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Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Hello, I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
The redness and swelling is a serious indicator of high blood pressure and/or poor circulation. You should see a doctor about that because at best she has water retention which still isn't good, because I can lead to pitting edema and gout.
Her foot is going to look like cyraxx swollen fluid filled bed bug bitten fat foot. Not the skeletal one with a layer of dead moldy goblin skin like sock. Also diabeetus. And fat.
I really had to break it down for her because Gargamel is like "I have your IP address and I'll turn you into the police for your veiled threats"

Every single time I've posted I've made it abundantly clear that I'm illustrating the worst case scenario is that I can think of and that I am NOT threatening her. I'm using hyperbole to illustrate that maybe when your name and face is exposed on the internet actively trying to ruin someone's career and family relationships and livelihood and life is not the best course of action.

DISCLAIMER: I feel like I have to say this too and it should go without saying, but I'm not saying that Ken is going to do anything. I merely pointing out that it's probably not a good idea to actively trying to be ruining someone when they have your physical location and know what you look like.

That's not a THREAT. That's a good piece of advice. You never know who's out there on the net and just decides to go looney tunes because the dude on the frosted flakes box told them that they were the harbinger of mercy or some shit.

I mean if anything, THIS seems like way more of a threat than anything I said. I mean if you want to go down that road Ashley, this seems like a clear threat:

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Reminder shit like this is single handedly the reason Ashley can't actually do anything to Ken. Terrorist threats and images causing emotional distress are criminal offenses in her state and she would shoot herself in her fat foot if she tried anything because all her post history would be exposed. And we know where she lives too.
Reason: Ashley can't take the high road because she's to heavy and it will collapse under the weight of her own misdeeds. And all the cheese she eats. FAT
Reminder shit like this is single handedly the reason Ashley can't actually do anything to Ken. Terrorist threats and images causing emotional distress are criminal offenses in her state and she would shoot herself in her fat foot if she tried anything because all her post history would be exposed. And we know where she lives too.

But she does do things to Ken. She is a "reputation ruiner" which is almost as bad as a litigious bitch. She has called Ken's work and family several times to try to ruin his relationships with his sister and get him fired.

She has the anger and the vitriol and the fucking malice in her to destroy him just because he owns a website where people called her fat.
Reason: And she is fat.
But she does do things to Ken. She is a "reputation ruiner" which is almost as bad as a litigious bitch. She has called Ken's work and family several times to try to ruin his relationships with his sister and get him fired.

She has the anger and the vitriol and the fucking malice in her to destroy him just because he owns a website where people called her fat.
Key word here is try. She has yet to succeed. All it does is make her look unhinged. I mean, would you take some random fat scizo seriously if she sent you a bunch of gore and claimed your girlfriend was going to hire the cartel to rape her? His friends family and boss writes it off as some weird cyber stalker he has to deal with at worst and probably have sympathy for him having to deal with it.
Reason: Unlike Ashley I have no intention of taking any high roads. I'm happy to point them out, and proceed to dig a tunnel under the low road.
I just posted that picture of her gross looking red foot and broke down all the things medically that could be wrong and advised her to go see a doctor and possibly a cardiologist.

She then asked me if I would suck Ken's herpe sores before accusing me of posting "revenge porn" (her foot)

This bitch is legit insane.
Ashley: Hello RI Board of Health: I would like to report a violation
RIBOH: What violation do you wish to report
Ashley: There is a nursing assistant by the name of Kenneth Engelhardt (who is 65).
Ashley: And here is a screengrab off of WrongPlanet by Kiwifarms that says he got laid by a woman of the night. This was 45 years ago in Birmingham, Alabama when he was 19. This proves he is a sex pervert.
Ashley: Oh yeah. There was a personality clash with student with stalking claims in Georgia almost 30 years ago.
RIBOH: Was there anything else?
Ashley: Yes. He's posting deep fake pornography of me embedding my face and my fungus foot on a 1984 Tarzan Movie (Starring Bo Derek)

Ashley and Joshua.jpg

Then he posted another deep fake porn of this
Ashley's Play 2.jpg

Then he plagarized my fungus foot that I posted online
Ashley's foot.jpg

Then he made another deep fake porn picture of me

RIBOH: I'm sorry Ashley but we don't have any jurisdiction in Alabama, Georgia or Tennessee.
Ashley: I want him brought up on criminal charges of stalking and I want justice. I demand that you tell Onionfarms to quit stalking me.

RIBOH: Ashley how many sock puppets did you make on Onionfarms? Inquiring minds want to know.
Ashley: Click
Speaking of making shirts, it would be funny if someone with a Twitter account posted her foot saying someone should put this on a shirt so a Twitter bot responds with an offer of her foot on a shirt.