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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Null in Swamp Trannies.jpg
He's been talking about buying cheap land in Florida which is a stand your ground state that had the most infamous stand your ground case, the one with Trayvon Martin. It's proof he lives in a childish version of reality that this alone hasn't shaken him from dreams he's going to be mowing down trannies and antifa on his lawn like in Plants vs. Zombies. Even if you kill someone on your property in a SYG state you are still dragged through a court system trying to establish whether you were looking for an excuse to be violent. If Josh kills an activist he has that victim's family to legally answer to and he might even have orgs suing him depending on what happens. His fat face will be on CNN a lot and whatever life he has will be as fucked as George Zimmerman or Kyle Rittenhouse.

I get the feeling that's what he wants though, to go out a martyr hated by society.
Louisiana is also a SYG state. There isn't as much of a difference between a SYG state and a NSYG state as you may think. Basically a duty to retreat simply means if you can safely retreat and avoid a confrontation before coming to blows than as far as laws regarding self-defense that is your legal obligation.

Rhode Island is not a SYG state. Just for the sake of example let's say I'm in the parking lot at WalMart and I risk a confrontation with someone I bump into and I say "peace bro" and walk away to defuse the situation, than I've fulfilled my duty to retreat. If the person still comes after me and I take measures to defend my self and stop the attack, then I can testify in court that I tried to defuse the situation and used reasonable force.

Reasonable force: That's another concept that Josh can't seem to grasp. You are not allowed to use deadly force against a simple trespass. If I walk down the street for example and wave hi to Josh and he shoots me like he has threatened to do, he can go to jail for murder or assault with intent to commit murder. In other words you are allowed to defend yourself with roughly the same degree of force that your attacker uses.
He's been talking about buying cheap land in Florida which is a stand your ground state that had the most infamous stand your ground case, the one with Trayvon Martin. It's proof he lives in a childish version of reality that this alone hasn't shaken him from dreams he's going to be mowing down trannies and antifa on his lawn like in Plants vs. Zombies. Even if you kill someone on your property in a SYG state you are still dragged through a court system trying to establish whether you were looking for an excuse to be violent. If Josh kills an activist he has that victim's family to legally answer to and he might even have orgs suing him depending on what happens. His fat face will be on CNN a lot and whatever life he has will be as fucked as George Zimmerman or Kyle Rittenhouse.

I get the feeling that's what he wants though, to go out a martyr hated by society.

Sounds like a school shooter with extra steps. If he chooses a home near an elementary school then we know what his next step will be and he should be reported to law enforcement.
Dr disrespect was banging a tranny as well as sexting minors but typical KF focuses on the tranny stuff. He said he'd get the tranny a twitch sponsorship if he got some free shows then he blocked the tranny without doing his part of the bargain (lol)

Pretty weird Joshy spent forever complaining about trying to save up for a house but as soon as the legal fund comes in he's talking about buying a house with land and multiple expensive guns. Of course he'd never scam noone :trollface:
I wasn't even aware of the tranny thing because of the minor thing, but now the meat canyon video makes more sense in hindsight.
Louisiana is also a SYG state. There isn't as much of a difference between a SYG state and a NSYG state as you may think. Basically a duty to retreat simply means if you can safely retreat and avoid a confrontation before coming to blows than as far as laws regarding self-defense that is your legal obligation.

Rhode Island is not a SYG state. Just for the sake of example let's say I'm in the parking lot at WalMart and I risk a confrontation with someone I bump into and I say "peace bro" and walk away to defuse the situation, than I've fulfilled my duty to retreat. If the person still comes after me and I take measures to defend my self and stop the attack, then I can testify in court that I tried to defuse the situation and used reasonable force.

Reasonable force: That's another concept that Josh can't seem to grasp. You are not allowed to use deadly force against a simple trespass. If I walk down the street for example and wave hi to Josh and he shoots me like he has threatened to do, he can go to jail for murder or assault with intent to commit murder. In other words you are allowed to defend yourself with roughly the same degree of force that your attacker uses.
Duty to retreat means you have to retreat first. Stand your ground means you don't have to even try and run.
Stand your ground>>>>>duty to retreat.
why the fuck does null think its an own to tell someone he doesnt know who they are
he browses the forum religiously and lies half the time he says it
nobody cares if null knows who they are
null is a loser nobody and nobody expects them to know him
or wants it
dude has a ton of mental problems and isnt very intelligent like who the fuck wants to talk to james gabriel potter and listen to shut in neet perspectives lmao