg some more, and his cult will just throw more money at him.

"My site is not used for anything illegal" Okay Josh what about the cheese pizza and zoophilia shit hosted on that ole site of yours

Null thinks that porn stops being porn when it's cross-posted to KF.
As long as you put the porn behind spoiler tags and write a shit review about it so that Null can claim fair use protection.
That's all it takes, according to Null, to go from something being porn to it being social commentary on the evils of the LGBT movement.
Null still doesn't understand that, when a Telegram pedophile posting a video of himself masturbating with the intent of grooming children, that video itself is pedophilic and a sex crime. Anyways, Null can try to sell his bullshit argument of "It stops being porn when it's behind a spoiler tag & posted with a shitty half-assed review" to the jury, who I'm sure can tell if something is porn or not, regardless of where it's posted.

He somehow believes the act of criticism negates hosting such content.
That's literally what Null thinks. He's wrong too, but he can try this bullshit argument in court if he wants.
Null knew he was violating Epik's ToS with KF with such content, he just assumed that his backroom deal with Brian Royce (to violate the ToS with impunity) extended Royce's stay at Epik.

Instead of relying on shady backroom deals to keep your domain up, Null, why don't you just find an ISP that's OK with you allowing randos to cross-post all the LGBT porn in the world onto KF? There has to be one ISP there that agrees with your reasoning that the normies will never wake up to the evils of the LGBT wiping out the white race, unless they can browse all that LGBT porn on KF, properly spoiler-tagged and criticized. I bet that's why Brian Royce allowed you to violate Epik's ToS with impunity too, because he was one of the rare few who recognized that your Righteous Cause must trump the ToS.

If anyone's reading this and planning to post more LGBT porn to KF to help expose the LGBT, just make sure it's sister-on-sister incest porn because that seems to be Null's favourite genre of porn, according to his own statements on MATI. Make sure you spoiler-tag it and write a shitty review about it, otherwise it's not fair use criticism and Null might get in trouble for it again... Actually, please don't do that! People who hate the LGBT for moral reasons already hate them without having to browse every LGBT porn image in existence. People who need to see gay porn with their own eyes in order to realize they really do actually hate those gays are just sick degenerates.
BTW, you guys, Null did do a MATI today, and he literally started out the show with a clip of some pedophilic father admitting before a pedophile hunter to molesting his own daughter. What's the matter Null, aren't you glad this father was producing more pictures of his daughter you could use to make more fingerprints for your CP database for Project Exodus? I bet you could recognize the daughter in those images too, based on all the CP you saw as a moderator. Would you like the incest porn better if her "hot sister" was in it?

I bet Null playing this clip of the pedophile hunter wasn't at all prompted by all the evidence we have been posting here of Null's reputation of being "soft on pedos" long predating Epik's xeets. The difference is that you're not a pedo-hunter, Null. You literally said gay kids deserve to be raped by online pedophiles for being gay.

That's why I didn't post any of those Blockland staledox that everyone is always endlessly recycling ad nauseam, I wanted to post some of Null's more recent comments, that he posted as an adult, while he was already running KF. He can't disavow those more recent comments with "I don't remember what I said when I was 15". But you do remember what you said in 2018-2020 as an adult!

He'll just e-beg some more, and his cult will just throw more money at him.

Null thinks that porn stops being porn when it's cross-posted to KF.
As long as you put the porn behind spoiler tags and write a shit review about it so that Null can claim fair use protection.
That's all it takes, according to Null, to go from something being porn to it being social commentary on the evils of the LGBT movement. ...movement.
Null still doesn't understand that, when a Telegram pedophile posting a video of himself masturbating with the intent of grooming children, that video itself is pedophilic and a sex crime. Anyways, Null can try to sell his bullshit argument of "It stops being porn when it's behind a spoiler tag & posted with a shitty half-assed review" to the jury, who I'm sure can tell if something is porn or not, regardless of where it's posted.

That's literally what Null thinks. He's wrong too, but he can try this bullshit argument in court if he wants.
Null knew he was violating Epik's ToS with KF with such content, he just assumed that his backroom deal with Brian Royce (to violate the ToS with impunity) extended Royce's stay at Epik.

Instead of relying on shady backroom deals to keep your domain up, Null, why don't you just find an ISP that's OK with you allowing randos to cross-post all the LGBT porn in the world onto KF? There has to be one ISP there that agrees with your reasoning that the normies will never wake up to the evils of the LGBT wiping out the white race, unless they can browse all that LGBT porn on KF, properly spoiler-tagged and criticized. I bet that's why Brian Royce allowed you to violate Epik's ToS with impunity too, because he was one of the rare few who recognized that your Righteous Cause must trump the ToS.

If anyone's reading this and planning to post more LGBT porn to KF to help expose the LGBT, just make sure it's sister-on-sister incest porn because that seems to be Null's favourite genre of porn, according to his own statements on MATI. Make sure you spoiler-tag it and write a shitty review about it, otherwise it's not fair use criticism and Null might get in trouble for it again... Actually, please don't do that! People who hate the LGBT for moral reasons already hate them without having to browse every LGBT porn image in existence. People who need to see gay porn with their own eyes in order to realize they really do actually hate those gays are just sick degenerates.
Project Exodus? The fuck is that?
LMAO at Null on MATI saying that he's budgeting for his return to the US and he realized that it costs 10 times more to eat out in the US than it does in Serbia: "How the fuck am I gonna afford this bullshit?". Just e-beg some more Amerimutt, you've seen now how much money your paypiggies have been hiding from you all this time.

BTW, the Tucker Carlson video where he goes to the supermarket is ripped off from a Russian Youtuber I've posted about here before, Nikita Proshin, who had been making such "Let's go to a Russian supermarket and look at the prices" videos for a year until he left Russia just before the war. Proshin then got one of his friends who stayed behind in St Petersburg to keep making such videos, and in the last one his friend was able to show that prices did go up in Russia during the war.

Here's the Playlist with Proshin's videos at Russian supermarkets, including the most recent one at the top:

What Tucker Carlson doesn't mention in his video when he gasps at all the groceries he can buy for 100+ dollars in Moscow that would've cost $400 in the US, is how shocking low the average Russian salary is compared to the average American salary:

As experts from RIA Rating point out, in reality, an average Russian worker can earn anywhere from 17,000 to 44,000 rubles ($264-684) a month.

When you have to survive on $300- $700 dollars a month, $100+ for an American amount of weekly groceries is actually quite a lot of money.
Project Exodus? The fuck is that?
Project Exodus was hilarious. Project Exodus, once hosted at exodus.tech, was a proposed software tool under development by Josh: https://archive.is/0tZlp.

Its mission? To stop child pornography.

How? By hashing images and using machine learning to identify child pornography and deny it at point of upload. Buzzwords, 'fingerprinting', 'digital DNA' and so forth.

Which meant? Josh needed samples. Lots and lots of samples. Which he asked people to send to him. For a legitimate purpose of course. Of stopping child pornography. Somewhere Josh has a hard-drive that glows harder than the glowiest glowy hard-drive evarr. He could probably use it to light the street in an eerie neon glow. Hell, he could light the town. Josh legitimately made it is his mission to collect as much child pornography as possible for his now defunct project. I'll bet his child porn collection is not defunct.
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From what I understand, thus was a setup. Someone uploaded a picture of his dick to KF then reported it to the web hosting service. This was Gandi out of France. France is very strict when it comes to what constitutes defamation and I have a feeling they were just itching to get rid of Kiwifarms and this gave them the perfect excuse.
Project Exodus was hilarious. Project Exodus, once hosted at exodus.tech, was a proposed software tool under development by Josh: https://archive.is/0tZlp.

Its mission? To stop child pornography.

How? By hashing images and using machine learning to identify child pornography and deny it at point of upload. Buzzwords, 'fingerprinting', 'digital DNA' and so forth.

Which meant? Josh needed samples. Lots and lots of samples. Which he asked people to send to him. For a legitimate purpose of course. Of stopping child pornography. Somewhere Josh has a hard-drive that glows harder than the glowiest glowy hard-drive evarr. He could probably use it to light the street in an eerie neon glow. Hell, he could light the town. Josh legitimately made it is his mission to collect as much child pornography as possible for his now defunct project. I'll bet his child porn collection is not defunct. ...defunct.
What person other than Josh do you know is going out their way to make a dumbass project to collect CP.
From what I understand, thus was a setup. Someone uploaded a picture of his dick to KF then reported it to the web hosting service.
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt no bro it really happened and Josh lied. Again.

As ever, Josh is madder than art. Link to an archive of the project (safe to view no CP or anything, just Null's pathetic attempt to make the project sound legitimate): https://archive.is/0tZlp. You know how Josh says KF is huge and the database contains multiple terabytes. Well, what do we think might be taking up all that storage space? 🤔
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt no bro it really happened and Josh lied. Again.

As ever, Josh is madder than art. Link to an archive of the project (safe to view no CP or anything, just Null's pathetic attempt to make the project sound legitimate): https://archive.is/0tZlp. You know how Josh says KF is huge and the database contains multiple terabytes. Well, what do we think might be taking up all that storage space? 🤔
This was getting kicked off of Gandi, not Project Exodus.
This was getting kicked off of Gandi, not Project Exodus.
Sorry @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt, my bad.

Having said that, the 'it was a setup' story about Gandi.net comes from Josh, the man who literally solicited CP on an industrial scale so I don't believe him. I am pretty sure if it was just a healthy adult penis, the French would have given him a discount. If on the other hand it was a massive hurtcore database they would have dropped him immediately, as they did.

That was one abrupt drop. No courtesy period or opportunity to remove files. Just we deleted your site fuck off. KF lost data. That is way more likely with 'horrifying CP' than 'dick-pic uploaded by troll'.