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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Is anyone gonna point out that the emperor has no clothes?

Who knew that removing stickers would be a really bad idea it's almost like the entire fucking site except Lidl told him it's a terrible idea.
Crazy that Josh demands his chief jew Trombonista sort through 40 pages of retardation and she'll just do it because being a Kiwifarms janny is the only thing protecting her from being bullied off the site with her dox. Even crazier she chooses to work for someone (FREE OF CHARGE) who hates jews and calls himself a national socialist. She should tell Josh to kick rocks and do it himself since he's the one bothered by it. Her ancestors cry.
Crazy that Josh demands his chief jew Trombonista sort through 40 pages of retardation and she'll just do it because being a Kiwifarms janny is the only thing protecting her from being bullied off the site with her dox. Even crazier she chooses to work for someone (FREE OF CHARGE) who hates jews and calls himself a national socialist. She should tell Josh to kick rocks and do it himself since he's the one bothered by it. Her ancestors cry.
Nuts that he's jewish himself, hates jews and has another person of his compadre who's also jewish.
Crazy that Josh demands his chief jew Trombonista sort through 40 pages of retardation and she'll just do it because being a Kiwifarms janny is the only thing protecting her from being bullied off the site with her dox. Even crazier she chooses to work for someone (FREE OF CHARGE) who hates jews and calls himself a national socialist. She should tell Josh to kick rocks and do it himself since he's the one bothered by it. Her ancestors cry.
She's an unmarried mid 30s loser attracted to little anime boys so I wouldn't doubt Josh has some dicey chatlogs saved between them for the last decade and there's some mild blackmailing situation going on.
Crazy that Josh demands his chief jew Trombonista sort through 40 pages of retardation and she'll just do it because being a Kiwifarms janny is the only thing protecting her from being bullied off the site with her dox. Even crazier she chooses to work for someone (FREE OF CHARGE) who hates jews and calls himself a national socialist. She should tell Josh to kick rocks and do it himself since he's the one bothered by it. Her ancestors cry.
Trombonista is fat and I would not render her into soap
Don't know it care if anyone already noted this but Josh is such a fag for watermarking content. Like a kicked dog, he craves attention by any means necessary.
His obsession with Dick Masterson isn't based on Dick being an interesting lolcow, it's just jilted lover bullshit. It's insane that he's still this emotionally distraught about getting bumped off a show in favor of a more controversial guest. Something something exo post dang ol facto justification, tell ya whut
Don't know it care if anyone already noted this but Josh is such a fag for watermarking content. Like a kicked dog, he craves attention by any means necessary.
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His obsession with Dick Masterson isn't based on Dick being an interesting lolcow, it's just jilted lover bullshit. It's insane that he's still this emotionally distraught about getting bumped off a show in favor of a more controversial guest. Something something exo post dang ol facto justification, tell ya whut ...whut
He marked it as if he's the owner of that shit lol
Don't know it care if anyone already noted this but Josh is such a fag for watermarking content. Like a kicked dog, he craves attention by any means necessary.
View attachment 57702
View attachment 57703
His obsession with Dick Masterson isn't based on Dick being an interesting lolcow, it's just jilted lover bullshit. It's insane that he's still this emotionally distraught about getting bumped off a show in favor of a more controversial guest. Something something exo post dang ol facto justification, tell ya whut
What the hell is the barley eligible watermarked bullshit here?
emotionally distraught about getting bumped off a show in favor of a more controversial guest.
There's also the fact that Joselyn doesn't come on cam, and as far as I've seen most Masterson guests come on cam... including vito... which suggests Null is fatter than Veto.

Null wants everyone else to make the effort while he does nothing, he thinks life is Kiwifarms, lol.

I hate that I know who these people are now
Josh had a segment yesterday on his show about all the guns he's going to buy to defend his house when he gets back to America. My god, it was larpy. The guy was talking about buying level 4 bodyarmor, a 9mm handgun, a shotgun, a 556 (AR15), ammo that can pierce body armor, a .50 cal sniper rifle (LMAO), grenades, suppressors, RPG's, and enough ammo to have a gunfight where one is spending thousands of bullets.
Josh should buy the body armor and sentry guns because he'd look like an even bigger fat fuck larper than Steven Seagal.
stevenseagalcartels (1).jpg

I guess he imagines himself holed up in his house for 2 hours taking cover like he's in Gears of War while trading potshots with trannies breaching his property. He wants cameras all over his house and an alarm system telling him when someone is approaching. A .50 sniper rifle can pierce concrete, metal, and body armor. It is complete overkill for defending your house.

Josh, before you start buying every larp gun you can get your hands on like you're playing Call of Duty, maybe lose some weight and do some pushups so you can have the basic strength to hold a shotgun out in front of you before you arms get tired. Let alone be able to absorb the impact from a shotgun kickback or the strongest assault rifle. LMAO.

Also, this is going to put him on increased government surveilance when he's buying all these guns like he's about to commit a mass shooting and banned from bank processors. Also, this payment processor stuff he cried about for years is all bullshit as he's getting several $300 donations every stream. So he does have some sort of banking and payment processing. It was all just another grift.
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Nothing like broadcasting that you're looking for a fight with specific groups of people and stocking up on elephant killing bullets so the family of the transwoman who goes up to his house unarmed and gets their ribs blown out can have an ultra speedy and successful civil trial right after the criminal one.
Nothing like broadcasting that you're looking for a fight with specific groups of people and stocking up on elephant killing bullets so the family of the transwoman who goes up to his house unarmed and gets their ribs blown out can have an ultra speedy and successful civil trial right after the criminal one.
Well that's chronically online josh TYPE-PZA for you
Also, this is going to put him on increased government surveilance when he's buying all these guns like he's about to commit a mass shooting and banned from bank processors. Also, this payment processor stuff he cried about for years is all bullshit as he's getting several $300 donations every stream. So he does have banking and payment processing. It was all just another grift.
It's attention whoring because he didn't get enough attention from mommy since she was always out looking for loser men to fuck. Everyone he a-logs was someone he initially sucked up to who stopped paying attention to his whinging-Masterson, CRP, Mekotur, Rekieta, etc. He's malding because his freeze peach act didn't endear him to the ACLU and EFF so now he's courting the crunchy lesbos and BPD whores of Ovarit. He might get a rifle or pistol and mistake someone for an imaginary stalker while tweaking and it will just be another opportunity for him to grift while claiming everyone is out to get him, which is typical of schizo attention whores.

Null stared at the lolcows too long and the lolcows stared back. Null is the lolcow now, all 300 pounds of him.