• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
New board was made today called self sufficancy
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Other much bigger threads gets moved without so much a question from Null but the "girls" from BP of course get special treatment where he ask for permisson to move their little garden thread. Which they deny so he has to start a new thread.
View attachment 57801
Josh want to buy a Diesel truck that he wants to maintain himself.
View attachment 57802
And you guys didn't believe me when I said he wanted to do the full on farmer larp.
View attachment 57803
Nigger @Null, who is constantly putting people down for "doomer shit", is going full on prepper. Preppers of course being the biggest doomers on the planet. Hypocracy much?

Never mind all the tacticool and Ol' McDonald shit. Think about the absurdity of this nigger buying, owning, and properly maintaining an "EMP proof" car or truck all on his own. Is he capable of dealing with all the little issues inherent to a 60s era (non-electronic ignition) gas engine car? Cold starts that are a lot more than just "bump the key"? Would he even stand a chance changing the fuel filters on a 12 valve Cummins equipped Dodge pickup? What's he to do if an EMP blows the voltage regulator and diodes in the alternator? Does he know what a fuel shutoff solenoid looks like?

The answer to all of the above is of course, FUCK NO.
Nigger @Null, who is constantly putting people down for "doomer shit", is going full on prepper. Preppers of course being the biggest doomers on the planet. Hypocracy much?

Never mind all the tacticool and Ol' McDonald shit. Think about the absurdity of this nigger buying, owning, and properly maintaining an "EMP proof" car or truck all on his own. Is he capable of dealing with all the little issues inherent to a 60s era (non-electronic ignition) gas engine car? Cold starts that are a lot more than just "bump the key"? Would he even stand a chance changing the fuel filters on a 12 valve Cummins equipped Dodge pickup? What's he to do if an EMP blows the voltage regulator and diodes in the alternator? Does he know what a fuel shutoff solenoid looks like?

The answer to all of the above is of course, FUCK NO.
"Absurdity" Uhh, that's KIND of why I said he's not really built for this, I don't think seeing what we already know about Null off-hand, he's not really capable of handling military-esque equipment.
Talkin' that gat talk...
Kinda reads as the broom admitting to having a dragon dildo collection...

btw, chances of the recoil of the AR making joshy cry?
why the fuck does null think its an own to tell someone he doesnt know who they are
he browses the forum religiously and lies half the time he says it
nobody cares if null knows who they are
null is a loser nobody and nobody expects them to know him
or wants it
dude has a ton of mental problems and isnt very intelligent like who the fuck wants to talk to james gabriel potter and listen to shut in neet perspectives lmao
He claims he knows the content of every single image on his forum, likely thousands, but doesn't know the content of the threads on his forum. Stupid. The entire site is his personal army to complain about his pet peeves, of course he knows what is on it.
New board was made today called self sufficancy
View attachment 57800
Other much bigger threads gets moved without so much a question from Null but the "girls" from BP of course get special treatment where he ask for permisson to move their little garden thread. Which they deny so he has to start a new thread.
View attachment 57801
Josh want to buy a Diesel truck that he wants to maintain himself.
View attachment 57802
And you guys didn't believe me when I said he wanted to do the full on farmer larp.
View attachment 57803

Why is this giving me a honey pot vibe... tbf the whole of KF has started to especially since his little grifting adventure.

> oh kids just show me all your guns and tell me about them pls I wanna live off the land!
Joshy revealed during his Tuesday stream that he is in regular contact with nick deorio, a fatter and more pathetic version of turkey tom. In fact deorio might even be more pathetic than Null. Crazy fat, horrible voice, lazy, crybully kissless virgin who got shit on by a girl for pretending they were in a relationship. Joshy realized the old girl trick of looking good by comparison and having an uglier bestie.
he really enjoys fedposting for someone who complains about it a lot

The golden rule - if Joshy complains about someone doing something he is just as guilty of doing it himself. In fact he's probably worse.

The 20 twitter appeals thing is even more pathetic than you guys are realizing. He does the appeal onstream as a 'bit' which has been one 4 times. The other 16+ appeals were offstream. He is a fat low iq twitter addict, point and laugh.
Ken not only continues to talk about a convicted child abuser like they're close friends, he also blocked any linking to Mike's thread and there's a filter that keeps you from posting his full name. One can easily deduce why Kenneth here would do a favor like that for a guy that was hitting on underaged girls on social media.

I just tried to link to Mike's thread and it won't allow me to post the reply. You can link to any other thread on Kf, though. So why exactly do you not want people to talk about your moderator's arrest history, Ken?
Because you have repeated it ad nauseum: His arrest was 10 or so years ago: Nobody gives a shit.