• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I really don't get why Josh complains and moans about all these issues and acts like KF is a martyr when he's just...not taking the steps to fortify the site like other not so PC sites like ED and 4chan have. It's just feels like a self fulfilling prophecy.
I really don't get why Josh complains and moans about all these issues and acts like KF is a martyr when he's just...not taking the steps to fortify the site like other not so PC sites like ED and 4chan have. It's just feels like a self fulfilling prophecy.
ED is a dead site that is only good for reading up on the lolcows before Kiwi.
ED is a dead site that is only good for reading up on the lolcows before Kiwi.
Well, good point. Though, what I'm trying to say is that other sites like KF (internet gossip with people saying REALLY vulgar stuff and opinions) have survived all these years and still get traffic. KF being in the state it is less cause of the content and more of it being mishandled, imo.
Well, good point. Though, what I'm trying to say is that other sites like KF (internet gossip with people saying REALLY vulgar stuff and opinions) have survived all these years and still get traffic. KF being in the state it is less cause of the content and more of it being mishandled, imo.
Good point i can still acceas ED and even join there forums and it will be more stable then Kiwi at this point.
Well, good point. Though, what I'm trying to say is that other sites like KF (internet gossip with people saying REALLY vulgar stuff and opinions) have survived all these years and still get traffic. KF being in the state it is less cause of the content and more of it being mishandled, imo.
It's not the traffic per se which is a threat to the people trying to take down KF. It's the SEO.
I like Null. I think the things about him that bug people are also the things that made him able to keep the site online through the worst of the culture war, and he did. I get it. If you want to do anything important in any area of life, you're going to piss people off. Diplomacy and tact are gifts, I truly admire the people who have them. But those gifts don't always come packaged with some of the other necessary skills to get shit done. And we currently live in a world fighting with itself about how much a person deserves to be punished for lacking those gifts. We spent a few years disproportionately punishing a lot of people for saying the wrong words or having bad timing, or hell, even just telling the truth. But cancelling and sidelining productive people for having unpopular opinions has a cost. And the normies are starting to see it.

Our civilization doesn't run on diversity departments. We can't have everyone engaged in social justice policing. There's a lot of other shit that needs done.

All of this feels like the gasping dying efforts of the losing side of a stupid war trying for the last time to take out one of their irritatingly resilient targets. But the days of companies folding to the troon-led hate campaigns are over. Kiwifarms has amassed an incredible amount baggage, and that might mean it can't come back. I hope not, I really hope he can get it up again and that he keeps going. But Josh and a lot of other people really already won. The tide of public opinion turned a few years ago. Even nice, normie people are done with tranny bullshit, they are done having their livelihoods and families threatened as an extreme overreaction to WORDS.

Zayo caving to a degenerate pervert will be its own reward. Troons and the rest of this mob have no ability to delay gratification. It affects their tactics. Cloud flare, zayo and every other company that folded under mob pressure (not just around kiwi...kiwi is one of the least significant examples of corporate cowardice and hypocrisy) did it publicly for ass pats. And people don't forget.

These people aren't fit to rule. So don't give them the power to rule you.
I all in all think making KiwiFarms a decentralized network of sites instead of one big site is a good idea. KiwiFarms has become large enough to become a target of activists (one reason I joined OnionFarms instead of KF, it's so low profile that no one bothers to come after it), so splitting the different areas of the site into websites of their own would be an insurance policy against losing everything. That way if one site gets taken down by activists, the others will still be operational. However, it looks as though Null won't even consider it. If KF goes under, it'll be because of his pride and stubbornness.
The Joshua Way: Post the manifesto of a demented terrorist supporting mass murder so you can get banned by yet another country and have a persecution complex.

Banned from Slovakia 1.jpg

Banned from Slovakia 2.jpg

Banned from Slovakia 3.jpg
What bothers me about this is that I'm 99.9% sure if there were a website dedicated to archiving and collecting the manifestos and/or other documents/content created by spree killers/mass killers no one would care.
For example. Randy Stair published hours and hours of video, writing, and other pieces of media detailing his plans, his worldview, and ultimately his crimes. I don't know if anyone's put a FOIA out on the security camera footage, or if that would even be possible, but even his killings were documented by the store security cameras.
Similarly for Columbine, for the Vegas shooting, for Stoneman Douglas, the Brevik massacre, Christchurch shooting, etc etc etc. These people publish their worldviews and they may be twisted, sick or otherwise insane; suppressing the information or trying to prevent people from reading the words of insane people who have committed crimes of that nature only makes me think there's something in the manifesto that the Slovakian government doesn't want me to see.

God forbid the day ever comes and someone publishes a manifesto to this site; I'd delete it and hand a copy over to the authorities but once the investigation was over and a trial started/the shooter died in his rampage I'd see no problem hosting it because there's no reason to withhold the demented thoughts of lunatics from people interested in looking at them.

That's all just my opinion. Josh is fat and retarded, but he should be allowed to host a PDF full of deranged ramblings from madmen without issues. He didn't write it. He probably doesn't endorse it. It's just information.
Also. This is just like the Christchurch incident. The content is 100% legal in the united states. Josh isn't obligated to take it down because Slovakia wants him to. He has a second chance to not handle this like he handled the New Zealand incident; (like he can just ignore the email and not tell an entire country to fuck off and die) but I'm sure he's already sent them a reply saying "burn all niggers, fuck Slovakia"
What bothers me about this is that I'm 99.9% sure if there were a website dedicated to archiving and collecting the manifestos and/or other documents/content created by spree killers/mass killers no one would care.
For example. Randy Stair published hours and hours of video, writing, and other pieces of media detailing his plans, his worldview, and ultimately his crimes. I don't know if anyone's put a FOIA out on the security camera footage, or if that would even be possible, but even his killings were documented by the store security cameras.
Similarly for Columbine, for the Vegas shooting, for Stoneman Douglas, the Brevik massacre, Christchurch shooting, etc etc etc. These people publish their worldviews and they may be twisted, sick or otherwise insane; suppressing the information or trying to prevent people from reading the words of insane people who have committed crimes of that nature only makes me think there's something in the manifesto that the Slovakian government doesn't want me to see.

God forbid the day ever comes and someone publishes a manifesto to this site; I'd delete it and hand a copy over to the authorities but once the investigation was over and a trial started/the shooter died in his rampage I'd see no problem hosting it because there's no reason to withhold the demented thoughts of lunatics from people interested in looking at them.

That's all just my opinion. Josh is fat and retarded, but he should be allowed to host a PDF full of deranged ramblings from madmen without issues. He didn't write it. He probably doesn't endorse it. It's just information.
The reason why those countries in Europe get so hairy about stuff like this is because they suffered under the Nazi regime when they shipped the Jews off to the death camps. We didn't because we were never invaded by Germany. That's my theory.

I am sorry to hear about the troubles your country is facing with
extremists. However, in the United States of America (where this
service and company are located), we believe that censorship is its own
form of authoritarian extremism and we do not tolerate it.

Your legal organs may choose to instruct its ISPs to block our network
if it, for whatever reason, believes that the Slovak State's citizens
are one poorly-worded English language manifesto away from openly
killing ethnic and sexual minorities.

Custodian of Records
Lolcow LLC
to his credit he didn't go on an angry tirade and called them a shithole this time
Against unknown odds we are a community of well over 3000 people and we are showing no signs of slowing down. I noticed several days ago that our thread on Kiwifarms was updated. But something peculiar happened. That update by that poster was quietly deleted. And I am getting the impression that he wants to discourage people from posting on the thread and not have attention drawn towards it.
And I am getting the impression that he wants to discourage people from posting on the thread and not have attention drawn towards it.
We all know you are the man behind the man that operates the joshy machine.

Question: Have you been tapped up by the hacks? One thing that surprises me is how many people (who claim they know "lore") are unaware of the roots of Kiwi Farms. I skimmed the MJ article, and... it's not very in depth is it?

Would you "Meet the Press", and give your insight on joshy the Broom? I noted in the desTiny chat, he didn't mention you at all.

Also: the damaging part of the article was saying his age was 30.