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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Delusional kiwi farmer refuses to accept the reality that Null is a fat pedophile loser with no social skills
"the federal government will die the second the money dries up. that'll happen sooner or later."
Joshua Conner Moon, 32 year old male.
the people who make money aren't going to die because the money dried up. WE are going to get a lot thinner real fast when the money THEY make (mostly for themselves) jacks up inflation to the point that a loaf of a bread costs 20 bucks.
Ever since the Loomer and Swift thing, he's become even MORE of an obnoxious faggot than before.

Don't both bitches have their own containment/cow threads? Why can't he bitch about that in either one of those threads instead of having to constantly derail the US Politics thread? Even the regulars are noticing it's not fun anymore ever since Lidl and Josh came in.

Null is a living, breathing, walking vagina suffering from MASSIVE Unwarranted Self Importance. No man in their right mind would give two flying fucks about EITHER hoes.
I give a fuck about her. Bigfoot told me she's the reason the teams keep getting bullshit calls against the Chiefs.
Why are you allowing a dumbass who is still impersonating me and posting my personal information in a threatening manner to post here?
In the last two pages you've bragged you have my address and also brought up my home on google maps, yeah that is stalking. You know it is and that if I ever know who you are this results in criminal charges which is why you're a coward.
Here's Ashley crying I'm impersonating her and here she threatening criminal charges against a guy that she considers stupider than herself. I must be doing something right if she gets this bent out of shape.
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You're a shitty white person Jocelyn so you should let us know as soon as you have that figured out.

IMO if there's anything wrong with "white people" it's that whites are entitled and spoiled brats due to the hard work put in by our parents and grandparents. We don't appreciate what we have and whinge constantly about how our wealth and spoils just aren't enough. If you want to know what's wrong with the whites, just look at Jocelyn. She had a fairly decent life growing up but didn't want to appreciate it and now she's a fat pedo MtF tranny who runs an internet stalking forum for other fat pedo trannies. The only difference between Jocelyn and lefty cat ladies at this point is that Jocelyn makes hating black males the entire focal point of her existence (vs the lefty cat ladies that want to baby them of course.)

Horseshoe theory is real.
Josh laments the "twink death" of a 17 year old child and says it is a result of "...being raped in the ass continually as a little boy."
Josh laments the "twink death" of a 17 year old child and says it is a result of "...being raped in the ass continually as a little boy."
So is Josh one of those faggots who resents the fact that nobody molested him as a child?
Josh laments the "twink death" of a 17 year old child and says it is a result of "...being raped in the ass continually as a little boy."
Josh's "male feminist" streak even applies to children. Look how harshly he says what he thinks (about continual ass rape) in regards to a 17 year old boy, yet when he implies an adult female was raped as a child he was too afraid to say the words.
Josh pulls up pictures of a little girl and says, "look at this sweet little girl. Clearly she was brutally raped as a child, else she would be on my side and not against me."
Fuck that. NULL’s enemies even within Kiwi Farms. That site needs to somehow get a better owner. Like a non-transphobic, non-bigoted-in-general, alot more honest and pleasant to talk to Null, who doesn’t believe that reviewing cartoons is pathetic, and actually believes in tomboys, and actually moderates and has decent moderators.

I know that sounds oddly specific, but trust me when I say this:
We all know Null has had plenty of stupid takes on MATI.
No, but you need to fuck off to Kekistan forum