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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
There's no way at least a few of them aren't trannies.

I've never been inside a woman other than my mother either. I hacked my way out of my mother's womb with with a rudimentary machete I fashioned out of the placenta which I work hardened with bicycle kicks. Upon the anointed hour I gashed my mother open with a mighty ginsu chop. She just so happened to be in a medical facility at the time. Health care workers were so in awe of what they saw the immediately named me Caeser and pronounced the procedure I'd just preformed a Caesarean Section. I was deeply honored. Unfortunately I later had to change my name when I discovered Caeser was a fucking loser who couldn't even beat some fatass old senators in a knife fight.
I had kids with my wife by inseminating her with a marinade injector I picked up at a local restaurant supply wholesaler. The price was a little steep but I figured it was lot better than diving into that rotten fish market. When I whipped out the injector for the first time my wife said "what the hell is that?" I replied "Forsooth. I must make you with child lo your parents perceive my queerness and demandeth a refund of their dowry"



I think pooners 100% count.
I mean just reading it gives off prison shower rape fantasy vibes. Josh must be feeling lonely in Serbia.
That's part of it but it's also the paradoxical American attitude towards sex. War has attracted prostitutes and just women in general from the day Northern Grugs went to war with Southern Grugs over the best cave. Joshelyn is at once attracted and repelled by the idea of being overpowered by a big manly man (or men) like all BPHhags. I doubt she's in Serbia, Slavs aren't very tolerant of lispy queers in general, let alone burgers.

The minute she demands to speak to the manger over her soy pizza being undercooked it's party time. Or maybe that's the point, I don't know but I do agree Joshelyn's been giving it a lot of thought.
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That's part of it but it's also the paradoxical American attitude towards sex. War has attracted prostitutes and just women in general from the day Northern Grugs went to war with Southern Grugs over the best cave. Joshelyn is at once attracted and repelled by the idea of being overpowered
Josh has unrealistic views on a lot of things because he lacks experience in the real world. Because he's terminally online.
by a big manly man (or men) like all BPHhags. I doubt she's in Serbia, Slavs aren't very tolerant of lispy queers in general, let alone burgers.

"Yeah, that's why it reads like he's a reluctant rape fantasist. It's like, on one hand, he's calling out the military for being brutish men who sexually assault women. But the way he's wording it makes it almost sound like it's a fantasy where he's the one being overtaken by said soldiers. A lot of times the beauty parlor posters do this they'll say they're against insert thing here only for it to be a thinly veiled wording condoning it.

The minute she demands to speak to the manger over her soy pizza being undercooked it's party time. Or maybe that's the point, I don't know but I do agree Joshelyn's been giving it a lot of thought.
I want to see him put the Karen wig on and demand satisfaction lol
Null goes on a rant against the US military saying they're all rapists, that the military wants to legalize non-white men raping white women and that he hates the US military and thinks they're going to gun him down on Joe Biden's orders if he returns to America.
Golly. . . I'm almost at a loss for words.
I think pooners 100% count.
Agreed. Also kinda funny that you mention Moon's paranoia and look what @ipreferpickles immediately dropped. Yeah. Moon's got some serious issues. I listened to MATI once it was a just a stream of vitriol against jews and poojeets. Then there's the whole "i need military guns because trannies threaten me"
Trannies are like Mogwai, give them attention and they multiply and turn into Gremlins. Ignore them and they take care of themselves eventually.
They have to be bullied plain and simple. Troons can easily ruin spaces were that isn't allowed to happen. There is point where it reaches obsession and there will always be those who take it too far.
One pretended to be a married, late 30s to 40s woman with kids that only ever talked about computers.
If the wife and I are out on date ordering food she'll probably tell the waiter she's a mom and she'll damn sure let a waitress know. "Bitch better hustle back here with my coke zero. She may be younger and prettier but I got a paypig and I passed on my genes."
An attack on Null is seen as an attack on free speech due to the image he's cultivated over the years, so calling him fat isn't seen as a statement of fact, it's an attempt at undermining the anti-troon resistance.
To add onto this, Null admitted to being more fat now than he's ever been before in his life and that he no longer cared about losing weight. Not in a defeated way, but in a "Fuck you, I do what I want" way.