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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
He's said he can't let people talk about him the way he lets his users talk about other because he wouldn't be able to use the site.
This is kind of true but shouldn’t be. Unfortunately, leaders who take criticism are seen as weak or lacking control. This is because in this sektur, things are exaggerated and magnified. People giving constructive criticism can be seen to be “owning” someone or trying to, and even if they weren’t, others will label it as such.

A good leader would take criticism but not disrespect. If any leader of a community allowed themselves to be a complete doormat, the community would inevitably fall apart and let’s face it, his users treat people like complete doormats.

He likes being the only site like that of any note because then it's less chance he sees what people have to say about him and less chance people who like see it.
Yes, popularity, clout and celebrity culture are all incredibly corrupt. This is just an issue everywhere and it sucks.
And he likes being allowed to curate what's said.
This is something that relates to the above point. The issue is, he has a large audience, and part of that is down to his time length in this sector. This means that most of the time, he can get away with saying whatever and win by virtue of numbers. But this is kind of every “popular” person.
I think Josh finds Onionfarms uneasy because maybe from his perspective splinters rise, fall and somehow the members will get reabsorbed back into KF.
This is something I find funny. He talks about banned users as if they were never Kiwis to begin with. Most of the banned users were there for months or years before he decided they should be banned, so surely one could imply that Kiwi Farms was the bad influence rather than the places they left it to go to.
he cannot control it. Most importantly, he cannot control what is written about him here. All the "grown ups" know that joshy is full of shit when it comes frozen peaches.
Most people find uncontrollable commentary about themselves uncomfortable.
And you know how he feels about "figures of authority".
He hates authority unless he is the authority. Meh can’t really fault that, same tbh.
This is kind of true but shouldn’t be. Unfortunately, leaders who take criticism are seen as weak or lacking control. This is because in this sektur, things are exaggerated and magnified. People giving constructive criticism can be seen to be “owning” someone or trying to, and even if they weren’t, others will label it as such.
I would have to agree. Taking constructive criticism is important and is actually the sign of a strong leader. Anyone can hear something they don't like and fly off the handle but having the level head and even temper to listen to advice where ever it comes from and be able to assess it is the sign of a real good leader directly a community.
It'll never be over for some.

Dude thinks he's a lady.

And not the point I'm making.

btw the "Connecticut" style you prepare your burgers, it's completely normal, but I find the Kwiffar's outrage at such a thing interesting, don't you?
It's not actually boiled, it's steamed. I do kind of the same thing. After the burger is cooked with vegetable oil I will add a slice of cheese and quickly put in a spoonful of water and quickly cover it with a lid. The moist heat from the steam melts the cheese in a few seconds.

Sorry, the thought of Null feeling threatened by Onionfarms is a funny joke.
Josh is threatened by every splinter, no matter how small. When lolcow.org was alive, any reference to the site was banned on KF. Josh banned 789 from KF (in part) because she was a moderator here. He hates splinter sites because
1: He can't control the culture
2: He has no control over what gets posted (he hates having a thread about himself)
3: He's an insecure faggot who wants to monopolize the "cowsphere"; which is why just recently he put a bid in to buy lolcow.farm when the site was changing ownership not too long ago.

He is 100% threatened by onionfarms, no matter how small the site is, he hates that it exists outside of his control, he hates that we have threads on him, and he hates that it breaks up his monopoly and offers an alternative to KF that people do run to whenever the site goes down.
It's not actually boiled, it's steamed. I do kind of the same thing. After the burger is cooked with vegetable oil I will add a slice of cheese and quickly put in a spoonful of water and quickly cover it with a lid. The moist heat from the steam melts the cheese in a few seconds.
Have you tried using a sous vide?
Here's something else that really bothered me on KF that I had to bite my tongue about: the way Null would enable and in a way encourage Caroline to post her every damn waking thought about her criminal prosecution in the UK, in blatant and continuous violation of his "no powerlevelling" rule. I too am appalled at the sorry state of free speech in the UK, I am disgusted at the way TRAs can weaponize the legal system to silence their opponents, and I do think her prosecution is in bad faith and frivolous. However, I am saying all this as an outsider to that case, not as a party. When you're being prosecuted anywhere on the planet, you are always told by your defense attorney to keep your big waffle shut so as to not jeopardize your defense! Null with all of his legal experience knows this, so why is he allowing her to run her mouth on his forum? I know that parading a "free speech martyr of the evil British TRAs" on his forum is really helping Null with all of the UK TERFs signing up to back Caroline... but how is this helping her case? I too wish plaintiffs and defendants were allowed to discuss their cases freely in the open without this being held against them in court, I wish the legal system was about substantive arguments debated out in the open and not about clever strategizing behind closed doors, but we don't live in that world.
Against unknown odds we are a community of well over 3000 people and we are showing no signs of slowing down. I noticed several days ago that our thread on Kiwifarms was updated. But something peculiar happened. That update by that poster was quietly deleted. And I am getting the impression that he wants to discourage people from posting on the thread and not have attention drawn towards it.

No. It's this thread: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/onion-farms-and-other-kf-splinter-sites.84589/
Someone posted something several days ago and it was quietly removed which means the last update is now January 4th (almost a month ago). I can't say for sure what is going on but I am getting the impression that keeping this thread active is now being discouraged because he does not want attention being drawn to this forum.

Looking back, it was a sperg attack. I will retract about what I said, I think Josh finds Onionfarms uneasy because maybe from his perspective splinters rise, fall and somehow the members will get reabsorbed back into KF.

No, I don't think he's scared of OF in the slightest. Null said that his ideal was to inspire people to set up their own web fora. He wanted there to be 1000ds of KFs, so why would he be mad at OF, when OF is literally what he wanted? Null also said that if he could do KF all over again he'd make sure that there would be individual lolcow-specific fora or community-specific fora, and not a one-stop-shop for all lolcows the way KF is set up now.

What seniority could I possibly have over Josh?
I find Null's hostility towards you so bizarre. I watched that old MATI episode where Null was making fun of you, where he was claiming you were trying to "father" him just because you sent him a number of e-mails with what appeared to be some friendly or helpful advice. I was like, JFC, imagine being so insecure and bashful that you'll misconstrue someone sending you a friendly e-mail as them "trying to be your father". Like, WTF? I suspect Null probably has some daddy issues that he was taking out on you or something. Perhaps a Freudian psychoanalyst could help him with those.
I find Null's hostility towards you so bizarre. I watched that old MATI episode where Null was making fun of you, where he was claiming you were trying to "father" him just because you sent him a number of e-mails with what appeared to be some friendly or helpful advice. I was like, JFC, imagine being so insecure and bashful that you'll misconstrue someone sending you a friendly e-mail as them "trying to be your father". Like, WTF? I suspect Null probably has some daddy issues that he was taking out on you or something. Perhaps a Freudian psychoanalyst could help him with those.
Kens his long lost father.
This isn't recent it's a few years old. Around the time he was working on 8chan.

Indeed, that's not a new picture, that's a crop from that larger picture of Null in Japan with Ron Watkins and Fredrick Brennan. That picture is almost 7 years old.

This picture was used in the Q; Into The Storm documentary series. Null and Nick Rekieta brought it up during one of his Livestreams:


In the full picture you can see that Null is wearing a K.Flay sweatshirt.
Joke aside... the most recent pictures of Josh are his disgusting mantits in the reflection of the scale he took a year ago and his picture on his Zero Hedge profile that is intentionally blurry. I have upscaled it and use an anti-blur filter. You can tell it's really him by how far apart and uneven his eyes are.
micro_upscaled.jpgmicro_upscaled (1).jpg
Joke aside... the most recent pictures of Josh are his disgusting mantits in the reflection of the scale he took a year ago and his picture on his Zero Hedge profile that is intentionally blurry. I have upscaled it and use an anti-blur filter. You can tell it's really him by how far apart and uneven his eyes are.
View attachment 31995View attachment 31994

His Where The Sidewalk Ends article for ZeroHedge was published in 2021, so if that picture was recent at the time, it is presumably already 2 years old by now:

Where the Sidewalk Ends: The Death of the Internet
by Joshua Moon

Published July 8, 2021 By Josh
Categorized as Writing


I don't think Null has freckles though...
So Null has a receding hairline on the left side of his forehead?
If his hair keeps falling out he might have to get a skinhead shave eventually. How fitting.
Here's a recent picture of Josh.
View attachment 31993
Reminds me of that picture that says "it's not rape if she can't say no" at the bottom of it. I think it was on ED a while back?
hes been hiding his obvious fat . so no all we have is a shadow on a scale from 2 years ago. too lazy to find or link it .
All that Coke Zero did nothing to help him lose weight.:haha: Reminds me of that one splinter forum where the word filter changed "Coke Zero" to "goat semen."

Shit had my sides in orbit around Mars.