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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
We all know you are the man behind the man that operates the joshy machine.

Question: Have you been tapped up by the hacks? One thing that surprises me is how many people (who claim they know "lore") are unaware of the roots of Kiwi Farms. I skimmed the MJ article, and... it's not very in depth is it?

Would you "Meet the Press", and give your insight on joshy the Broom? I noted in the desTiny chat, he didn't mention you at all.

Also: the damaging part of the article was saying his age was 30.
I would consider it.
Not to be a negative Nancy but we are still a tiny dwarf compared to KF. Despite having many registered members, we have less than 20 active members at any given time. It seems most people here use for a while before going inactive, may or may not come back periodically, or just lurk without posting. We are a small community. That's not a terrible thing, but it's more realistic than saying we are a community of thousands.
Not to be a negative Nancy but we are still a tiny dwarf compared to KF. Despite having many registered members, we have less than 20 active members at any given time. It seems most people here use for a while before going inactive, may or may not come back periodically, or just lurk without posting. We are a small community. That's not a terrible thing, but it's more realistic than saying we are a community of thousands.
Technically speaking yes, but having over 3000 people who signed up is still pretty impressive.
And I am getting the impression that he wants to discourage people from posting on the thread and not have attention drawn towards it.
You mean the nohull fan thread? Yeah probably, sleeping dogs and all that Kengle. Honestly though, could be a few things. Do you know if the account that made the post caught a hate ban?
You mean the nohull fan thread? Yeah probably, sleeping dogs and all that Kengle. Honestly though, could be a few things. Do you know if the account that made the post caught a hate ban?
No. It's this thread: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/onion-farms-and-other-kf-splinter-sites.84589/
Someone posted something several days ago and it was quietly removed which means the last update is now January 4th (almost a month ago). I can't say for sure what is going on but I am getting the impression that keeping this thread active is now being discouraged because he does not want attention being drawn to this forum.
but it's more realistic than saying we are a community of thousands.

it was some retarded faggot was talking to himself in the thread on multiple accounts thats what i remember seeing before it was all jannied
yeah it was our very own @Cowboy he likes to sock idk he kept pushing it , I was following the developments as well , woulda been fine but it turned into autism so it had to be scrubbed, the thread is about us ,not goombas fucking around on kiwi .
I believe he isn’t scared of anyone who uses Onion Farms, but I believe he finds this site disconcerting.

This is because the splinter sites in general, here, Lolcow.farm, Lolcow.org, tend to have a weird pattern of finding or locating things that no one knew about. Such as doxes on Jannies, lore no one else knew or even info on Josh himself.

The explanation for this isn’t very hard to understand. Josh won’t let people discuss this type of information on his site, and this is kind of understandable even if hypocritical. Nearly every online community needs a leader, and if that leader and his “crew” are being constantly dunked on, exposed or scrutinised, that leader will inevitably be dog-piled by his own community rendering it dysfunctional.

That being said, I believe that a lot of the people Josh bans are “go against the system” types. A lot of the banned people, if you notice, are usually observant, obsessive and willing to break the rules. These character traits make these people the most likely to be the ones to actually gather or obtain sensitive information, which is probably the only thing that concerns Josh or his staff.

Yes, a lot of the banned people are retarded, coomers or criminals, but you’ll notice that the few that relocate to splinters tend to be a lot more curious and questioning. This is what I believe scares Josh rather than any site or person in particular.

The way to fix this would be if Josh were to debunk things people are curious about, or answer the unanswered questions people have, it could risk users being angry or mocking of him momentarily, but it’s probably a better long term solution than what he’s doing right now.

The issue with banning people who go against him personally, his values or his staff, is that he risks appearing like a tyranny. There is a balance and finding it could solve this issue.
I believe he isn’t scared of anyone who uses Onion Farms, but I believe he finds this site disconcerting.

This is because the splinter sites in general, here, Lolcow.farm, Lolcow.org, tend to have a weird pattern of finding or locating things that no one knew about. Such as doxes on Jannies, lore no one else knew or even info on Josh himself.

The explanation for this isn’t very hard to understand. Josh won’t let people discuss this type of information on his site, and this is kind of understandable even if hypocritical. Nearly every online community needs a leader, and if that leader and his “crew” are being constantly dunked on, exposed or scrutinised, that leader will inevitably be dog-piled by his own community rendering it dysfunctional.

That being said, I believe that a lot of the people Josh bans are “go against the system” types. A lot of the banned people, if you notice, are usually observant, obsessive and willing to break the rules. These character traits make these people the most likely to be the ones to actually gather or obtain sensitive information, which is probably the only thing that concerns Josh or his staff.

Yes, a lot of the banned people are retarded, coomers or criminals, but you’ll notice that the few that relocate to splinters tend to be a lot more curious and questioning. This is what I believe scares Josh rather than any site or person in particular.

The way to fix this would be if Josh were to debunk things people are curious about, or answer the unanswered questions people have, it could risk users being angry or mocking of him momentarily, but it’s probably a better long term solution than what he’s doing right now.

The issue with banning people who go against him personally, his values or his staff, is that he risks appearing like a tyranny. There is a balance and finding it could solve this issue.
He's said he can't let people talk about him the way he lets his users talk about other because he wouldn't be able to use the site. He likes being the only site like that of any note because then it's less chance he sees what people have to say about him and less chance people who like see it. And he likes being allowed to curate what's said.
No. It's this thread: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/onion-farms-and-other-kf-splinter-sites.84589/
Someone posted something several days ago and it was quietly removed which means the last update is now January 4th (almost a month ago). I can't say for sure what is going on but I am getting the impression that keeping this thread active is now being discouraged because he does not want attention being drawn to this forum.
Or someone sperged out super hard and was clearly a sock so it caught a heavy ban for being annoying to the mods.
it was some retarded faggot was talking to himself in the thread on multiple accounts thats what i remember seeing before it was all jannied
hate bans disappear the account completely.
I think Josh finds Onionfarms uneasy because
he cannot control it. Most importantly, he cannot control what is written about him here. All the "grown ups" know that joshy is full of shit when it comes frozen peaches. He complained to desTiny that it's all about "reputation"... well Broom, who has done the most to damage your reputation? Just like Gunt, it's hisself.

nfn You have a certain sort of seniority over joshy, perhaps "authority". And you know how he feels about "figures of authority".