Nektar Geist
An Onion Among Onions
For someone who is a shill for the chinks... you'd think he'd be on board with social credit scores... btw, how's the copyright infringement going?
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
>NOOOOOOO YOU SHOULD LET ME MONEY LAUNDER $150K LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!!For someone who is a shill for the chinks... you'd think he'd be on board with social credit scores... btw, how's the copyright infringement going?
Jesus Null is getting worseNull troon out imminent. On the tuesday edition of MATI Null unveiled his new news hamster which appears to be a feminist, female hamster. For reference this is the original hamster:
View attachment 45461
...and here is the new one:
View attachment 45462
If you told me this without showing me pics I would think you were joking its almost too perfect. I couldn't write a better script of a man intentionally humiliating himself in a way he has repeatedly made fun of others for doing.Jesus Null is getting worse
"I'm talking to crackheads who are willing to do this. I am looking into real estate prices in a bunch of different States, to see which has the absolute lowest property values on the entire country, so that I can buy a single piece of land that has no home owner's associations, so they cannot force you to sell, and so forth. And I am actually getting very close to what I want. The only final question is, a little bit harder, and it is the question of the Tier1 ISPs. So, I am still waiting for a reply, from Hurricane Electric, in response to my attorney. They are taking longer to reply to my attorney, because I actually have representation, I'm not just filing a complaint to HE as a business, I'm filing with representation. So they are being a little more careful about what they have to say. And we'll see what happens with that. If that doesn't happen, I'm aware that Texas has Net Neutrality as well, also litigating their Net Neutrality ISPs in Texas have sued Texas to try and overturn their statute. I think that's going all the way up to SCOTUS right now. And I think SCOTS has granted them writ to hear the case. And if their Section 230 busting law passes, they are able to enforce their Net Neutrality, I will also try to get into Texas and put up public networks there as well. And we'll see how that goes. I'm willing to develop a strategy of having a presence in either Washington or Texas, a bank in North Dakota, and a corporate office, a 'PO Box [office]' in West Virginia."
FtfyThis is why I personally suspect Null is now threatening to sue all these people/companies. Because he needs the money to return to the US and buy "A Piece Of Pizza",
Who's keeping track of the money then?Maybe he's hoping to quickly settle and then payoff his lawyer and pocket the remainder of the money? Plus the added benefit of all the crypto and moneyorders which aren't being kept track of.
Well I mean I'm sure Null is but not in the way you would expect from a donation drive for a charity lawsuitWho's keeping track of the money then?
Null is so full of surprises and not in a good way.If you told me this without showing me pics I would think you were joking its almost too perfect. I couldn't write a better script of a man intentionally humiliating himself in a way he has repeatedly made fun of others for doing.
Ah, I believe this is called "Sargoning".my personal suspicion is that Null basically wants to force Epik, Caraballo and LFJ to fund his "public networks", at the threat of being sued.
Kiwicult thinking on full display. If anything the history of internet lolsuits has show them to be difficult and unpredictable but the only reason anyone would think Null might lose is cause they're a blackpill faggot right? These idiots are going to butter Nulls ass so much he's going to make some stupid moral stand during the trial to make a point and lose because of it.View attachment 45499
Seafarer explains the mentality of people who think Null is going to lose his legal case.
I'm holding out for null arguing with the judge (or even his own lawyer) about some some point of law he doesn't really understand, ending with him telling the judge to neck himselfThese idiots are going to butter Nulls ass so much he's going to make some stupid moral stand during the trial to make a point and lose because of it.
DIfference being is that Sargon actually won the fucking case, he got 50 gs from it, lets see if Null can 1up SargonAh, I believe this is called "Sargoning".
Null doesn't have an original bone in his body.
Kiwicult thinking on full display. If anything the history of internet lolsuits has show them to be difficult and unpredictable but the only reason anyone would think Null might lose is cause they're a blackpill faggot right? These idiots are going to butter Nulls ass so much he's going to make some stupid moral stand during the trial to make a point and lose because of it.
Holy shit Josh you really are a madmanHere's Null, in his own press-release, suggesting that he's open to an out-of-court settlement with Epik instead of suing them:
"It is my hope that they will be reasonable in pre-litigation and settle the matter as efficiently as possible."
View attachment 45469
Here's something else for those of you who still disagree when I say that Null doesn't want lolsuits, he just wants an out-of-court settlement while using the threat of a lolsuit to get what he actually wants.
Here's Null on MATI, back in August 2023, talking about how he has been looking into buying a piece of land in a State with strong Net Neutrality laws:
This is why I personally suspect Null is now threatening to sue all these people/companies. Because he needs the money to return to the US and buy "a piece of land", in a State with Net Neutrality laws, in a place with "with no home owners' associations", that he will use to "set up public networks".
In the context of Null going after HE in Washington DC, to me this suggests that Null is going to become his own ISP and his going to use Net Neutrality laws to force HE to peer with him or something? I don't know what Null has in mind with his "public networks". Perhaps Null got so excited at that video of those "Tunnel Dzooz" at the Chabad Center, because Null too plans to dig up tunnels to lay cables? Who knows.
Whatever "public networks" means in this context, my personal suspicion is that Null basically wants to force Epik, Caraballo and LFJ to fund his "public networks", at the threat of being sued.
I also suspect the above MATI episode, where Null named Texas and Washington as States he was looking into, was the reason Elaine went looking for Null in Texas, but the home address Elaine gave in that Livestream with the other guy was just some bullshit address.
Anyways, all this was announced on MATI, 5 months ago last summer. Now Null says he's ready to return to the US, and he has received $150k to make true on his legal threats.
If you were wondering why I was joking earlier about Null moving to Vidor, TX with that Youtube video from Nick Johnson actually visiting that creepy place, now you know.