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Who can be a part of our community? All races, ethnicities, religions, gay or straight, cis or trans: We don't care. If you can rock with us: You are one of us. Kiwifarms may disable or restrict registration. We don't. We're here for you and always will be.

If you have a technical issue with Xenforo: Please post your request in the Town Square or the Talk to Staff (If you want more privacy) and one of us will check it out to address your concerns.Thank you for all your forum contributions (Owner - Onion Null).

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
He's referring to me, BTW I was the one who first claimed he had a secret cat, now he's denying it. I don't know who the user "theorizing that Hardin doesn't exist" is but it's telling that he's putting me in the same category as whomever that is. Clearly he's mad because I am pointing out his bullshit with him claiming that Epik and Caraballo deliberately defamed him when they xeeted out about alleged CP on KF.


Tag you favorite/most hated users?
I don't speak to any Kiwi Farms user in private or off-site (besides two guys who help with tech problems). If you think she's weird, wait until you see the people I've banned who are currently theorizing Matthew Hardin doesn't exist and I keep a secret cat.
Null · Post #16 · Yesterday at 10:16 PM · Forum: Q&A

Tag you favorite/most hated users?

But I don't have a kitty
Null · Post #19 · Yesterday at 10:43 PM · Forum: Q&A

Tag you favorite/most hated users?

I have absolutely no idea why they would be upset that I have a cat or why they think I would feel the need to keep it secret, which is why that rumor is so funny.
Null · Post #22 · Yesterday at 11:03 PM · Forum: Q&A
https://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojh...avorite-most-hated-users.183094/post-17722498 Archived: https://archive.is/CDCmo#selection-1665.0-1665.163

"I don't speak to any Kiwi Farms user in private or off-site", but you will talk to your users off-site to fuck them, you practically admitted as much on MATI. Your own users picked up on your hypocrisy, because previously you'd told them you'd never date a forum user, only recant on your promise to keep your hands of your users:


BTW you guys, Null really does have a cat, he accidentally showed his cat on MATI.
Here's Null's cat calling him a faggot on his own podcast:

What is Null's policy on KiwiFarms users cross-posting porn and other types of obscenity under the guise of "fair use criticism"? Are Null and his users "porno-laundering" under the guise of promoting an anti-LGBT agenda? A detailed analysis showing the receipts (Null in his own words).

Let's look at these questions:

-What is "porno-laundering"? (aka the "porn stops being porn when it's crossposted to KF" argument)

-What did Null have to say about people using KiwiFarms for "porno-laundering"? (Null will actually ban users if he suspects porno-laundering!)

-Was Null instructing his users to add written criticism to porn uploads, as a pretext for "porno-laundering"?

-What's Null's policy on users cross-posting porn on KF to deny porn actors an income? (the "whores get nothing" argument)

- Null will remove users uploading .zips of pirated games deliberately onto KF to deny game devs an income... but not pirated porn?

I personally believe that Null was knowingly violating Epik's ToS barring obscenity, and I believe he was hoping to get away with it based on his previous backroom deal with Brian Royce. This is just my personal opinion based on what I have seen so far.

I was listening to this Livestream, and at this part the two people talking mention SRS or bottom surgery results being unrealistic. They recommend to their viewers that they visit the Stinkditch thread on KiwiFarms, which is basically the KF equivalent of the old /r/NeovaginaDisasters thread on Reddit:

Is Null going to deny that this thread exists on KF and that this thread would constitute a violation of Epik's ToS clause against any kind of obscenity? Or is he going to edge-case about this and say that "we are posting images of medical malpractice to denounce trans butchery, not to show REAL vaginas". Does that matter to the coomers who browse the farms looking exactly for this type of material?

Also, with the proliferation of "trans teens" having surgery at younger and younger ages (some even having their dicks cut off at 16, like Jazz Jennings)... how does Null and the TERFs who frequent the Stinkditch thread know that the examples of /r/NeovaginaDisasters posted in their thread aren't pictures of actual "trans teens" who had their genitals mangled? Or do they think that they, as adults, get to oogle at a legal minor's destroyed genitals, just because they're doing it in the name of their Righteous Quest of exposing the evil LGBT?

Null's argument is that he and his users should be allowed to cross-post porn - especially LGBT porn - to KF because they are not presenting these people in the original context, ie, as "pornographic" - as sexy and desirable - but rather in the new context of KF, where they are presented as monstrous, degenerate, disgusting, predatory and contemptible. Since everyone on KF either shares or is expected to share Null's anti-LGBT agenda, this is how those images are going to be read in their new context on KF. This is what I refer to as the "porn stops being porn when it's cross-posted to KF" argument.

I would also argue that this argument is complete bullshit because:

1) Null has no idea who is browsing his forum and for what purpose (Null cannot logically assume that everyone on KF shares his anti-LGBT agenda or is browsing the forum in that spirit)

2) Null himself let the degenerate predators of 16chan.nl's /phile board know that they were welcome on KF, when he openly stated he was pondering creating a new "pedophile containment" thread on KF. Thus Null himself has given out mixed messages about who's allowed onto KF.

3) Null knew that his users were just dumping their porn folders onto KF, having banned a user for doing that. Null also instructed his users to not just upload porn images "as is" but to write reviews of the porn they were uploading, so Null could later claim these images were cross-posted in the name of fair use criticism.

The receipts (Null in his own words):

Here is the 2021 post in question where Null wrote: "This is how you write a post, using private tags, so that the content is discoverable and the post will easily endure a copyright infringement claim.". Null also made it known that he was aware of the fact that he was on legal shaky ground by allowing his users to cross-post porn onto KF: "Search engines really do not like 'nonconsensual pornography'. Surprise: This applies to consensual pornography, sold as product, hosted for critical review elsewhere."

Here's Null asking Kiwis in the Soyjak.Party / The Sharty thread not to post CP or CSAM onto KF:

Here is Null banning someone from the Porncows thread for appearing to dump their porn folder onto KF, which according to Null contained "the most suspect shit imaginable. I hate Japan and I hate coomers":

Here's Null approving a take down request because he agreed that someone had cross-posted a .zip of a full game to KF to deny the maker money: "The message included a statement that someone had "bought the game for everyone else to enjoy without having to give him a cent". This does not meet fair use."

If goes without saying that Null would've never responded similarly if someone had contacted him about taking down the cross-posted porn on his forum.

Here's Null in the Nick Rekieta thread, linking to his "how to cross-post porn to KF under the guise of fair use criticism" tutorial, while again instructing Kiwis to cut large videos into chunks and write criticism about each video segment before uploading them to KF:

To conclude, I do not think that porn stops being porn just because it's cross-posted to KF to be "criticized". Null can shout at his users all he wants, warning them to not to use KF for "porno-laundering", banning them for doing so, but such porno-laundering is kind of inevitable given the nature of the website. The content on KF is intended to shock and disgust the reader/viewer, and almost nothing arouses the kind of shock and disgust on KF that porn does. Therefore, I predict there will continue to be "porno-laundering" on KF, regardless of Null's efforts to stop this.

The fact that Null has to instruct his users to write reviews of the porn they are cross-posting to KF shows that Null was aware of the fact that such material could get him into legal trouble, so he had to remind his users to create the bare minimum pretense of fair use criticism for Null to be able to justify his users uploading such obscenity to KF.

Clearly Epik was not persuaded by such "bare minimum" efforts at meeting the fair use standard.

So nope, sorry, can't have your cake and eat it. If an ISP says "no obscenity" in their ToS, don't try to bypass their rules through a shady backroom deal with the CEO. You should respect their ToS and go find another ISP that does allow you to post all the obscenity you want in the name of your anti-LGBT crusade.

Owner Of Largest Adult Content Website Was DEFENSE ATTORNEY For Child Abusers
I also think it’s so funny how Josh has never been against lolicon but everyone on kiwi screams about it being CP. But no lord Jersh isn’t a pedo, that’s not true! (Reposting some relevant things I’m referring to)


And speaking of all this, do we have a thread dedicated to Josh being sus as fuck about CP?
Pedophiles don't care about emotionally connecting with their victims because it's a paraphilia and the kid is just an object of fetishism, nothing more. If you've ever seen to catch a predator, when they're in the grooming stage none of those guys are trying to talk about any mature things like politics or sports with their targets and usually don't care about the kid's personal life unless it's a way to flatter them. They want to feel power from owning and corrupting something innocent and move on. When they're not in that mode trying to satisfy the fetish most of those guys masquerade as normal heterosexual men. Something else Null shares with many of those pedos is sexual arrested development, he's in his 30's now and he's still a virgin right? If he ever did manage to have sex he still isn't capable of sustaining a mature relationship. That "I'm too old for this shit" post he wrote when he was 27 is funny because it reads like a 12 year old's idea of what marriage is. "Me and my wife are going to have traditional gender roles and I will be breadwinner and we will fight the LGBT agenda by being a perfect heterosexual couple". The only place I've seen something like that is in fundamentalist churches and you know what they have high rates of.

But more damning than that is his lifelong comfortable proximity to csam. FBI agents who analyze csam are so fucked up by it they usually need years of therapy, but have you ever seen Josh pained or remorseful over any of this? A non-pedo would have left the 8chan job where they'd be forced to look at that stuff to the point they're memorizing faces. When he and the creepy little monster started getting news attention for that content he wasn't mad at himself and mad he'd participated in a project like that, he was mad that he was receiving criticism. Notably he's said what got them in trouble with 8chan was allowing pictures of kids, so just post the text stuff on 16chan okay guys?

A non-pedo would reason that he's doing something wrong by encouraging guys who get off on that to come post there, which he has always justified as part of his righteous libertarian values which is a fucked up red flag if you think about it even a little. Especially when you consider how loose he is about free speech when it comes to silencing people who say things that piss him off personally. A non-pedo would reason that if your political ideology is making explicit allowances for guys who are psyching themselves up to kidnap and rape a kid, maybe that ideology is anti-social and worthless and you should be ashamed to claim those are your beliefs. He's even said he would reopen phile if there was"demand" for it. So if you sass Josh you're banned but if you have detailed fantasies of stabbing a 5 year old and raping the hole, he will work tirelessly to carve you out a little special place on the internet to talk about it and listen to your criticism of the job he's doing for you. Sorry but there's no way anyone would do that unless they're also excited by that material. I would wager 99.9% of people have never seen csam in their life so what is Josh doing right?

This is all made more suspect by the fact he's appointed himself witchhunter general for troons and will rant for hours on MATI about how he views them as animals. So a Harvard graduate with a normal life like Carabello is beyond redemption but Josh will work to allow free speech for literal kid touchers. Something does not add up.

Look, I totally agree that Null's posts about his proximity to online pedophiles are sus at best, at worst point to something dark that might have been happening behind the scenes. Which is why I posted them, to remind Null that he already had a public reputation that was in the gutter for being "soft on pedophiles", and that people have been criticizing Null over this for years. Instead of taking that critique to heart, Null doubled down and let the pedos know they were welcome onto the Farms as late as 2018, as long as they followed "my rules", whatever that means (does that mean using spoiler tags and writing half-assed reviews to meet the fair use criticism standard?). It's extremely disingenuous for Null to pretend that his reputation was ruined by Epik's xeets or Caraballo's rexeet, who obviously knows everything there is to know about Null's past. Null reputation was already ruined years and years ago, when he decided to "contain" pedophiles on his IB instead of banning them outright. Even Rekieta knew about /phile and mentioned it while discussing the prospects of Null's defamation per se lolsuits (Rekieta misattributes /phile to 8chan, when it was on 16chan, but he's obviously drunk here so he can't tell the two IBs apart):

"I feel like I have heard Josh talk about it... in terms of 8chan. Right? Cos he had to create a specific board for these weirdos who kept uploading pictures, and not have pictures available. He has talked about that."

However, I am not going to cherry-pick information to promote this "Null is a pedophile hiding in plain sight" talking-point that everyone seems to want to promote. For one, Null eventually denounced his previous libertarian views on on free speech, for example on this MATI episode. I don't have the specific time stamp anymore but I'm pretty sure this was the episode where Null denounced libertarian free speech extremism:

Do Libertarians have Souls? (May 21st, 2021) - Mad at the Internet

At the end of day I don't have any evidence of Null himself being a pedophile. I am not going to accuse someone of being a pedophile on the basis of an admission of EPE, like people are doing with the Blockland posts. I don't think a teenager seeking out Neko Shota or hurtcore is being a pedophile, because this is not something kids would seek out on their own, unless it was a case of EPE. I would suspect a teenager seeking out such materials has likely been groomed by online pedophiles - and Null admitted in his Deviantart essay to talking to pedophiles as a teenager, only he called it an "internet adventure", because he's too proud and arrogant to think of himself as a victim of grooming. I am shocked by Null's post about having apparently seen to much CP as a moderator that he insists can tell the children apart in such images. That to me is a terrible admission on his part, and it's only made more terrible by Null casually mentioning it like it's some 6th spidey sense he has acquired as a mod. I am shocked at Null casually mentioning he has a large enough collection of CP that he can use to train image recognition software with, as per the Project Exodus developer page. I think Null deliberately presents himself as someone who is extremely desensitized and unflappable as part of his Internet Tough Guy persona. Which is why Null will never admit to being a victim of EPE and grooming, because that would make him seem weak and vulnerable and he has to be a tough motherfucker and on top of everything at all times.

Please do not misunderstand me. I don't feel sorry for Null. Null wants to be an asshole and to be treated as one because it makes him feel like an underdog, and his stupid followers fall for his shtick. He's plainly dysfunctional and is using far-right ideology as an excuse for being an asshole. It's literally this fucking juvenile: "It's the jews/blacks/globohomos who made me this way.". No, just STFU, you decided to be hateful and cranky. Also, stop using other people like Rekieta as a shield for your stupid fucking trad-LARP, because you are too cowardly to show everyone what your real life is really like. Null was hoping to control Rekieta by bringing him into the Sektur and keeping him there, but now that Rekieta has outgrown the Sektur, Null can't stand it that he can't use the Sektur as a threat against Rekieta. All Rekieta has to do is wait for the next celebrity lolsuit bandwagon that all the Youtube lawyers will hop on, and he'll be hitting millions of views again and then he'll be like, "Null who? KiwiFarms what?".

Hell, even Rekieta might go sober and return to form to cover the shitshow of Null's lolsuit if those were to happen, LMAO! That would be the biggest win of this, Rekieta ditching the alcoholism to report on his former friend's lawfarring against the TRAs.
He's referring to me, BTW I was the one who first claimed he had a secret cat, now he's denying it. I don't know who the user "theorizing that Hardin doesn't exist" is but it's telling that he's putting me in the same category as whomever that is. Clearly he's mad because I am pointing out his bullshit with him claiming that Epik and Caraballo deliberately defamed him when they xeeted out about alleged CP on KF.

View attachment 45631

"I don't speak to any Kiwi Farms user in private or off-site", but you will talk to your users off-site to fuck them, you practically admitted as much on MATI. Your own users picked up on your hypocrisy, because previously you'd told them you'd never date a forum user, only recant on your promise to keep your hands of your users:

View attachment 45624

BTW you guys, Null really does have a cat, he accidentally showed his cat on MATI.
Here's Null's cat calling him a faggot on his own podcast:

View attachment 45625
Believing Josh has a cat, with evidence, isn't as bad as believing Eric July would sue Dick Masterson and Vito Gesualdi, bankrupt the both of them, and break up the podcast. Another stellar Josh prediction!
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At the end of day I don't have any evidence of Null himself being a pedophile. I am not going to accuse someone of being a pedophile on the basis of an admission of EPE, like people are doing with the Blockland posts. I don't think a teenager seeking out Neko Shota or hurtcore is being a pedophile, because this is not something kids would seek out on their own, unless it was a case of EPE. I would suspect a teenager seeking out such materials has likely been groomed by online pedophiles - and Null admitted in his Deviantart essay to talking to pedophiles as a teenager, only he called it an "internet adventure", because he's too proud and arrogant to think of himself as a victim of grooming. I am shocked by Null's post about having apparently seen to much CP as a moderator that he insists can tell the children apart in such images. That to me is a terrible admission on his part, and it's only made more terrible by Null casually mentioning it like it's some 6th spidey sense he has acquired as a mod. I am shocked at Null casually mentioning he has a large enough collection of CP that he can use to train image recognition software with, as per the Project Exodus developer page. I think Null deliberately presents himself as someone who is extremely desensitized and unflappable as part of his Internet Tough Guy persona. Which is why Null will never admit to being a victim of EPE and grooming, because that would make him seem weak and vulnerable and he has to be a tough motherfucker and on top of everything at all times.
Isn't hurtcore cp images of real kids being tortured? So you think it's "normal" for late teen boys to seek out the worst and most socially hated material known to society? This is a really bizarre take especially when you look at your recent post that you almost gave Null thousands of dollars. What is this guy doing for you lol. No really, what is fucked up about your life that this sad smelly nerd is filling some hole you have?

Whatever though, you're an interesting crazy person and you seem more sane and objective than the lemmings on Josh's forum, as well as being a human encyclopedia for things he's done and said. Believing this guy is a normal straight man who isn't doing autoerotic stuff while looking at child snuff videos is a mistake though.

Expounding Joshua is a pedophile: A theme with kid touchers is they are too insecure around adults to form relationships. What does Josh have to offer an adult woman since adult women are the supposed ultimate achievement in his love quest? He's not physically attractive, his hygiene is shit (self-admitted and Frederick said he stank during their brief and suspect relationship), he is boring and only knows anything about computers, internutty bullshit, and enough legal garbage to keep himself able to be annoying in a public space. He hates and is violent towards children as evidenced by those logs in his late teen years where he was talking about assaulting younger member of his family for annoying him, and on KF he shared that he almost assaulted a Romani child for begging for money around him. He doesn't care about the wellbeing of other people unless they're offering him something either attention-wise or money-wise or pitying him, and notoriously made fun of of Julie Terryberry lighting herself on fire on stream.
Believing Josh has a cat, with evidence, isn't as bad as believing Eric July would sue Dick Masterson and Vito Gesualdi, bankrupt the both of them, and break up the podcast. Another stellar Josh prediction!
I knew it was him lmao

I just have him on ignore, not because I don't like him or anything. Only because his posts are usually tldr for me and his excessive YouTube links slows my browser speed. Shortens the page scrolling length and loading time. I expect to be put on ignore by a lot of users myself, for obvious reasons.
Isn't hurtcore cp images of real kids being tortured? So you think it's "normal" for late teen boys to seek out the worst and most socially hated material known to society? This is a really bizarre take especially when you look at your recent post that you almost gave Null thousands of dollars. What is this guy doing for you lol. No really, what is fucked up about your life that this sad smelly nerd is filling some hole you have?

Whatever though, you're an interesting crazy person and you seem more sane and objective than the lemmings on Josh's forum, as well as being a human encyclopedia for things he's done and said. Believing this guy is a normal straight man who isn't doing autoerotic stuff while looking at child snuff videos is a mistake though.

Expounding Joshua is a pedophile: A theme with kid touchers is they are too insecure around adults to form relationships. What does Josh have to offer an adult woman since adult women are the supposed ultimate achievement in his love quest? He's not physically attractive, his hygiene is shit (self-admitted and Frederick said he stank during their brief and suspect relationship), he is boring and only knows anything about computers, internutty bullshit, and enough legal garbage to keep himself able to be annoying in a public space. He hates and is violent towards children as evidenced by those logs in his late teen years where he was talking about assaulting younger member of his family for annoying him, and on KF he shared that he almost assaulted a Romani child for begging for money around him. He doesn't care about the wellbeing of other people unless they're offering him something either attention-wise or money-wise or pitying him, and notoriously made fun of of Julie Terryberry lighting herself on fire on stream.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I can't be bothered to read all that.
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So you think it's "normal" for late teen boys to seek out the worst and most socially hated material known to society?

No, as I clearly wrote above, I don't think that's normal at all. Stop misconstruing what I actually said.

I said that I don't think a teenager would ever get it in his mind to look up such material, unless there was EPE and grooming involved beforehand. No teenager is going to look up something like hurtcore or Neko Shota on their own, unless someone has made them aware that these things exist. EPE happens to minors either due to parental neglect (parents not supervising their children while they're online) or due to online grooming.

Tell me, have you read ANY of the data on EPE? Are you aware that most children nowadays first view online pornography at the mere age of 10? Do you think such young children have ANY defenses against what they're being shown?

This is a really bizarre take especially when you look at your recent post that you almost gave Null thousands of dollars. What is this guy doing for you lol. No really, what is fucked up about your life that this sad smelly nerd is filling some hole you have?

What's wrong with me admitting that I used to be one of the people currently giving money to Null?
Aren't you glad I am no longer a part of his feeding frenzy?

Furthermore, this comment is just plain rude and gross. I politely responded to you trying to explain myself and you're just misconstruing what I actually wrote while addressing me in a gross manner. This is the moment we press "ignore".
Believing Josh has a cat, with evidence, isn't as bad as believing Eric July would sue Dick Masterson and Vito Gesualdi, bankrupt the both of them, and break up the podcast. Another stellar Josh prediction!

He's acting like I'm the only one who thinks he has a cat, when his own users suspected he has one and even claimed to have heard the cat on one of his Livestreams:


I have heard Null being sick on MATI Livestreams before, but I've never heard him meow like a cat while being sick. It's ridiculous.

He says: "Why would anyone think I lie about owning a cat"...for the same reason you first denied fucking your forum users, but then admitted on MATI you had fucked at least one KF user? For the same reason you tried to gaslight me blame your issues with Xenforo on me, like I was somehow to blame for them? For the same reason you're bullshitting everyone right now about how Epik and Caraballo are defaming you and ruining your reputation to prevent you from finding a new ISP whose ToS you're gonna violate, when your reputation was already in the gutter years and years before due to your own actions?

This why I think you would lie about something as simple as owning a cat, Null: because I know from personal experience that you're a casual habitual liar.

If you don't have a cat perhaps you should get one and learn to take care for something other than yourself. I know, I know, it's just too much work to care of others.

Dick Masterson may be a weirdo but I think he pulls in like 15-20k a month on patreon alone and has regular audience meetups he's far from unpopular. If Null could pull that kind of money he wouldn't need his silly fundraiser.
I think he doesn't like that Dick's fans will unquestionably believe anything Dick says no matter how much Josh and his user try to destroy his reputation and paint him as a lolcow completely oblivious that Josh's owns fans do the same to him, only Josh's fans are far creepier and believe him to be some paragon of virtue where as Dick is a known hedonist.
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notoriously made fun of of Julie Terryberry lighting herself on fire on stream.
Wasn't it Chloe Sagal that lit himself on fire and Terryberry hanged herself?
What's wrong with me admitting that I used to be one of the people currently giving money to Null?
Aren't you glad I am no longer a part of his feeding frenzy?
I think it's fine, it's interesting to hear perspective from someone who was once willing to give him money.
Can you fags just ignore each other and stop announcing that you're just about to press it, any minute now.
I've never heard him meow like a cat while being sick.
The neko shota early porn indoctrination runs deep.
This why I think you would lie about something as simple as owning a cat, Null: because I know from personal experience that you're a casual habitual liar.
He already lied about being in Europe because he's scared of Greta.
Gee, I wonder who could have banned me...

All I did was make fun of people who said the vaccine will make us human-animal hybrids by posting non-nude monster girls (human-animal hybrids). Here's another person saying the vaccine makes monster bubs:

OK I also told someone to put a natto cheese enema up their ass to mock the coffee enema quacks because people were in the thread believing in a fake thing called "white clots" from the vaccine and others recommending to use nattokinase, which isn't very effective and has stopped being sold as a prescription drug due to that.
Gee, I wonder who could have banned me...
View attachment 45669

All I did was make fun of people who said the vaccine will make us human-animal hybrids by posting non-nude monster girls (human-animal hybrids). Here's another person saying the vaccine makes monster bubs:
View attachment 45670

OK I also told someone to put a natto cheese enema up their ass to mock the coffee enema quacks because people were in the thread believing in a fake thing called "white clots" from the vaccine and others recommending to use nattokinase, which isn't very effective and has stopped being sold as a prescription drug due to that.
reportfagging confirmed. redditfarms really is something to behold