• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I have to say, though, I'm surprised how well Null (intentionally or not) agitated the gullible kiwi crowd over time.

- mask your pitiful e-begging under a supposed higher, political cause that appeals to people's emotions
- incite the followers against an adversarial out-group
- shield your loyal supports from the unbelievers by discouraging direct criticism of your person or your ideas

You know things are really weird when some schizo troll like Saddam is one of the most reasonable sounding posters in the lolsuit thread.
Yes Joshua by all means bring your brave crusade to the Federal Trade Commission in DC and start another fundraiser so you can sue GoDaddy.

Yes Joshua by all means bring your brave crusade to the Federal Trade Commission in DC and start another fundraiser so you can sue GoDaddy.

View attachment 45506
He'll be crying like a fucking whore with 2 extra mantits once that tactic doesn't work...I can't believe he's trying his whole heartedly best to do shitty butt ass tactics just to keep his shitty ass website up. I know he won't give it up but GODDAMN...the lengths to do so are...impeccable
What does he even expect to get out of this besides money...to keep his website up? That shit should've been ended during the keffals saga of 2022...
He'll be crying like a fucking whore with 2 extra mantits once that tactic doesn't work...I can't believe he's trying his whole heartedly best to do shitty butt ass tactics just to keep his shitty ass website up. I know he won't give it up but GODDAMN...the lengths to do so are...impeccable
I disagree, I don't know anything about law, but he will definitely get away with scamming the kiwis.
View attachment 45516
Evil incels seething due to feminist icon's team winning Super Bowl...

What does this have to do with lolcows?
What the actual fuck. Caring one way or the other about Taylor Swift stuff? Using language like Antis?

When I started talking about how KF was being taken over by wacky feminists last year even I didn't think it would end up like this. What the ever loving Christ?
When I started talking about how KF was being taken over by wacky feminists last year even I didn't think it would end up like this. What the ever loving Christ?
It's actually absurd how fast Null has torpedoed the site towards the likes of lcf and other "lolcow" spaces that are basically just fat women arguing 24/7, especially when you consider the main factors in this change have been his pets Lidl and Dyn running around sperging at wrongthinkers.

Instead of corralling his feminist dickriders, he's decided to empower them by not enforcing site rules against them and banning people who argue with them too much.
It's actually absurd how fast Null has torpedoed the site towards the likes of lcf and other "lolcow" spaces that are basically just fat women arguing 24/7,
Yeah I mean there's making the site more friendly towards women and then there's featuring shit that 0.0005 percent of the site even cares about and isn't even lolcow related. Jesus what a simp.
What the actual fuck. Caring one way or the other about Taylor Swift stuff? Using language like Antis?

When I started talking about how KF was being taken over by wacky feminists last year even I didn't think it would end up like this. What the ever loving Christ?
The Taylor Swift stuff really isn't a big deal. But what I can't understand is why he is choosing GoDaddy of all domains? Josh stated that he hated GoDaddy,