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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Anybody know who Music Biz Marty is?
For context, this was in Count Dankula ( scotttish colbert w/ nazi pug ) thread , after Dankula and hisbwife announcement of divorce on social media

Jidl Yenta dropped a few comments, sticker bombed the thread , and was for the most part ignored

So of course the broom came in and threw a niggerish coon bitchfit and the thread ignited

View attachment 57625
really ironic, coming from the guy who instigate gender wars on his site
Aparently Josh really spergs out in yesteday's MATI and he wouldn't listen to chat so his audio is fucked.
4:53 it starts
here's the archive:

It's ALWAYS about trannies isn't it
View attachment 57672
lol, isn't dr. disrespect le based edgy streamer and shit? now after he got caught sexting a minor, he's suddenly a tranny chaser? goddamn :story:. no true scotsman! no true edgelords!

They don't call'em Tranny Farms for nuffin.
the trannyfarms thing come from 8chan's /cow/ board. unsurprising, given that kiwifarms revolve its live around trannies and it's only a matter of time until someone notice it.
It was mentioned years ago on the Dick Masterson Show that when Null was living in Washington DC he was dating Katsu Kitty ( who was one of his moderators who is transgendered). So yeah it all makes sense. He wants to be in a relationship with a tranny where he is in the masculine role. And what better way is there to fulfill that dream than with a submissive effeminate transgendered individual?
It was mentioned years ago on the Dick Masterson Show that when Null was living in Washington DC he was dating Katsu Kitty ( who was one of his moderators who is transgendered). So yeah it all makes sense. He wants to be in a relationship with a tranny where he is in the masculine role. And what better way is there to fulfill that dream than with a submissive effeminate transgendered individual?
lmao what a loser
Nah: I will hedge my bets on him coming out of the closet before he comes out in a dress.
I don't believe muu muus come in XXXXL. He is literally this meme but the bottom.


He's always melting down because he's too fat for a reach around and since his pecker is broken he never cums.

Lidl is Null's female persona but if it's a real person Lidl's a tranny. That's why it never faces a ban despite shitting all over the site; hell, I bet 3/4 of BP are trannies pretending to be radfems. It's Something Awful all over again.
>has literal tranny jannies sweeping his site
to be fair, having tranny jannies is inevitable on any community but the fact that he was dating a tranny is a hilarious irony. I don't know how true is Ken's reply here
It was mentioned years ago on the Dick Masterson Show that when Null was living in Washington DC he was dating Katsu Kitty ( who was one of his moderators who is transgendered). So yeah it all makes sense. He wants to be in a relationship with a tranny where he is in the masculine role. And what better way is there to fulfill that dream than with a submissive effeminate transgendered individual?
if it is true then it will be a priceless comedy