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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Nullo is getting castrated (again) in the Donald Trump Thread.
Screenshot 2024-09-13 204320.png

The eternal debate over why Josh can't just solve his own problems without blogging to his users rages on. This time in particular over how he can't put milk in his coffee to make it taste good because that will make him fat and he cant drink his coffee black because then it wont taste good(and also cause him to be strangely insecure for unknown reasons). Josh missing the simple solution that the amount of calories from milk in your coffee could be easily worked off by even fiver hours of walking or light exercise weekly. A few tablespoons of milk a day shouldn't be putting you over the edge to deathfat territory. Sorry we aren't buying this one Josh.

This is the guy who admits MATI growth is stagnating and is desperately trying to get his tik tok and xitter back so he can talk to someone outside of the bubble he has created for himself.

Glass houses Jorschua.

Maybe faceblind autist Null was the real anime avatar all along.
The thread is currently off the rails, and Null is part of the reason. Everyone is sperging about age of consent

i just want to go back to making fun of Kamala
There's a shortage of quality effort posts. Lots of repetitive posts though. I do like @Dannamoonglampers, their posts are well-reasoned.
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View attachment 65925

'Didl' continuously attacks other users but cries or runs away when confronted or attacked.
Fatty bans everyone who disagrees with didl.
Fatty bans anyone who insults didls clitty club of muffdivers.
Fatty bans anyone who brings that up for "crying"
Fatty bans anyone that argues back to didl or Lurker.
Fatty wants someone to "Adequately" explain to him why didl is so hated.

If didl isn't just null coping with his obesity induced buried penis, then it's definitely a grotesque adiposity too.
probably smells like swamp ass, hollandaise, and yeast.
He's getting dogged on in the U.S. politics thread.
View attachment 65834

View attachment 65946
'Didl' continuously attacks other users but cries or runs away when confronted or attacked.
Fatty bans everyone who disagrees with didl.
Fatty bans anyone who insults didls clitty club of muffdivers.
Fatty bans anyone who brings that up for "crying"
Fatty bans anyone that argues back to didl or Lurker.
Fatty wants someone to "Adequately" explain to him why didl is so hated.

If didl isn't just null coping with his obesity induced buried penis, then it's definitely a grotesque adiposity too.
probably smells like swamp ass, hollandaise, and yeast.
Null pushed his sock too hard and now everybody can see how lame she is... if Null had been a little less ham fisted she'd be prom queen by now, but she's just a femcel poochie.
Screenshot 2024-09-14 125406.png
Reason: clarity
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Yeah, I'm reeeaaal sure joshy enjoyed the legal blow back from Dynlo's inciting vordrak to successfully sue for defamation.
"Dyn is funny" is just a 'truism' that people who follow Null take on as a show of conformity. He's not funny, and most users ignore his posts, usually resulting in one-on-ones with him and Lidl in the middle of whatever thread it might be.
View attachment 65946
'Didl' continuously attacks other users but cries or runs away when confronted or attacked.
Fatty bans everyone who disagrees with didl.
Fatty bans anyone who insults didls clitty club of muffdivers.
Fatty bans anyone who brings that up for "crying"
Fatty bans anyone that argues back to didl or Lurker.
Fatty wants someone to "Adequately" explain to him why didl is so hated.

If didl isn't just null coping with his obesity induced buried penis, then it's definitely a grotesque adiposity too.
probably smells like swamp ass, hollandaise, and yeast.
Say what you will about this site, but at least Kengle doesn’t exactly have “favorites” like Null.
I hope KF's enemies get an uprising of some sorts tbh, it'll make Jocelyn and her fanbase seethe to the core lol
Fuck that. NULL’s enemies even within Kiwi Farms. That site needs to somehow get a better owner. Like a non-transphobic, non-bigoted-in-general, alot more honest and pleasant to talk to Null, who doesn’t believe that reviewing cartoons is pathetic, and actually believes in tomboys, and actually moderates and has decent moderators.

I know that sounds oddly specific, but trust me when I say this:
We all know Null has had plenty of stupid takes on MATI.
non-transphobic, non-bigoted Null, who doesn’t believe that reviewing cartoons is pathetic, and actually believes in tomboys
Sounds like a downgrade. Not that the bar was high to begin with.
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Null had a nuclear level meltdown in the thread watching the Kamala/Trump debate. Highlights include telling a Haitian poster he wants their passport destroyed and them kicked out of the country, how he hates living in Europe and feels alone there but doesn't want to move back to America so his tax dollars will be spent on blacks, how all whites left in the world are just blacks in pale skin, how white flight is no longer possible, how civil war is inevitable in America and calling anyone who disagrees "mutt mercs who suck niggerdick" and daring anyone on the thread to keep replying to him so he can ban them.